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Dr. A. B. M. Badruzzaman
Specialization: Environmental Engineering
[No info available]
- Ph. D. in Civil Engineering (Environment), University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA-22901, USA, 1992.
- Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Environment), BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1987.
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1984.
Research Interest
- Aquatic Chemistry
- Heavy Metal Speciation and Transport
- Surface and Groundwater Quality Modeling
- Water and Wastewater Treatment
- Arsenic Contamination
- Solid Waste Management
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Management Systems
Research Awards
- ITEX Gold Medal 2019
Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS)
For the invention of NB-Care, A Universal Platform for Vertical Application
At the 30th International Technology Invention, Innovation and Exhibition,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
May 2019
- Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Prize for Water 2012
PSIPW General Secretariat Prince Sultan Institute for Environmental, Water & Desert Research King Saud University Riyadh Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia06 January, 2013
The team of Dr. Charles Franklin Harvey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) and Dr. Abu Borhan Mohammad Badruzzaman (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka) was awarded the Ground Water Prize for developing a complete diagnostic and conceptual model for understanding and preventing the arsenic contamination of groundwater.
- Most Cited Paper Award
The following paper was awarded most cited paper from 2005 -2010
Polizzotto, M. L., C. F. Harvey, G. Li, B. Badruzzman, A.Ali, M. Newville, S. Sutton and S. Fendorf, “Solid-phases and desorption processes of arsenic within Bangladesh sediments”, Chemical Geology, 228, 97-111, 2006.
Chi Epsilon Best Student in Civil Engineering
Received the Top Civil Engineering Graduate Student’s Award in 1991
Professional Work at National and International Levels
- Co-Principal Investigator of the Collaborative research on “Groundwater Dynamics and Arsenic Contamination in the Ganges Delta: Irrigated Agriculture, Subsurface Chemical Transport, and Aquifer Flushing” with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the Tufts University, USA funded by the US National Institute of Health (Grant No. EAR-0510429), (2000-2019).
- Co-Researcher of the Collaborative research on “Safe hand-pump drinking water in Bangladesh: an integrated framework for subsurface arsenic removal, predicting its social acceptance and technological reliability” Delft University of Technology (DUT), Netherlands – on-going
- Principal Investigator and Sponsor of Fulbright scholar Dr. John W. Lane, USGS for “Detecting Well Leakage to Combat Arsenic Contamination”, with US Geological Survey (2011 – 2012).
- Co-Principal Investigator of the Collaborative research on “Arsenic Remediation with ‘Arsenic Removal Using Bottom Ash’ (ARUBA)” with Berkeley Arsenic Alleviation Group at the University of California, Berkeley, USA (2007 – 2009).
- Worked as a research partner with the European and Asian teams on the Development of an Assessment System to Evaluate the Ecological Status of the Rivers of Hindu-Kush-Himalayan Region (ASSESS- HKH) funded by the European Union (Contract : INCO – CT – 2005 – 003659) (2005 – 2008).
- Principal Coordinator of the research project on EMIS based Environmental Pollution (Water and Air) to Assess Threat to Human Health in collaboration with the University College London (UK) and the Lahore College of Women’s University (Pakistan)funded by the DFID (2005 – 2009)
- Worked as the Co-Principal Investigator of the research project conducted on the Arsenic in Food Chain, conducted jointly with the EAWAG, Switzerland (2006 – 2012).
- Worked as the Environmental Expert of the research project on the Modeling Mobilization and Transport of Arsenic in the Subsurface, conducted jointly with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA funded by the US National Science Foundation (2000 – 2005).
- Worked as the Co-Principal Investigator of the research project conducted on Assessment of Iron and Manganese Removal Technologies from Drinking Water Supplies in Bangladesh funded by the UNICEF (1987).
Selected Publications
Links to Profiles, Publications and Citations
Google Scholar:
Journal Publications
- Stahl, Mason, Badruzzaman, Abu, Tarek, Mehedi Hasan, and Harvey, Charles, “Geochemical transformations beneath man-made ponds: Implications for arsenic mobilization in South Asian aquifers”, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 10.1016/j.gca.2020.08.012, August, 2020.
- Rahat Khan, Md. Syful Islam, Abu Rayhan Mohammad Tareq, Kamrun Naher, Abu Reza Md. Towfiqul Islam, Md. Ahosan Habib, Md. Abu Bakar Siddique, Mohammad Amirul Islam, Sopan Das, Md. Bazlar Rashid, A. K. M. Atique Ullah, Md. Moazzem Hossain Miah, Sayeda Ummeh Masrura, Md. Bodrud-Doza, Mizanur Rahman Sarker, Abu Borhan M Badruzzaman, “Distribution, sources and ecological risk of trace elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from a polluted urban river in central Bangladesh”, Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, Elsevier, Vol 14, June, 2020
- Tareq, Syed Mohammed, Rahman, M Tauhid Ur, Islam, A., Badruzzaman, Abu, and Ali, Muhammad, “Evaluation of climate-induced waterlogging hazards in the south-west coast of Bangladesh using Geoinformatics”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 190. 10.1007/s10661-018-6591-9, 2018.
