PABX No: 7158
Room No: 633
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Dr. Bashir Ahmed
Specialization: Structural Engineering
[No info available]
- Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK,1996.
- M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, 1993.
- Certificate on Ferro-cement Technology, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand, 1992.
- B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, 1991.
- H.S.C., Notredame College, Dhaka, 1984.
- S.S.C., T & T high School, Dhaka, 1982.
Research Interest
- [No info available]
Research Awards
- “IEB Award For The Best Paper 2003”, Awarded by The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, for paper published in Journal of the Civil Engineering Division, “Causes of cracking of culverts on filled soil and their performance after repair”, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. CE 30, No. 1, June 2002, pp.1-12.
- “IEB Award For The Best Paper 2000”, Awarded by The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, for papers published in Journal of the Civil Engineering Division, “Simplified calculation method for serviceability deflection of edge supported slabs; Part 1: Modelling Slab Response”, and Part 2: Coefficient method”, Vol. CE 27, No. 1, June 1999, pp. 29-40 and 41-57.
- “Henry Adams Award” Diploma awarded by “The Institution of the Structural Engineers (UK)” as the best research paper published in “The Structural Engineer (UK)” during session 1996-7, “Design of flush endplate connections in composite beams”, The Structural Engineer, Journal of the Institution of the Structural Engineers, UK, Vol. 75, No. 15, pp. 233-244.
- Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (1993) Commonwealth Scholarship Award for Ph.D. level study in the United Kingdom.
- “Malik Akram Hossain Gold Medal” for being 1st in a class of 204 students in Civil Engineering in four academic years (Session 1987-88, office order no: admission/s-138/ray-2112, dated: 15/12/92).
- F.R. Khan scholarship award for being first class first at undergraduate levels of study at BUET.
- University merit scholarship award for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of undergraduate level study at BUET.
- Dhaka Education Board’s merit scholarship award for outstanding result in the H.S.C. examination.
- “Award for Excellence” Notredame college for being 2nd in the college.
- Dhaka Education Board’s merit scholarship award for outstanding result in the S.S.C. examination.
Professional Work at National and International Levels
- Member of the Committee Formed by the Ministry of Communications, Government of Bangladesh to investigate the Causes of Cracks in Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge (2006).
- Review of the Design of Gas Pipeline Reinstatement of JMB (Jamuna Bridge), January 1999.
- Member EOI evaluation committee, Committee Formed by Rural Electrification Board (August 2006 to December 2006).
- Member admission committee, Bangladesh Technical Education Board (July 2006).
- Member “Structural Steel Section and other products- committee” for BSTI (15-1-2002 to 14-1-2005).
- Viva Board expert for recruitment of Civil Engineers of 22nd BCS examination (2003).
- Viva Board expert for recruitment of Diploma Engineers for Roads and Highways (2003).
- Member (nominated by BUET Vice-Chancellor) for preparation of MTO, Technical Specification, Estimate, Bid Document preparation and Evaluation Committee of GTCL, for (Line Pipe, Line Pipe Valve and Civil Construction) Ashugong-Monohordi Gas Transmission loop line project. (2003).
- Member (nominated by BUET Vice-Chancellor) Tender Evaluation Committee of GTCL, for (Civil Construction) Rashidpur-Habiganj Gas Transmission loop line project. (2003).
- Member of the Selection Committee formed for the appointment of Workshop-super (Technical and Civil) in Public Service Commission (2000).
- Member organizing committee “Affordable Village Building Technologies: from research to realization”; Second Dhaka Housing and Hazards International Seminar, 6-8th February 1999. Organized by BUET in association with University of Exeter’s Housing & Hazards Group.
- Member of sub-sub committee of BMIT (Bangladesh Military Institute of Technology) for “Establishment of military institute of technology – curriculum sub-sub committee –1 (Civil Engineering) 1997”.
- Member of organizing Committee of the “International Millennium Conference on Housing and Hazards and the Rural Community: VILLAGE INFRASTRUCTURE TO COPE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT (H&H 2000)”, BUET, 24-26 November 2000.
