PABX No: 7301
Room No: 636
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Dr. Ishtiaque Ahmed
Specialization: Structural Engineering
[No info available]
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK, 1992
- M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1989
- B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1987
Research Interest
- Seismic design of structures
- Design for structural fire protection
- Repair and retrofitting of structural elements
- Engineering procurement and construct contracts for development projects
Research Awards
- Commonwealth Scholarship (1989-1992) awarded by Association of Commonwealth Universities, UK for undertaking research in Structural Engineering leading to PhD Degree.
- Research Excellence Award (1995-1996) awarded by American Association of Bangladeshi Architects and Engineers, USA for paper titled “Design Provisions for Stair Slabs in the Bangladesh Building Code” published in the Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Structural Division, March 1996, Vol. 122, No. 3.
Professional Work at National and International Levels
- Consultant in a team of BUET Consultant for the Design and Preparation of Complete Design, Drawing and Tender Document and top supervision for Sonali Bank Office Buildings at Nine District Towns of Bangladesh (2003-2009).
- Consultant (Coordinator) in a multidisciplinary team of consultants for the planning/design, preparing specification and tender document and providing top supervision services during construction works of an Inland River Container Terminal at Pangoan, Dhaka under BIWTA (2006-2012).
- Team Leader of a team for evaluation of EoI and preparation of RFP for selection of consultant for design and supervision of works of the Head Office Building of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd.(2013).
- Team Leader of a team for assessment of Structural Adequacy of ten story school building of Monipur School, Branch No. 2, Ibrahimpur, Mirpur, Dhaka (2013).
- Team Leader of a team for assessment of Structural Adequacy of six story (steel) factory building of Ha-meem Washing Plant, Ashulia, , Dhaka (2013).
- Team Leader of a team for assessment and retrofitting design of twelve storied commercial building K. R. Fashion Int. at 241 Tejgoan, Dhaka (Owner Mr. Md. Ruhul Amin Howlader) (2014).
- Team Coordinator and Lead Assessor of the Assessment Team in the Safety Assessment of RMG Factory Buildings of more than seven hundred RMG buildings during 2013 and 2014 (ILO funded safety assessment of RMG Buildings).
- Team Leader of a team for repair and renovation of jetty (NCT Jetty) of CPA damaged by impact of ship (2015).
- Advisor of the Team of Consultants for checking the design adequacy of the ten storied Corporate Office Building of Unilever Bangladesh (2015).
- Consultant (Team-Advisor) in a multidisciplinary team of consultants for the planning/design, preparing specification and tender document and providing top supervision services during construction works of Patenga Container Terminal of Chittagong Port Authority, Chittagong (2016-2018).
- Consultant in a multidisciplinary team for assessing the technical and financial feasibility of construction 40 story CPA Tower, a high rise office and commercial complex, to be built by Chittagong Port Authority (2017).
- Consultant in a multidisciplinary team for assessing the technical and financial feasibility of construction CPA Monument, an iconic tower and recreational facility to be built by the river Karnaphuli by Chittagong Port Authority (2017).
- Consultant in a multidisciplinary team of consultants for Transaction Advisory Service for Development of Hotels at Pashur and Muzgunni sites of Khulna for Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) under PPP (2017-Ongoing).
- Consultant in a multidisciplinary team of consultants for Transaction Advisory Service for Development of Flyover between Arambag and Mawa Road by Rajuk under PPP (2017-Ongoing).
- Consultant (Team Leader) in a multidisciplinary team of consultants for Transaction Advisory Service for Development of Multi-purpose Berth and Terminal Facilities for CPA at Laldia Char, Patenga under PPP (2017-Ongoing).
- Consultant (Team Leader) in a multidisciplinary team of consultants for planning, design and preparing construction specification of Service Jetty on the bank of Andher Manink River at Kalapara, Potuakhali for Payra Port Authority (2017).
- Consultant (Team Leader) in a multidisciplinary team of consultants for assessing the structural capacity of berths for operating multiple Quay Gantry Cranes (QGC) in Chittagong Container Terminal (CCT) and New Mooring Container Terminal (NCT) of Chittagong Port Authority, Chittagong (2018).