- M Manzurul Hassan, LR Aballay, P Díaz Mdel, ABM Badruzzaman, P Bhattacharya, “Compositional data analysis in the study of integrated geochemical anomalies associated with mineralization”, Vol 22, Issue, 3, Pg. 1-24, Arsenic in Groundwater: Poisoning and Risk Assessment, The New York Times, 2018
- MR Hasan, MG Mostaf, Nafiur Rahman, CF Harvey, CH Swartz, ABM Badruzzaman, N Keon-Blute, W Yu, M Hossain, MI Adham, CS Jahan, M Hossain, “Sustainability of groundwater use for irrigation of dry-season crops in Northwest Bangladesh”, Vol. 12, Issue 5, Pg. 1917-1919, Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018
- M Stahl, MH Tarek, B Badruzzaman, CF Harvey, “Using Novel Laboratory Incubations and Field Experiments to Identify the Source and Fate of Reactive Organic Carbon in an Arsenic-contaminated Aquifer System” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2017
- Mehedi Hasan Tarek, Adil Hassan, Joy Bhattacharjee, Sayedul Hasan Choudhury and Abu Borhan Md. Badruzzaman; “Assessment of TRMM data for precipitation measurement in Bangladesh”, Meteorological Applications, Published online, DOI: 10.1002/met.1633, 2017, Wiley Online Library (
- Tiffany Y Lin, Saeedreza Hafeznezami, Lynn Rice, Janna Lee, Amanda Maki, Tiffany Sevilla, Mason Stahl, Rebecca Neumann, Charles Harvey, IH Mel Suffet, A Borhan M Badruzzaman, Jennifer A Jay, “Arsenic oxyanion binding to NOM from dung and aquaculture pond sediments in Bangladesh: Importance of site-specific binding constants”, Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 78, pp. 234-240, March, 2017, Pergamon
- Wei Wen Wong, HY Wong, A Borhan M Badruzzaman, HH Goh, Mukter Zaman; “Recent advances in exploitation of nanomaterial for arsenic removal from water: a review”, Nanotechnology, Vol 28, Issue, 4, December, 2016
- Polizzotto, Matthew L; Birgand, François; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Ali, M Ashraf; “Amending irrigation channels with jute-mesh structures to decrease arsenic loading to rice fields in Bangladesh”, Ecological Engineering, Vol. 74, 101-106, 2015, Elsevier
- Rahman, MM; Bakker, M; Freitas, SC Borges; van Halem, D; van Breukelen, BM; Ahmed, KM; Badruzzaman, ABM; “Exploratory experiments to determine the effect of alternative operations on the efficiency of subsurface arsenic removal in rural Bangladesh”, Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1, 19-34, 2015, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- Jiang, Jia‐Qian; Ashekuzzaman, SM; Hargreaves, Justin SJ; McFarlane, Andrew R; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Tarek, Mehedi Hasan; “Removal of Arsenic (III) from groundwater applying a reusable Mg‐Fe‐Cl layered double hydroxide”, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Vol. 90, No. 6, 1160-1166, 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- Stahl, MO; Ong, JB; Harvey, CF; Johnson, CD; Badruzzaman, ABM; Tarek, MH; van Geen, A; Anderson, JA; Lane, JW; “Detecting well casing leaks in Bangladesh using a salt spiking method”, Groundwater, Vol. 52,S1, 195-200, 2014, Blackwell
- Neumann, Rebecca B; Pracht, Lara E; Polizzotto, Matthew L; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Ali, M Ashraf; “Sealing rice field boundaries in Bangladesh: a pilot study demonstrating reductions in water use, arsenic loading to field soils, and methane emissions from irrigation water”, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 48, No. 16, 9632-9640, 2014, American Chemical Society
- Neumann, Rebecca B; Pracht, Lara E; Polizzotto, Matthew L; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Ali, M Ashraf; “Biodegradable organic carbon in sediments of an arsenic-contaminated aquifer in Bangladesh”, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, Vol. 1, No. 4, 221-225, 2014, American Chemical Society
- Stahl, Mason O; Tarek, MH; Yeo, Darren CJ; Badruzzaman, ABM; Harvey, Charles F; “Crab burrows as conduits for groundwater‐surface water exchange in Bangladesh, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 41, No. 23, 8342-8347, 2014
- Saha, Provat K; Badruzzaman, ABM; “An experimental investigation of sorption of copper on sandy soil by laboratory batch and column experiments”, International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, Vol. 13, No. 2, 160-178, 2014, Inderscience Publishers Ltd
- Freitas, SC Borges; Van Halem, D; Rahman, MM; Verberk, JQJC; Badruzzaman, A.B.M.; Van Der Meer, WGJ; “Hand-pump subsurface arsenic removal: the effect of groundwater conditions and intermittent operation”, Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, Vol. 14, No. 1,119-126, 2014, IWA Publishing
- Rahman, Mohammad Azizur; Wiegand, Bettina A; Badruzzaman, ABM; Ptak, Thomas; “Hydrogeological analysis of the upper Dupi Tila Aquifer, towards the implementation of a managed aquifer-recharge project in Dhaka City, Bangladesh”, Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 21, 1071-1089, 2013, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- Saha, Provat K; Badruzzaman, ABM; “Study of the 2-D copper transport in sandy soil by laboratory scale aquifer model (sand tank) experiment”, International Journal of Hydrology Science & Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, 49-62, 2013, Inderscience Publishers Ltd
- Polizzotto, M. L.; Birgand, F.; Badruzzaman, A. B.; & Ali, M. A.; 2015. Amending irrigation channels with jute-mesh structures to decrease arsenic loading to rice fields in Bangladesh. Ecological Engineering, 74, 101-106.
