The Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, the largest department in the University, offers the very best civil engineering education in the country. It offers B. Sc. Engineering, M. Engineering, M. Sc. Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy degrees to its graduates. On an average, approximately 800 undergraduate students and 400 graduate students study civil engineering at this department. The Department offers 70 undergraduate courses and 58 post-graduate courses to the respective students. There are 65 faculty members dedicated in teaching the students of this department as well as the students of other departments of BUET. The Department of Civil Engineering comprises of four divisions:
Faculty Members (Dept. of Civil Engineering, 2003)
1. Structural Engineering Division
The Structural Engineering Division is manned by a group of highly qualified teaching professionals having a wide range of teaching and research experiences at home and abroad. The division is equipped with the state of the art hardware and software facilities for carrying out testing of various structural materials and providing expert consultancy services in the field of structural engineering. The consultants of this division are the leading structural engineering experts of the country with wide range of experiences.
2. Environmental Engineering Division
The environmental engineering division has been providing testing design and consultancy services for more that three decades in diverse areas including water supply: water, waste water and industrial waste quality treatment; solid and hazardous waste management; biogas technology; air and noise pollution; environmental management planning; environmental auditing; environmental site assessment, and environmental impact assessment and monitoring. over the years, the division has gained considerable expertise and experience in these areas and has developed a solid reputation both at national and international levels.The group of highly qualified teaching professionals of this division has immense teaching and research experiences at home and abroad.
3. Transportation Engineering Division
The Transportation Engineering Division consists of a group of highly qualified researchers and professionals having a wide spectrum of teaching and research capabilities. The Transportation Engineering Division has been providing testing, design and consultancy services since its inception in diverse areas including quality control and testing of highway materials, geometric design of highways, structural design of pavements, field investigation, traffic control and management, NMT issues, accident analysis and safety measures, feasibility study of transport projects, preparation and evaluation of contractual documents etc. Highway and transport specialists of this division have extensive experience in highway materials, design, maintenance and improvement works, survey works, transport economics, transport planning and modeling, traffic control and management, traffic safety, GIS and simulation works. Well equipped laboratories include Highway Engineering and Material Laboratory, Traffic Engineering and Safety Laboratory, Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory and Survey and Photogrammetry laboratory.
4. Geotechnical Engineering Division
The Geotechnical Engineering Division has been providing testing, design and consultancy services since its inception in a number of areas including subsoil investigation, soil and rock characterization, engineering properties of rock and soil, in-situ testing of soil, physical and mechanical properties of geotextile, design and analysis of shallow and deep foundation, soil improvement, dynamic analysis of soil, seismic design of foundations, earthquake hazard analysis, development of microzonation map of different areas based on soil parameters, liquefaction data etc. over the past years this division has achieved a considerable expertise and experience in these areas and developed a wide reputation both in national and international levels. The highly qualified professionals have achieved both national and international reputation throughout the years.
The Department of Civil Engineering is equipped with a number of laboratories for pursuing routine academic programs and postgraduate research. Presently there are five laboratories under the Department of Civil Engineering.
And in addition to teaching, a number of joint research programs with leading institutions on national and international issues are currently being conducted by the faculty members of the Department of Civil Engineering. Transport of Arsenic in Groundwater of Bangladesh conducted jointly with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA; Developing Household Arsenic Removal Units to Treat Groundwater conducted jointly with the United Nations University at Tokyo, Japan; Texas – Bangladesh Environmental Initiatives conducted jointly with the University of Texas at Austin, USA; Housing and Hazards in Rural Areas of Bangladesh conducted jointly with the University of Exeter, UK to name a few.