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Dr. Annesha Enam
Associate Professor
Specialization: Transportation Engineering
Annesha Enam, Ph.D. is working as an Assistant Professor of Transportation Engineering at the department of Civil Engineering in BUET. Annesha completed her Ph.D. at University of Connecticut, USA. After completing her PhD, she worked at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) for a couple of years where she focused on developing behavioral models for evaluating mobility and energy efficiency of regional transportation systems in the USA. Her research interest includes statistical and econometric modeling of traveler behavior, transportation planning, transportation system simulation, and the application of data mining and machine learning techniques for safety and mobility analysis. She has published in the Journal of Choice Modeling (JOCM), Transportation, Procedia of Computer Science, and Transportation Research Record (TRR) among other journals. She is also an active reviewer of the Journal of Choice Modeling (JOCM), Transportation in Developing Economies and Transportation Research Record, (TRR).
- PhD in Transportation and Urban Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 2017.
- MSc in Civil and Transportation Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh 2010.
- BSc in Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh 2007.
Research Interest
- Statistical and Econometric Modeling
- Transportation Planning
- Transportation System Simulation
- environmental pollution management
- sustainable development and environmental management
Research Awards
2018 TRB Ryuichi Kitamura Paper Award for the best paper of the travel analysis method section at the annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB).
- 2017 CUTC Charley V. Wootan Memorial Award by the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) for the outstanding doctoral dissertation in policy and planning
Professional Work at National and International Levels
- Development of microsimulation model for evaluating transportation system performance of Atlanta metropolitan region using POLARIS at Argonne National Laboratory
- Development of econometric model for assessing household e-commerce demand using POLARIS at Argonne National Laboratory
Selected Publications
Journal Papers
- Gurumurthy, K. M., de Souza, F., Enam, A., Auld, J. Large-Scale Simulation of Shared Autonomous Vehicles: Integrating the Supply and Demand Perspectives. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2674, no. 7 (2020): 181-192.
- Enam, A., Auld, J. (2020). Hazard-based Model of Activity Generation using Vehicle Trajectory Data. Procedia Computer Science 170 (2020): 764-770. DOI:
- Enam, A., Konduri, K. C. Time Allocation Behavior of Twentieth Century American Generations: GI Generation, Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2672 (49), 69-80.
- Enam, A., Konduri, K. C., Eluru, N., & Ravulaparthy, S. Relationship between Well-Being and Daily Time Use of Elderly: Evidence from Disabilities and Use of Time Survey. Transportation, 1-28. DOI:
- Enam, A., Konduri, K. C., Pinjari, A., & Eluru, N. An Integrated Choice and Latent Variable Model for Multiple Discrete Continuous Choice Kernels: Application Exploring the Association between Day level Moods and Discretionary Activity Engagement Choices. Journal of Choice Modelling. DOI:
- Enam, A., & Konduri, K. C. (2017) A Continuous Time and Temporally Constrained Tour Pattern Generation System for Jointly Modeling Daily Tours and Stops: Application of Bi-level Multiple Discrete Continuous Probit (MDCP) Model. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2665), 69-79.
- Angueira, J., Faghih-Imani, A., Enam, A., Konduri, K. C., & Eluru, N. (2015). Exploration of Short-Term Vehicle Utilization Choices in Households with Multiple Vehicle Types. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2493), 39-47.
- Carrion, C., Enam, A., Pattabhiraman, V., Abou-Zeid, M., & Ben-Akiva, M. (2015). Activity Pattern Models with Well-Being Indicators. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2493), 58-69.
- Enam, A., & Choudhury, C. (2011). Methodological issues in developing mode choice models for Dhaka, Bangladesh. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2239), 84-92.
Book Chapter
- Enam A., Konduri, K. C., Eluru, N. (2020). Influence of Childhood Experiences and Present Life Circumstances on elderly Wellbeing: A Hybrid Multiple Ordered Probit Model with Analytical Estimation Approach. Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome, edited by Goulias, K., Davis, A. ISBN: 9780128173404.