- Polizzotto, Matthew L; Lineberger, Ethan M; Matteson, Audrey R; Neumann, Rebecca B; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Ali, M Ashraf; “Arsenic transport in irrigation water across rice-field soils in Bangladesh”, Environmental Pollution, Vol. 179, 210-217, 2013, Elsevier
- Lineberger, Ethan M; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Ali, M Ashraf; Polizzotto, Matthew L; “Arsenic removal from flowing irrigation water in Bangladesh: impacts of channel properties”, Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 42, No. 6, 1733-1742, 2013, The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Inc.
- Alam, Md Akramul; Badruzzaman, ABM; Ali, M Ashraf; “Assessing effect of climate change on the water quality of the Sitalakhya river using WASP model”, Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 1, 21-30, 2013, Institute of Engineers Bangladesh
- Roberts, Linda C; Hug, Stephan J; Voegelin, Andreas; Dittmar, Jessica; Kretzschmar, Ruben; Wehrli, Bernhard; Saha, Ganesh C; Ali, M Ashraf; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; “Redox cycling of iron, arsenic, and other elements in irrigated and monsoon flooded rice fields in Bangladesh”, Abstracts of ACS, 245, 2013, American Chemical Society
- Alam, Md Akramul; Badruzzaman, ABM; Ali, M Ashraf; “Spatiotemporal assessment of water quality of the Sitalakhya River, Bangladesh”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 6, 2012
- Alam, Md Akramul; Badruzzaman, ABM; Ali, M Ashraf; “Water Quality Response to Reductions in Waste Loading of Sitalakhya River, Bangladesh”, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol. 10, No. 1, 31-46, 2012, Japan Society on Water Environment
- Neumann, Rebecca B; St. Vincent, Allison P; Roberts, Linda C; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Ali, M Ashraf; Harvey, Charles F; “Rice field geochemistry and hydrology: an explanation for why groundwater irrigated fields in Bangladesh are net sinks of arsenic from groundwater”, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 45, No.6, 2072-2078, 2011, ACS Publications
- Neumann, Rebecca B; Ashfaque, Khandaker N; Badruzzaman, ABM; Ali, M Ashraf; Shoemaker, Julie K; Harvey, Charles F; “Reply to ‘Aquifer arsenic source”, Nature Geoscience, Vol. 4, No.10, 656-656, 2011, Nature Publishing Group
- Hug, Stephan J; Gaertner, Dominique; Roberts, Linda C; Schirmer, Mario; Ruettimann, Thomas; Rosenberg, Thomas M; Badruzzaman, ABM; Ali, M Ashraf; “Avoiding high concentrations of arsenic, manganese and salinity in deep tubewells in Munshiganj District, Bangladesh”, Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 26, No. 7, 1077-1085, 2011, Pergamon Press
- Roberts, Linda C; Hug, Stephan J; Dittmar, Jessica; Voegelin, Andreas; Kretzschmar, Ruben; Wehrli, Bernhard; Cirpka, Olaf A; Saha, Ganesh C; Ali, M Ashraf; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; “Arsenic release from paddy soils during monsoon flooding”, Nature Geoscience, Vol. 3, No. 1, 53-59, 2010, Nature Publishing Group
- Neumann, Rebecca B; Ashfaque, Khandaker N; Badruzzaman, ABM; Ali, M Ashraf; Shoemaker, Julie K; Harvey, Charles F; “Anthropogenic influences on groundwater arsenic concentrations in Bangladesh”, Nature Geoscience, Vol. 3, No. 1, 46-52, 2010, Nature Publishing Group
- Dittmar, Jessica; Voegelin, Andreas; Roberts, Linda C; Hug, Stephan J; Saha, Ganesh C; Ali, M Ashraf; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Kretzschmar, Ruben; “Arsenic accumulation in a paddy field in Bangladesh: seasonal dynamics and trends over a three-year monitoring period”, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 44, No.8, 2925-2931, 2010, American Chemical Society
- Dittmar, Jessica; Voegelin, Andreas; Maurer, Felix; Roberts, Linda C; Hug, Stephan J; Saha, Ganesh C; Ali, M Ashraf; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Kretzschmar, Ruben; “Arsenic in soil and irrigation water affects arsenic uptake by rice: complementary insights from field and pot studies”, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 44, No. 23, 8842-8848, 2010, American Chemical Society
