Dr. Md. Hossain Ali
Professor (retired)
Stress deformation behaviour of clay: Dynamic behaviour of soils: Computer application in geotechnical engineering, Seismology and Earthquake Engineering.
Dr. Md. Zoynul Abedin
Professor (retired)
Bearing capacity of shallow foundation stress distribution beneath a shallow foundation stereo photogrametric method of deformation measurement of method of deformation measurement of soil mass.
Dr. Farooque Ahmed
Professor (retired)
Low cost water treatment, Low cost sanitation. Rural supply, management and planning.
Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman
Professor (retired)
Environmental sanitation and water supply, Urban storm drainage, Surface water pollution Management, EIA, Environmental management system, ISO 14000, Indoor air pollution.
Dr. A.M.M.Taufiqul Anwar
Professor (retired)
Dynamics and stability of thin walled restrained beams: Development of design criteria for stepped columns, Feasibility study of prefabricated bridge panels from locally available materials.
Dr. Muhammad Zakaria
Professor (retired)
Highway Engineering, Concrete Technology, Highway and Civil Engineering Materials.
Dr. Md.Saiful Alam Siddiquee
Professor (retired)
Non-linear analysis in Geomechanics Experimental design analysis, FEM application in geomechanics.
Dr. Md. Abdur Rouf
Professor (retired)
Structural analysis and design. Brick work structures. Behaviour of arch bridges. Reinforced and prestressed concrete.
Dr. Md. Mazharul Hoque
Professor (retired)
dirarc@gmail.com, mazharul@ce.buet.ac.bd
Road safety; Accident investigation; Road traffic system; Traffic management; Public transportation planning and evaluation; Transport Economics, Non-motorised transport, Traffic Engineering and Design, Environmental Issues.