- Editor “Proceedings of the First Annual Paper Meet and International Conference on Civil Engineering”, 2–3 November 2001, Organized by: Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, IEB, edited by Seraj. S. M., Ali. M. A. and Ahmed.
- Editor “Proceedings of the Second Annual Paper Meet and International Conference on Civil Engineering” 17-18 July 2003, held at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), jointly organized by: IEB and BUET, edited by Seraj. S. M., Ali. M. A. and Ahmed.
- Editor “Proceedings of the Third Annual Paper Meet and International Conference on Civil Engineering” 9-11 March 2005, held at IEB, jointly organized by: IEB, PWD and RHD, edited by A M M Safiiullah, M Ashraf Ali, B. Ahmed, Munaz Ahmed Noor and A F M Saiful Amin.
Selected Publications
Journal Publications (recognized and refereed journals):
- Ahmed, B. and Nethercot, D. A. (1995) “Numerical modelling of composite flush endplate connections”, Journal of Singapore Structural Steel Society, Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 87-102.
- Ahmed, B. and Nethercot, D. A. (1996) “Effect of high shear on the moment capacity of composite cruciform endplate connections”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, UK, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 129-164 ISSN:0143-974X.
- Ahmed, B. and Nethercot, D. A. (1997) “Design of flush endplate connections in composite beams”, The Structural Engineer, Journal of the Institution of the Structural Engineers, UK, Part A Design and Construction, Vol. 75, No. 15, pp. 233-244. Received “Henry Adams Diploma” by “The Institution of the Structural Engineers” as the best research paper during session 1996-97.
- Ahmed, B., Li, T. Q. and Nethercot, D. A. (1997) “Design of composite finplate and angle cleated connections”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, UK, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 1-30 ISSN:0143-974X.
- Ahmed, B. and Nethercot, D. A. (1997) “Prediction of initial stiffness and available rotation capacity of major axis composite flush endplate connections”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, UK, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 30-60 ISSN:0143-974X.
- Nethercot, D. A., Li, T. Q., and Ahmed, B. (1998) “Plasticity of composite beams at serviceability limit state”, The Structural Engineer, Journal of the Institution of the Structural Engineers, UK, Part A Design and Construction, 1998, Vol. 76, No. 15, pp. 289-293.
- Nethercot, D. A., Li, T. Q., and Ahmed, B. (1998) “Unified classification system for beam-to-column connections”, Journal of Constructional steel Research, UK, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 39-65 ISSN:0143-974X.
- Ahmed, B. and Nethercot, D. A. (1998) “Effect of column axial load on composite connection behavior”, Engineering Structures, UK, Vol. 20, No. 1-2, pp. 113-128 ISSN:0141-0296.
- Ahmed, B. and Chowdhury, S. R. (1999) “Simplified calculation method for serviceability deflection of edge supported slabs; Part 1: Modelling Slab Response” Journal of the Civil Engineering Division, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. CE 27, No. 1, June 1999, pp. 29-40. Received “Best Paper 2000” award by “The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh”.
- Ahmed, B. and Chowdhury, S. R. (1999) “Simplified calculation method for serviceability deflection of edge supported slabs; Part 2: Coefficient method” Journal of the Civil Engineering Division, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. CE 27, No. 1, June 1999, pp. 41-57. Received “Best Paper 2000” award by “The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh”.
- Ahmed, B. (2001) “Deflection of semi-rigidly connected beams”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. CE 29, No. 2, December 2001, pp. 133-150.
- Ahmed, B., Amanat, K. M., Safiullah, A. M. M. and Chowdhury, J. R. (2002) “Causes of cracking of culverts on filled soil and their performance after repair”, Journal of the Civil Engineering Division, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. CE 30, No. 1, June 2002, pp.1-12. Received “Best Paper 2003” award by “The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh”.
- Ahmed, B. and Chowdhury, S. R. (2002) “Coefficient method of Analysis for Octagonal Slabs” Journal of the Civil Engineering Division, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. CE 30, No. 2, December 2002, pp. 111-122.