- Stubauer, I.; Hering, D.; Korte, T.; Hoffmann, A.; Brabec, K.; Sharma, S.; Shrestha, M.; Kahlown, M. A.; Tahir, M. A.; Kumar, A.; Sharma, M. P.; Bari, M. F.; Badruzzaman, A. B. M.; Chhopel, G. K.; Moog, O., The development of an assessment system to evaluate the ecological status of rivers in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region: introduction to the special feature, Hydrobiologia, ISSN: 0018-8158, Vol. 651, Is. 1, 1-15, 2010, Springer Netherlands
- Roberts, Linda C; Hug, Stephan J; Voegelin, Andreas; Dittmar, Jessica; Kretzschmar, Ruben; Wehrli, Bernhard; Saha, Ganesh C; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Ali, M Ashraf; “Arsenic dynamics in porewater of an intermittently irrigated paddy field in Bangladesh”, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 45, No. 3, 971-976, 2010, American Chemical Society
- Rahman, Muhammad Ashiqur; Badruzzaman, ABM; Rahman, Hasnat Mezbanur; “Assessing the impact of exposure to polluted air on the pulmonary systems of service personnel using a peak flow meter”, Australian Journal of Basic Applied Science, ISSN 1991-8178, Vol. 4, No. 11, 5533-5549, 2010
- Neumann, Rebecca B; Polizzotto, Matthew L; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Ali, M Ashraf; Zhang, Zhongyuan; Harvey, Charles F; “Hydrology of a groundwater‐irrigated rice field in Bangladesh: Seasonal and daily mechanisms of infiltration”, Water Resources Research, Vol. 45, No.9, 2009
- Roberts, LC; Hug, SJ; Dittmar, J; Voegelin, A; Kretzschmar, R; Wehrli, B; Cirpka, OA; Saha, GC; Ali, MA; Badruzzaman, ABM; “Arsenic remobilization from paddy soil during monsoon flooding in Bangladesh”,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Supplement, 73, 1106, 2009
- Roberts, Linda C; Hug, Stephan J; Dittmar, Jessica; Voegelin, Andreas; Wehrli, Bernhard; Kretzschmar, Ruben; Saha, Ganesh C; Ali, M Ashraf; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; “Arsenic remobilization from paddy soils during monsoon flooding in Bangladesh”, GEO-59: Abstract of the ACS, 236, 2008, American Chemical Society
- Khan, M Shah Alam; Saleh, Abul Fazal M; Badruzzaman, ABM; Rashid, MA; “Nutrient loss to water bodies from a rice-cropped farm,” Journal of the Civil Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2008, Institute of Engineers Bangladesh
- Badruzzaman, ABM; “Leaching of arsenic from wastes of arsenic removal systems”, 2008, International Training Network Centre, BUET
- Dittmar, Jessica; Voegelin, Andreas; Roberts, Linda C; Hug, Stephan J; Saha, Ganesh C; Ali, M Ashraf; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Kretzschmar, Ruben; “Spatial distribution and temporal variability of arsenic in irrigated rice fields in Bangladesh. 2. Paddy soil”, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 41, No. 17, 5967-5972, 2007, American Chemical Society
- Roberts, L. C.; Hug, S. J.; Dittmar, J.; Voegelin, A.; Saha, G. C.; Ali, M. A.; Badruzzaman, A. B. M.; Kretzschmar, R.,”Spatial Distribution and Temporal Variability of Arsenic in Irrigated Rice Fields in Bangladesh. 1. Irrigation Water”,Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 41, No. 17, 5960-5966, 2007, American Chemical Society
- Ahmed, Tanvir; Badruzzaman, ABM; “”Effect of thermal effluent on water quality of Sitalakhya river”, Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 1, 59-70, 2007, Institutes of Engineers Bangladesh
- Harvey, Charles F; Ashfaque, Khandaker N; Yu, Winston; Badruzzaman, ABM; Ali, M Ashraf; Oates, Peter M; Michael, Holly A; Neumann, Rebecca B; Beckie, Roger; Islam, Shafiqul; “Groundwater dynamics and arsenic contamination in Bangladesh”, Chemical Geology, Vol. 228, No. 1, 112-136, 2006, Elsevier
- Polizzotto, Matthew L; Harvey, Charles F; Li, Guangchao; Badruzzman, Borhan; Ali, Ashraf; Newville, Matthew; Sutton, Steven; Fendorf, Scott; “Solid-phases and desorption processes of arsenic within Bangladesh sediments”, Chemical Geology, Vol. 228, No. 1, 97-111, 2006, Elsevier