- Consultant (Team Leader) in a multidisciplinary team of consultants for assessing the structural capacity of berths for operating mobile harbor crane LHM425 by Liebherr in Chittagong Container Terminal (CCT) (2018).
- Team Leader, Transaction Advisory team for construction of Dhaka Chittagong Expressway under PPP, 2018- on going.
Selected Publications
- Ahmed, I., “Theory and Practice of Testing the Strength of Materials” – A text book dealing with fundamentals of the laboratory practices in solid mechanics for undergraduate students of engineering; Published by BUET Library, 1995.
- Ahmed, I., Muqtadir, A. and Ahmad, S., “Design Basis for Stair Slabs at Landing Level”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 121, No. 7, July, 1995, pp. 1051-1057.
- Ahmed, I., Muqtadir, A. and Ahmad, S., “Design Provisions for Stair Slabs in the Bangladeh Building Code”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 122, No. 3, March, 1996, pp. 262-266.
- Ahmed, I., Ahmed, M. Z. and Rahman, M. H., “Leaking of Concrete Roofs : Causes and Remedies”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, India, Vol. 77, Nov., 1996, pp. 143-146.
- Ahmed, I., Ahmed, M. Z., “Premature Deterioration of Concrete Structures – A Case Study”, ASCE Journal of Constructed Facilites, Vol. 10, No. 4, Nov., 1996, pp. 164-170.
- Ahmed, I., and Kirby, P. A. “Maximum Connection Rotation in Non-Sway Semi-Rigid Frames”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elevier Applied Science UK, Vol. 40, No.1, October, 1996, pp. 1-15.
- Ahsan, R., and Ahmed, I., “Effect of Transverse Shear Deformation in Beams”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, India, Vol. 77, Feb. 1997, pp. 228-232.
- Ahmed, I., Rahman, M. H., Seraj, S. M., and Hoque, A. M., “Performance of Plain Concrete Runway Pavement”, ASCE Journal of Constructed Facilites, Vol. 12, No. 3, Aug., 1998, pp. 145-152.
- Rahman, S. M., and Ahmed, I., “Torsional Design Aspects of ACI 318-89 and ACI 318-95 Building Codes with Reference to BNBC”, Journal of Civil Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. CE 27, No. 1, June, 1999, pp. 1-14.
- Mahbub, M. A. A., and Ahmed, I., “Influence of Structural Parameters on Scaling Factor for Site Specific Response Spectrum”, Journal of Civil Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. CE 28, No.1, 2000, pp21-34.
- Ahmed, I., and Islam, M. S., “Development of a Rational Design Basis for RCC Rectangular Water Tank”, (under process of being published).
- Ahmed, I., and Kirby, P. A., “Simplified Approach for Elastic Design of Non-Sway Semi-Rigid Frames”, paper submitted to the Journal of Constructional Steel Research, UK, (under process of being published).
- Ahsan, R., Ahmed, I., and Ahmed, B., “Lateral Drift of Semi-Rigid Steel Frames”, (under process of being published).
- Ahsan, R., Ahmed, I., and Ahmed, B., “A Simplified Approach of Estimating Lateral Drift of Semi-Rigid Steel Frames in Sway Mode”, (under process of being published).
- Ahmed, I., “Approximate Analysis of Semi-Rigid Steel Frames”,Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures – ICASS 96, December, 1996, Hong Kong, pp. 227-232.
- Ahmed, I., and Ahmed, M. Z., “A Case Study into the Causes of Poor Durability of Concrete Structures”, in Current Trends in Concrete Engineering and Technology, Proceedings of CONCET’97, the Fifth International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-7 May 1997, (edited by H. B. Mahmud, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1997).
- Seraj, S. M., Hoque, A. M., Ahmed, I., Rahman, M. H. and Ahmad, S. (1997) “Repair and Structural Strengthening of Rigid Pavement of Zia International Airport,” in Structural Failure, Durability and Retrofitting, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Structural Failure, Durability and Retrofitting held in Singapore, 27-28 November 1997, (edited by K. C. G. Ong, J. M. Lau and P. Paramasivam, Singapore Concrete Institute, Singapore, 1997), pp. 53-60.
- Ahsan, R., Ahmed, I. and Ahmed, B “Secant Stiffness of Semi-Rigid Steel Frames” Proceedings of the Second Annual Paper Meet and International Conference on Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 2003, edited by Seraj. S. M., Ali. M. A. and B. Ahmed, pp. 319-330.