- Ahsan, R., Ahmed, I., and Ahmed, B. (2003) “Lateral Drift of Semi-Rigid Steel Frames”, Journal of the Civil Engineering Division, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh. Vol. CE31, No.2, December 2003.
- Ahsan, R., Ahmed, I., and Ahmed, B. (2003) “A Simplified Approach of Estimating Lateral Drift of Semi-Rigid Steel Frames in Sway Mode”, Journal of the Civil Engineering Division, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh. Vol. CE31, No.2, December 2003.
- Ashraf, M., Nethercot, D. A., and Ahmed, B. (2004) “A Simplified Method to Predict Sway of Rigid Multi-Story Steel Frames”, Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 4, No. 4(2004), Korea, pp. 317-331, ISSN: 1229-9367.
- Ashraf, Nethercot, D. A., and Ahmed, B. (2004) “Sway of semi-rigid steel frames, Part 1: regular frames”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 26, Issue 12, October 2004, UK, pp 1809-1819, ISSN: 0141-0296.
- Ashraf M, Nethercot DA, and Ahmed B. (2004) “Sway of semi-rigid steel frames – Part 1: Regular frames”, STEEL & COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, 2004, Vol:4, Pages:403-418, ISSN:1229-9367.
- M. Ashraf, Nethercot, D. A. and Ahmed, B. (2007) “Sway of semi-rigid steel Frames, Part 2: irregular frames” Engineering Structures, Vol. 29, UK, pp 1854-1863, ISSN: 0141-0296.
Conferences (national and international conferences and seminars):
- Ahmed, B., Li, T. Q. and Nethercot, D. A. (1995) “Modelling Composite Connection Response”, Connections in Steel Structures: Behavior, strength & design, Edited by Reidar Bjorhovde, Andre Colson, Riccardo Zandonini, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop, Trento University, Italy, 29-31 May, pp.259-268.
- Nethercot, D. A. and Ahmed, B. (1996) “Numerical modelling of composite connections and composite frames”, Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete III, proceedings of an (ASCE) engineering foundation conference, Swabian conference center, Irsee, Germany, 9-14 June, edited by C Dale Buckner and Bahram M. Shahrooz, pp.809-822.
- Nethercot, D. A., Ahmed, B., Li, T. Q. and Xiao, Y. (1996) “Design Procedures for Composite Connections”, Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete III, proceedings of an (ASCE) engineering foundation conference, Swabian conference center, Irsee, Germany, 9-14 June, edited by C Dale Buckner and Bahram M. Shahrooz, pp.794-808.
- Ahmed, B. and Nethercot, D. A. (1996) “Parallel use of large-scale testing and numerical simulation”, Structural Assessment: the Role of Large and Full Scale Testing, Institution of Structural Engineers Conference, City University, London, UK, 1-3 July, edited by K. S. Virdy, F. K. Garas, J. L. Clarke and G.S.T. Armer, pp.15–24.
- M. Seraj and B. Ahmed (1997) “Interaction of retaining walls with soils”, International Symposium on Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, 5-7 October, Nagoya, Japan, edited by Akira Asaoka, Toshihisa Adachi and Fusao Oka, pp.683-688.
- Ahmed, B. and Nethercot, D. A. (1998) “Overall behavior of composite connections”, FESTSCHRIFT, J. Linder, Proceedings of conference held in the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, pp. 321-328.
- Ahmed, B., Amanat K. M., Ashraf M., Hoque E. (1999) “Deflection of semi-rigidly connected beams subjected to center point loading”, Civil and Environmental engineering conference-New frontiers and challenges, 8-12 November 1999, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. II-113-122.
- Amanat K. M., Ahmed, B., Hoq E. and Enam M. B. (1999) “Computational investigation of the semi-rigid properties of reinforced concrete beam-column joint”, Civil and Environmental engineering conference-New frontiers and challenges, 8-12 November 1999, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. II-37-44.