- Klump, Stephan; Kipfer, Rolf; Cirpka, Olaf A; Harvey, Charles F; Brennwald, Matthias S; Ashfaque, Khandaker N; Badruzzaman, Abu Borhan M; Hug, Stephan J; Imboden, Dieter M; “Groundwater dynamics and arsenic mobilization in Bangladesh assessed using noble gases and tritium”, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 40, No. 1, 243-250, 2006, American Chemical Society
- Leupin, Olivier X; Hug, Stephan J; Badruzzaman, ABM; “Arsenic removal from Bangladesh tube well water with filter columns containing zerovalent iron filings and sand”, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 39, No. 20, 8032-8037, 2005, American Chemical Society
- Harvey, Charles F; Swartz, Christopher H; Badruzzaman, Abu Bohran M; Keon-Blute, Nicole; Yu, Winston; Ali, M Ashraf; Jay, Jenny; Beckie, Roger; Niedan, Volker; Brabander, Daniel; “Groundwater arsenic contamination on the Ganges Delta: biogeochemistry, hydrology, human perturbations, and human suffering on a large scale”, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, Vol. 337, No. 1, 285-296, 2005, Elsevier
- Swartz, CH; Blute, NK; Badruzzman, B; Ali, A; Brabander, D; Jay, J; Besancon, J; Islam, S; Hemond, HF; Harvey, CF; “Mobility of arsenic in a Bangladesh aquifer: Inferences from geochemical profiles, leaching data, and mineralogical characterization”, Geochim et Cosmochim. Acta, Vol. 69, 5159-5159, 2005, Elsevier
- Swartz, Christopher H; Blute, Nicole Keon; Badruzzman, Borhan; Ali, Ashraf; Brabander, Daniel; Jay, Jenny; Besancon, James; Islam, Shafiqul; Hemond, Harold F; Harvey, Charles F; “Mobility of arsenic in a Bangladesh aquifer: Inferences from geochemical profiles, leaching data, and mineralogical characterization”,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol.68, No.22, 4539-4557, 2004, Elsevier
- Swartz, CH; Keon, NE; Badruzzman, B; Ali, A; Brabander, D; Jay, J; Islam, S; Hemond, HF; Harvey, CF; “Subsurface geochemistry and arsenic mobility in Bangladesh”, Center for Embedded Network Sensing, 2004
- Harvey C. F., K. N. Ashfaque, W. Yu, A. B. M. Badruzzaman, M. A. Ali, P. M. Oates, H. Michael. R. B. Neumann, R. Beckie, S. Islam, M. F. Ahmed, “Groundwater Flow and Arsenic Biogeochemistry in Bangladesh Aquifer”, Chemical Geology, 2004.
- Harvey, CF; Swartz, C; Badruzzaman, ABM; Keon-Blute, N; Yu, W; Ali, MA; Jay, J; Beckie, R; Niedan, V; Brabander, D; “Response to Comments on: Arsenic Mobility and Groundwater Extraction in Bangladesh”, Science, Vol. 300, No. 5619, 584-584, 2003, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Ali, M Ashraf; Badruzzaman, ABM; Jalil, MA; Hossain, M Delwar; Ahmed, M Feroze; Masud, AA; Kamruzzaman, Md; Rahman, M Azizur; “Arsenic in plant-soil environment in Bangladesh Fate of arsenic in the environment, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 85-112, 2003
- Harvey, Charles F; Swartz, Christopher H; Badruzzaman, ABM; Keon-Blute, Nicole; Yu, Winston; Ali, M Ashraf; Jay, Jenny; Beckie, Roger; Niedan, Volker; Brabander, Daniel; “Arsenic mobility and groundwater extraction in Bangladesh”, Science, Vol. 298, No. 5598, 1602-1606, 2002, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Ali, M Ashraf; Badruzzaman, ABM; Jalil, MA; Hossain, M Delwar; Hussainuzzaman, MM; Badruzzaman, M; Mohammad, O I; Akter, N; “Development of low-cost technologies for removal of arsenic from groundwater”, Technologies for Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water. Edited by: M. Feroze Ahmed, M. Ashraf Ali and Zafar Adeel. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka-The United Nations University, Tokyo, 99-120, 2001
- Karim, M. R., Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Sekine, M., and Ukita, M., “Assessment of Nutrients and Dissolved Oxygen in a River System in Bangladesh using a Water Quality Model”, Journal of Environmental System and Engineering, JSCE, No. 664/VII-17, 97-107, November, 2000
- Ahmad, H., and Badruzzaman, A. B. M., “Copper Speciation in the Ramna Lake of Dhaka City”, Vol. 19, No. 1, Pollution Research, ISSN 0257-8050, 2000.