- Zhang, J., Konduri, K. C., Enam, A. (2020). Daily Activity-Travel Patterns of Different American Generations: An Exploratory Analysis Utilizing Multiple Waves of American Heritage Time Use Survey and National Household Travel Survey Datasets. Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome, edited by Goulias, K., Davis, A. ISBN: 9780128173404.
- Enam, A., & Choudhury, C. F. (2013). A comprehensive model to capture the preference for mass rapid transit in Dhaka. Choice Modelling: The State of the Art and the State of Practice, edited by Hess, S. and Daly, A. pp. 172-192.
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
- Enam, A., Ardeshiri, A., Rashidi, T, (2021). Exploratory Analysis of the Role of Attitude on AV Usage. Transportation Research Board 100the Annual Meeting.
- Auld, J., Souza, F. d., Enam, A., Javarmandi, M., Stinson, M., Verbas, O., and Rousseau, A., (2019). Exploring the Mobility and Energy Implications of Shared versus Private Autonomous Vehicles. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference.
- Stinson, M., Enam, A., Moore, A., and Auld, J. (2019). Citywide Impacts of E-Commerce: Does Parcel Delivery Travel Outweigh Household Shopping Travel Reductions?. Proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery – Smart Cities Conference. Portland, Oregon.
- Enam, A., Konduri, K. C., Eluru, N. (2019). Influence of Childhood Experiences and Present Life Circumstances on Elderly Well-being: Hybrid Multiple Ordered Probit (HMOP) Model. Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting(No. 19-02811). Washington DC.
- Enam, A., Konduri, K. C. (2018). Time Allocation Behavior of Twentieth Century American Generations: GI Generation, Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting(No. 18-03136). Washington DC.
- Khan, N. A., Enam, A., Ahsan, H. M., Konduri, K. C. (2018). Investigation of Tour Participation, Time Allocation and Mode Choice: An Application of Multiple Discrete Continuous Extreme Value-Mixed Multinomial Logit Modeling Approach. Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting(No. 18-06704). Washington DC.
- Enam, A., & Konduri, K. C. (2017). A Continuous Time and Temporally Constrained Tour Pattern Generation System for Jointly Modeling Daily Tours and Stops: Application of Bi-level Multiple Discrete Continuous Probit (MDCP) Model. Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting(No. 17-04697). Washington DC.
- Konduri, K. C., Enam, A., Ritter, C., Lownes, N., & Raymond, J. (2017). Exploring the Implications of Item Non Response Treatment on Survey Expansion and Weighting: Experience from the Connecticut Statewide Transportation Study. Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting(No. 17-06181). Washington DC.
- Enam, A., Konduri, K. C., Pinjari, A. R., & Eluru, N. (2016). A Hybrid Multiple Discrete Continuous (HMDC) Model for Examining the Role of Moods on Daily Activity Engagement Choices. Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting(No. 16-5180). Washington DC.
- Enam, A., Konduri, K. C., Eluru, N., & Ravulaparthy, S. (2015). Relationship between Well-Being and Daily Time Use of Elderly: Evidence from Disabilities and Use of Time Survey. Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting (No. 15-3092). Washington DC.
- Carrion, C., Enam, A., Pattabhiraman, V., Abou-Zeid, M., & Ben-Akiva, M. (2015). Activity Pattern Models with Well-Being Indicators. Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting (No. 15-3714). Washington DC.
- Li, S., Enam, A., Abou-Zeid, M., & Ben-Akiva, M. E. (2013). Travel Time Modeling with Taxi GPS and Household Survey Data. Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting (No. 13-3297). Washington DC.
- Enam A., & Choudhury C., (2012) A Comprehensive Model to Capture the Preference for Mass Rapid Transit in Dhaka. Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting (No. 12-2337). Washington DC.
- Enam, A., & Choudhury, C. (2011). Methodological issues in developing mode choice models for Dhaka, Bangladesh. Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting (No. 11-4220). Washington DC.