We are pleased to announce that the ACI BUET Student Chapter, affiliated with the Civil Engineering Department at Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), has once again been honored as an “Outstanding Student Chapter” by ACI for the year 2023. This esteemed recognition marks the chapter’s consistent dedication to excellence in academic and professional realms within the field of civil engineering.

With steadfast support from the Civil Engineering Department, the ACI BUET Student Chapter has exemplified unwavering commitment and tireless efforts in its pursuit of excellence. Through a diverse array of activities including seminars, site visits, workshops, and an informative ‘Did You Know’ series, the chapter endeavors to enrich the academic and professional experiences of its members. Established in 2021, the chapter’s persistent dedication has now earned it this prestigious accolade for the second consecutive year. This accomplishment underscores the department’s commitment to nurturing excellence in civil engineering education and professional development. The list of 2023 Outstanding Student Chapter Recipients by ACI can be viewed at ACI’s official website: https://www.concrete.org/Portals/0/Files/PDF/2023_StudentChapterRecipients.pdf