- Badruzzaman, ABM; Ahmad, H; Ali, M Ashraf; “A comparative study of copper contamination in the sediment column of the Dhanmondi and Ramna Lakes”, Pollution Research, Vol. 18, No. 4, 347-351, 1999, Enviro Media
- Kamal, MM; Malmgren-Hansen, A; Badruzzaman, ABM; “Water Quality Improvement Methods, Techniques and Technologies – Assessment of pollution of the River Buriganga, Bangladesh, using a water quality model”, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 40, No. 2, 129-136, 1999, Pergamon Press
- Karim, MR; Badruzzaman, AB; “Modelling of Nutrient Transport and Dissolved Oxygen in the Water Column in River System, Pollution Research, Vol. 18, No. 3, 195-206, 1999, Enviro Media
- Ali, M. A., Ahsanuzzaman, A. N. M., Badruzzaman, A. B. M., and Rahman, M. M., “Lead Contamination in the Dhanmondi Lake”, AQUA, Journal of Water SRT-AQUA, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 289-296, December, 1998, Blackwell Science Ltd
- Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Ahmed, M. F., Hossain, M. D., Jalil, M. A., and Ali, M. A., “A Study on Arsenic Concentration in the Groundwater of the North-Eastern Zone of Bangladesh”, Journal of the Civil Engineering Division, Vol. CE 27, No. 2, August, 1998, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
- Hossain, Md Delwar; Badruzzaman, A.B.M.; “Environmental Planning Of Bridge-Ends and Resettlement Sites of Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge”, Journal of the Civil Engineering, Vol. CE25, No. 121-134, 1997, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
- Mollick, MAA; Hossain, Md Delwar; Badruzzaman, ABM; Hossain, Md Monjur; Ali, Sk Sekender; Rahman, M Azadur; Rahman, Md Mujibur; Dhar, Sajal Chandra; Hossain, Md Delwar; Huda, MK; “Experimental Study on P-Delta Effect in RC High Rise Building”, Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. CE25, 2, 1997, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
Badruzzaman, A. B. M. and Ahmed, M. F., “Construction Related Environmental Impacts of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge”, Journal of the Civil Engineering, Vol. CE 23, No. 1, 1-18, December, 1995.
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Fahrin Islam, Nuvia Noorain, Rashid MA Basith, ABM Badruzzaman; “Assessment of effectiveness of Hematite and Bismuth ferrite nanoparticles as adsorbents for arsenic removal, pp 350-353, Proceedings of Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), 2015 IEEE International WIE Conference, Dhaka, December 2015
- Borges Freitas, SC; Van Halem, D; Badruzzaman, ABM; Van der Meer, WGJ; “Fenton Redox Chemistry: Arsenite Oxidation by Metallic Surfaces”, IWA 2014: IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Shaping our Water Future, Lisbon, Portugal, 21-26 September 2014
- Stahl, M; Tarek, MH; Yeo, DC; Badruzzaman, A; Harvey, CF; “Crab Burrows are Important Conduits for Groundwater Recharge in Bangladesh,” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 1, 1423, 2013
- Pracht, LE; Fussell, AH; Polizzotto, M; Badruzzaman, AM; Ali, MA; Neumann, RB; “The character of organic carbon in recharge water and arsenic mobilization in Bangladesh aquifers”, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2012
- Hasan, M, Ahmed, S., Badruzzaman, A. B. M, “Exploratory Study on Indoor Air Pollution and Health Perceptions in Industrial and Educational Buildings”, International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2012), Chittagong, December, 2012
- Roberts, Linda C; Hug, Stephan J; Dittmar, Jessica; Voegelin, Andreas; Kretzschmar, Ruben; Wehrli, Bernhard; Ganesh, C; Ali, M Ashraf; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; “Arsenic Contamination of Paddy Fields through Groundwater Irrigation in Bangladesh: Risks for Rice Production and Mitigation Perspectives”, 2012
- Neumann, Rebecca B; Ashfaque, Khandaker N; Harvey, Charles F; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Ali, M Ashraf; “Potential Impact of Rice Field Water Management Schemes on Arsenic Concentrations in Bangladeshi Wells”, Conference on Arsenic in Groundwater in Southern Asia, 45, 971-976, 2011
- Ashekuzzaman, SM; Badruzzaman, ABM; Rafiqul Hoque, ATM; Rudra, Souman; “Supplementing energy demand of rural households in Bangladesh through appropriate biogas technology”, International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB10), 106-109, 2010
- Harvey, C; Ashfaque, K; Neumann, RB; Badruzzaman, B; Ali, A; “The Arsenic crisis in Bangladesh”, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2010
- Neumann, RB; Ashfaque, KN; Badruzzaman, AM; Ali, M; Shoemaker, JK; Harvey, CF; “Labile Organic Carbon in Recharge and its Impact on Groundwater Arsenic Concentrations in Bangladesh”, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Vol.1, No. 6, 2009
- Dittmar, Jessica; Voegelin, Andreas; Roberts, Linda C; Hug, Stephan J; Saha, Ganesh C; Ali, M Ashraf; Badruzzaman, A Borhan M; Kretzschmar, Ruben; “Mass Balance of Arsenic Input, Release and Accumulation in Irrigated Paddy Fields in Munshiganj, Bangladesh”, 2008 Joint Meeting of The Geological Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies with the Gulf Coast Section of SEP, 2008