- Ahmed and Nethercot, D. A., (2000) “Sway of un-braced steel frames” Festschrift Bode of the University of Kaiserlautern in Germany, September 2000, pp. 411-433.
- Ashraf and B. Ahmed (2001) “Estimation of Sway of Semi-Rigid Regular Steel Frames Using Equation” Proceedings of the First Annual Paper Meet and International Conference on Civil Engineering, Bangladesh, 2–3 November 2001, edited by Seraj. S. M., Ali. M. A. and B. Ahmed, pp. 86-92.
- Ashraf and B. Ahmed (2001) “Graphical Method to Calculate Sway of Semi-Rigid Regular Steel Frames” Proceedings of the First Annual Paper Meet and International Conference on Civil Engineering, Bangladesh, 2–3 November 2001, edited by Seraj. S. M., Ali. M. A. and B. Ahmed, pp. 112-122.
- Ahmed and S. R. Chowdhury (2001) “Behaviour of edge supported slab with opening ” Proceedings of the First Annual Paper Meet and International Conference on Civil Engineering, Bangladesh, 2–3 November 2001, edited by Seraj. S. M., Ali. M. A. and B. Ahmed, pp. 160-171.
- Ahmed,B. , Li,T.Q. , Nethercot,D.A. (2002), “Deflection of semi-rigidly connected beams”, Festschrift G.Valtinat.
- Ahsan, I. Ahmed and B. Ahmed (2003) “Secant Stiffness of Semi-Rigid Steel Frames” Proceedings of the Second Annual Paper Meet and International Conference on Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), edited by Seraj. S. M., Ali. M. A. and B. Ahmed, pp. 319-330.
- Ahmed and Chowdhury, S. R. (2003), “Estimation of serviceability deflection of edge supported slabs, Part 1: Modelling Slab Response”, Proceedings of the 28th Conference on OUR WORLD IN CONCRETE & STRUCTURES to be held in Singapore on 28 – 29 August. pp.195-202.
- Ahmed and Chowdhury, S. R. (2003), “Estimation of serviceability deflection of edge supported slabs, Part 2: Coefficient method”, Proceedings of the 28th Conference on OUR WORLD IN CONCRETE & STRUCTURES to be held in Singapore on 28 – 29 August, pp. 202-210.
- B Ahmed and S R Chowdhury (2003), “Simplified Analysis of Octagonal Slabs”, Proceedings of the 28th Conference on OUR WORLD IN CONCRETE & STRUCTURES to be held in Singapore on 28 – 29 August, pp.187-194.
- R. Chowdhury, B. Ahmed (2003) “Finite element analysis of edge supported octagonal slab” Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering CSCE 2003, “BUILDING OUR CIVILIZATION”, Moncton, New Brunswick from June 4-7, 2003.
- R. Chowdhury, B. Ahmed (2003) “Finite element modelling of edge supported slab with opening” Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering CSCE 2003, “BUILDING OUR CIVILIZATION”, Moncton, New Brunswick from June 4-7, 2003.
- Ahmed & M. Ashraf (2003) “Effect of number of bay on sway of building frames”, Proceedings of “System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design”, ISEC 02, Rome, Italy, 2003 pp 873-877.
- Ahmed & M. Ashraf (2003) “Sway estimation of rigid frames using equation”, Proceedings of “System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design”, ISEC 02, Rome, Italy, 2003, pp 907-913.
- Ahmed B, Li TQ, Nethercot DA, (2008) “Deflection of semi-rigidly connected beams”, International Conference on Structures and Granular Solids – From Scientific Principles to Engineering Applications, CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, 2008, Pages:293-303.
- Sakib N., Ahmed B. (2011) “Software-based method for load capacity estimation of fire damaged RCC columns”, 4th Annual Paper Meet and 1st Civil Engineering Congress, December 22-24, 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh ISBN: 978-984-33-4363-5,, Noor, Amin, Bhuiyan, Chowdhury and Kakoli (eds), Pages: 381-389.