Monday, 24 January 2022
BUET Dhaka Bangladesh
Information Session on Mental Health Awareness and Well-Being
Mental health awareness is the key to well-being of any individual. Considering the current ongoing pandemic situation, it is particularly important for the students to be aware of their mental wellbeing. Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, is organizing information sessions on mental health awareness and well-being for the students of the Department. Dr. Sayedul Ashraf Kushal, Managing Director, LifeSpring will lead these sessions title “Building Resilience Among University Students”. These sessions would help the students to develop awareness towards mental well-being.
Level-4, Term-II: 3:30 PM, Monday, 24 January 2022
Level-3, Term-II: 3:30 PM, Tuesday, 25 January 2022
Level-2, Term-II: 3:30 PM, Monday, 31 January 2022
Level-2, Term-I: 3:30 PM, Tuesday, 01 February 2022
Online using Zoom meeting platform
Meeting ID: 685 6811 6396; Password: 435706
Meeting Link:
Building Resilience Among University Students
Dr. Sayedul Ashraf Kushal