- Stubauer, I; Moog, O; Hering, D; Korte, T; Hoffmann, A; Brabec, Karel; Sharma, S; Shrestha, M; Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Bari, M. F., Kahlown, MA; Tahir, MA; “The ASSESS-HKH project: Context, approaches, objectives and results”, International Conference on Rivers in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya Ecology & Environmental Assessment, Dhulikhel, Nepal, 03 – 07 March, 2008
- Badruzzaman, A. B. M., M. F. Bari, M. S. Alam, M. M. Hoque, M. E. Habib, and M. Saha, Effect of thermal effluent discharge on the macroinvertebrate abundance in the Sitalakhya River, International Conference on Rivers in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya region, Kathmandu, Nepal, March 3-7, 2008
- M. F. Bari, Badruzzamana, A. B. M., M. S. Alam, M. M. Hoque, M. Saha, T. Huber, B Fliedl and M. Rahman (2008), Results and Consequences of the ASSESS – HKH Research Project in Bangladesh, International Conference on Rivers in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya Ecology & Environmental Assessment, Dhulikhel, Nepal, 03 – 07 March, 2008
- Badruzzaman, A. B. M., “Professional Ethics and Environment”, World Water Day, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, March, 2008
- Badruzzaman, A. B. M., “Environment Issues in Development Projects”, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar, January, 2008
- Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Ali, M. A., Harvey, C. F., Ashfaque, K. N. and Neumann, R. B., Biogeochemistry and Hydrological Aspects of Arsenic Mobility in a Bangladesh Aquifer, presented at the 4th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), Bangkok, 31 July-4 August, 2007
- Roberts, L. C., Hug, S. J., Dittmar, J., Voegelin, A., Kretzschmar, R., Saha, G. C., Ali, M. A. and Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Spatial heterogeneity of Arsenic input to paddy soil through irrigation water in Bangladesh, International Symposium on Environmental Sustainability (ISES), Dhaka, Bangladesh, p.19, February, 2006
- Kamruzzaman, M., Badruzzaman, A.B.M. and Ali, M.A., Short-term and long-term leaching of arsenic from wastes of arsenic removal systems, International Symposium on Environmental Sustainability (ISES), Dhaka, Bangladesh, p42, February, 2006
- Dittmar, J., Voegelin, A., Kretzschmar, R., Roberts, L. C., Hug, S. J., Saha, G. C., Ali, M. A. and Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Biogeochemical cycling of As in a paddy soil – rice plant system in Bangladesh, The 18th World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, USA, July 2006
- Ali, M Ashraf; Badruzzaman, ABM; Jalil, MA; Ahmed, M Feroze; Kamruzzaman, Md; Rahman, M Azizur; Al Masud, Abdullah; “Fate of arsenic in wastes generated from arsenic removal units”, Proceedings of BUET-UNU Symposium on Fate of Arsenic in the Environment, Dhaka, May, 2003
- Jalil, M. A. and Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Performance of a Synthetic Resin Based Arsenic Removal Unit, the 2nd International Conference on Bangladesh Environment 2002, Organized by BAPA, December 19-21, 2002
- Hossain, M. A. and Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Analysis of Heavy Metals in Vegetable Samples Sold in Some Local Bazaars, the 2nd International Conference on Bangladesh Environment, Organized by BAPA, December 19-21, 2002
- Harvey, Charles; Badruzzaman, ABM; “Hydrogeological and geochemical causes of high arsenic concentrations in the Ganges Delta”, US-Bangladesh Collaborative Workshop on the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta of Bangladesh: Issues of Land, Water and Environment, 28-31, 2002
- Harvey, CF; Swartz, CH; Ali, A; Badruzzman, B; Yu, W; Beckie, R; Beckie, R; Niedan, V; Niedan, V; Hug, S; “ A Geochemical and Hydrological Analysis of Arsenic Mobilization at a Field Site in Bangladesh”, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 1, 2001
- Harvey, C., Swartz, C H, Badruzzman, B, Ali, A, Keon, N, Yu, W, Beckie, R, Niedan, V, Hug, S, Aeshbach-Hetig, W, Islam, S, Brabander, D ,Hemond, H, Ahmed, F, The Arsenic Crisis in Bangladesh: Geochemical and Hydrologic Controls, Arsenic in Drinking Water: International Conference, Columbia University, NY, USA, Nov. 26-27, 2001
- Harvey, C. F., W. Yu, A. B. Badruzzaman, M. A. Ali, R. Beckie, V. Niedan, W. Aeschbach-Hertig, S. Hug, H. F. Hemond and S. Islam. Mobilization and Transport of Arsenic in Bangladesh. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Boston, GSA Abstracts 33 (6), 2001
- Ali, M. A. Badruzzaman, A.B.M., Jalil, M. A., Hossain, M. D., Hussainuzzaman, M. M., Badruzzaman, M., Mohammad, O. I. and Akter, N., Development of Low-cost Technologies for Removal of Arsenic from Groundwater, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Technologies for Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water, Organized by the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh and United Nations University (UNU), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 99-120, May 5-7, 2001