- Hasan, M. N., Ahmed, K., Ahmed, I. and Ahmed, M. Z., “Improved Systems for Ductile Behaviour of Buildings with Soft Ground Storey” Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey, 195-206.
- Siddique, S., and Ahmed, I., “Seismic Performance Evaluation of Framed Buildings Designed As Per Bangladesh National Building Code -1993”, Proceedings of the Second International Earthquake Engineering Symposium, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2007.
- Mondal, S.S., Ahmed, I., “Remedial Measures For Reduction of Seismic Vulnerability In Buildings With Soft Ground Storey”, Proceedings of the Third International Earthquake Engineering Symposium, Dhaka. Bangladesh, 2010.
- Masud, M., Ahmed, I., Asses, M., “Behavior of Shear wall with Base Opening”, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineer, Volume 6, No.-2, 2012, pp-255-266.
- Masud, M., Ahmed, I., Asses, M., “Behavior of Shear wall with Base Opening”, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineer, Volume 6, No.-2, 2012, pp-255-266.
- Islam, M. I., Ahmed, I., “Evaluation of Deflection of Flexural Members with High Strength Reinforcements” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advances in Civil Infrastructures and Construction Materials, December 2015, MIST, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 319-328.
- Ahmed, I., “Design of Seismic Resistant Structures Using High Strength Reinforcement”, Key Note Paper presentation at “Advent of Grade-80 High Strength Steel Reinforcement” – Seminar organized by Bangladesh Steel Re-Rolling Mills Ltd., Dhaka, December, 2015.
- Islam, M. T., Rahman, M. A., Ahmed, I., “Effect of Saline Water Curing on Properties of Concrete” Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Structural Engineering Research (iCSER-2019), January 2019, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. ISBN:978-0-6482681-2-3, pp. 23-27.
- Rahman, M. A., Islam, M. T., Ahmed, I., “A Review of Acceptable Limits for Various Engineering Properties of Aggregates” Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Structural Engineering Research (iCSER-2019), January 2019, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. ISBN:978-0-6482681-2-3, pp. 12-17.
- Islam, M. T., Rahman, M. A., Ahmed, I., “Use of Various Types of Cement Mortars for Improved Structural Fire Resistance” Proceedings of International Conference on Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering, February 2019, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. ISBN:978-984-34-5881-0.
- Islam, M. T., Rahman, M. A., Ahmed, I., “Pervious Slag Concrete-a Solution to Both Water Logging and Environment Friendly Use of Slag” Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, January 2019, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh, pp. 130-135.
- Islam, M. T., Rahman, M. A., Ahmed, I., “Good Practices in the Handling of Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated Bars for Reaping Maximum Protection against Corrosion” Proceedings of International Conference on Disaster Risk Management, January 2019, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. ISBN:978-984-34-5793-6, pp. 80-83.
- Islam, M. T., Rahman, M. A., Ahmed, I., “Comparison of Properties of Various Types of Mortars Exposed to Fire” Proceedings of International Conference on Disaster Risk Management, January 2019, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. ISBN:978-984-34-5793-6, pp. 26-31.
- Islam, M. T., Rahman, M. A., Ahmed, I., “Determination of Chloride Absorption in Concrete – an Alternative Method for Assessing the Durability of Concrete in Low-Budget Laboratories” Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, December 2018, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh. ISBN:978-984-34-5617-5, pp. 524-528.
- Rahman, M. A., Islam, M. T., Ahmed, I., “Use of High Strength Concrete in Columns of RC Building for Cost Effectiveness and Sustainability” Proceedings of 1st National Conference on Water Resources Engineering, March 2018, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh. ISBN:978-1981910410.
- Islam, M. T., Khan, M. A., Ahmed, I., “Structural Rehabilitation of RC Column using Micro Concrete Jacketing” Proceedings of International Conference on Disaster Risk Mitigation, September 2017, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Text Book Publication:
- Ahmed, I., “Theory and Practice of Testing the Strength of Materials” – A text book dealing with fundamentals of the laboratory practices in solid mechanics for undergraduate students of engineering; Published by BUET Library, 1995.