- Swartz, C.H., N. Keon, A.B. Badruzzaman, M.A. Ali, D.J. Brabander, W. Yu, S. Islam, M. Rahman, S. Hug, W. Aeschbach-Hertig, M. Mustafa, M. Poltz, L. Kuai, H.F. Hemond and C.F. Harvey, The Arsenic Crisis in Bangladesh: A Geochemical Analysis. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco. Eos 81 (suppl.): F550-551, 2000
- Alam, M.J.B., Rahman, M.H., Badruzzaman, A.B.M. and Ahmed, M.F., 2000, Level of NOx, Sox, CO and SPM Pollution in Dhaka City and Their Possible Consequence, In Bangladesh Environment 2000, M.F. Ahmed (Ed.), Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon, Dhaka, pp. 37-41, 2000
- Karim, M. R. and Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Simulation of Nutrient Transport and Dissolved Oxygen in a Typical River in Bangladesh, Proceedings of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Conference (C&EEC), New Frontiers and Challenges, Vol. 1 (Part-1), pp. I-49 – I-58, Asian Institute Of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, November 8-12, 1999
- Kamal, M. M., Malmgren-Hansen, A., and Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Assessment of Pollution of the River Buriganga, Bangladesh using a Water Quality Model, International Specialized Conference on Water Quality and its Management, IAWQ, New Delhi, India, pp. 500-509, 1998
- Badruzzaman, A. B. M. and Seraj, S. M., Environmental impacts ofthe Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge During Its Construction, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Geology and the Environment, Athens, Greece, pp. 2589-2594, June23-27, 1997
- Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Seraj, S. M. and Husain, M. Z., Short and Long Term Impacts of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge on Wildlife, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Geology and the Environment, Athens, Greece, pp. 2595-2600, June 23-25, 1997
- Seraj, S. M. and Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Potential Hazards and Vulnerability in Urban Development of Dhaka city, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Geology and the Environment, Athens, Greece, pp. 1487-1492, June 22-27, 1997
- Badruzzaman, A. B. M. and Lung, W. S., Assessing Cu(II) Speciation and Transport in the New York Bight, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, ASCE, New York, pp 476 – 488, 1992
Light, R.N. and Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Modeling Heavy Metal Removal in Wetlands, Proceedings of the Virginia Water Resources Conference, Richmond, Virginia, pp 32, April, 1992
“Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Water and Environmental Engineering (ICWEE2019)”, Rahman, M. M., Rahman, A., Badruzzaman, A. B. M., & Ouarda, T. B. (2019). 19-22 January 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Minto, N.S.W.: Science, Technology and Management Crest Australia.
- “Bangladesh Environment 2002”, M. F. Ahmed, S. A. Tanveer and A. B. M. Badruzzaman, Editors, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bangladesh Environment 2002, Published by Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (BAPA), Dhaka, December 2002
- “Engineering Concerns of Flood (contributed two chapters)”, M. A. Ali, S. M. Seraj and S. Ahmad (Editors), ISBN 984-823-002-5, DAERS, BUET, Dhaka, August 2002
- “Bangladesh Environment Outlook 2001 (contributed one chapter)”, A. Nishat, M. Ullah, A. K. E. Haque (Editors), ISBN 984-613-000-7, Center for Sustainable Development, Dhaka, August 2001
- Ahmed, M. F., Husain, K. Z., Rahman, M. H., Hossain, M. D., Badruzzaman, A. B. M., Akhtaruzzaman, M., Roy, M. K. and Salequzzaman, M., “Environmental Management Action Plan, Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Project”, JMBA-EU and Environmental Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, ISBN 984-30-0151-6, Published by: Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority, Allenbury, Tejgaon, January, 1995
- Ahmed, M. F., Badruzzaman, A. B. M. and Gauffa, A.D., “General Environmental Guidelines for the Construction of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge, Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Project”, JMBA-EU and Environmental Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, ISBN 984-30-0152-4, Published by: Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority, Allenbury, Tejgaon, March 1995
- Badruzzaman, A.B.M. and A.D. Nemura, “Kingman Lake Water Quality Model”, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Environmental Regulation Administration, Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC. 39+ 4 appendices, 1993
Mortula, M., A.B.M.Badruzzaman, G.A.Gagnon,“Phosphorus control strategies for small scale wastewater systems in Bangladesh”, Published in Waste Management Research in Bangladesh” by UODA, Bangladesh, 2005