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Dr. Md. Hadiuzzaman
Specialization: Transportation Engineering
Md. Hadiuzzaman received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in Civil and Transportation Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2005 and 2008, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in Transportation Engineering from the University of Alberta (UofA), Canada in 2014. Currently, he is working as a Professor of Civil Engineering Department at BUET and was a visiting professor at UofA. His research effort mainly focuses on: (a) developing analytical models including control variables to represent the macroscopic dynamics with a control strategy that may lead to more sensible traffic operations; (b) detecting and tracking vehicles from video images during free-flow and congestion taking into account environmental challenges to obtain accurate traffic state estimation; and (c) modeling user preferences of public transportation modes based on observed and latent aspects to improve its service quality. He has published more than a hundred research papers in esteemed peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Hadiuzzaman has authored a chapter in a book titled “Data Analytics: Paving the Way to Sustainable Urban Mobility” (Springer, 2019) – which aims at showing how big data sources and data analytics can play an important role in sustainable mobility. In addition to these research activities, he is actively involved in a number of consultancy projects including feasibility study of mega projects initiated by the government of Bangladesh, planning and designing of sea ports and investigating its impacts on roadway traffic and environment, road infrastructure requirements for reducing traffic congestion generated from seaports and commercial high-rise buildings, designing road geometry and structural standards of low volume roads, developing computer tools for planning and prioritization of rural roads, planning and designing freeway infrastructures, drainage design of pavements, and economic and financial analysis of transportation projects.
- Ph.D. (Transportation Engineering), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 2014.
- M.Sc. (Civil & Transportation), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008.
- B.Sc. (Civil Engineering), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2005.
Research Interest
My research interests include image and video processing, traffic systems monitoring, state parameter estimation, micro and macro traffic modeling and simulation; ITS technologies and application; active traffic management, and public transit.
Research Awards
- Best Paper Award at the iCERP-2019, January 2019
- Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship Award, May 2012–Apr 2013
- Best Paper Award at the 9th International Transportation Specialty Conference, June 2012
- Best Oral Presentation in the 2nd Annual Graduate Research Symposium at UofA, June 2011
- FS Chia PhD Scholarship Award, Sep 2009-Aug 2011
Professional Work at National and International Levels
- Consultant for Construction of U-loop at Paduar Bazar, Comilla at the Junction point of Dhaka-Chittagong Highway (N1) and Comilla-Chandpur Regional Highway (R-140) to Smooth Traffic Flow, sponsored by the Road and Highway Department, March 2019.
- Consultancy Services for Detailed Design of Mukterpur Bridge Approach Road Widening Project, sponsored by the Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA), February 2019.
- Consultant for Feasibility Study and Detailed Design for Development of Jetties and Infrastructure at Mirsarai & Sandwip at Chittagong, Subrang-Jaliar Dwip at Teknaf and Sonadia Dwip at Cox’s Bazar, sponsored by the Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA), August 2018.
- Consultant for Detailed Design for Construction of Proposed Patenga Container Terminal (PCT) of Chittagong Port Authority (CPA), sponsored by the Chittagong Port Authority, March 2018.
- Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of Mukterpur Bridge Approach Road Widening Project, sponsored by the Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA), November 2017.
- Consultant for Transaction Advisory Service for Laldia Bulk Terminal PPP Project, sponsored by the Public Private Partnership Authority Bangladesh, September 2017.
- Feasibility Study for Construction of Proposed Patenga Container Terminal (PCT) of Chittagong Port Authority (CPA), sponsored by Chittagong Port Authority, June 2016.
- Consultant for Purbachal Link Road (Kuril to Kanchan), sponsored by the Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK), February 2016.
- Feasibility study for the Development of Proposed 52-storied Port Administrative Building, sponsored by Chittagong Port Authority, June 2016.
- Planning and Prioritization of Rural Roads in Bangladesh, sponsored by UK Department for International Development (DFID), April 2016.
- Separation of Sanitary Sewer and Household Wastewater Drain from Storm Sewer Network Upstream of Panthapath Box Culvert, sponsored by SWO-Bangladesh Army, March 2016.
- Construction of Purbachal Link Road (Kuril to Kanchan), sponsored by Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK), February 2016.
- Feasibility Study for Construction of Karnaphuli Container Terminal (KCT), sponsored by Chittagong Port Authority, April 2016.
- Evaluating EOI Applications on Detailed Feasibility Study of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib International Airport, sponsored by Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh (CAAB), November 2015.
- Strengthening of Existing Runway and Construction of Boarding Bridge at Shah Amanat International Airport (SAIA) Chittagong, sponsored by Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh (CAAB), September 2015.
- LGED-ARI (BUET) Collaboration under the Second Rural Transport Improvement Project (RTIP-II), sponsored by World Bank, September 2015.
- Assessment of Road Design and Pavement Standards of LGED under Second Rural Transport Improvement Project (RTIP-II), sponsored by World Bank, July 2015.
- Feasibility Study of City Stopover Bus Terminal at Nimtali Babupara Slum, sponsored by World Bank, July 2015.
- Digital Topographic Survey for Bangladesh Army Initiated-Jalshiri Abason Project at Rupganj, Narayanganj, sponsored by Bangladesh Army, April 2015.
- Feasibility Study of Constructing Overflow Container at Chittagong Port Workers Colony, sponsored by Chittagong Port Authority, February 2015.
- Traffic Impact Assessment of 11-storied with 04 Basement Commercial Building at Bara Moghbazar, Ramna, Dhaka, sponsored by Ispahani Free School Properties Ltd, December 2014.
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Dhaka Elevated Expressway Project, sponsored by Bangladesh Bridge Authority, November 2014.
- Asphalt Overlay Work on Runway at Zia International Airport, sponsored by Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh (CAAB), June 2008.
Selected Publications
- Haque, N., Hadiuzzaman, M., Rahman, F., and Siam, M.R.K. (2019). Real-time motion trajectory based head-on crash probability estimation on two-lane undivided highway, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security. In-print.
- Hadiuzzaman, M., Farazi, N.P., Hossain, S., Barua, S., and Rahman, F. (2019). Structural equation approach to investigate trip-chaining and mode choice relationships in the context of developing countries, Transportation Planning and Technology. In-print.
- Islam, M.R., Barua, S., Akter, S., Hadiuzzaman, M., and Haque, N. (2019). Impacts of Non-Geometric Attributes on Crash Prediction at Urban Signalized Intersections of Developing Countries, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security. (DOI:10.1080/19439962.2018.1526840)
- Islam, M.R., Hadiuzzaman, M., Barua, S., and Shimu, T.H. (2019). Alternative Approach for Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction under Spatio-Temporal Side Friction using Lopsided Network, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 13(2), 356-366.
- Das, T., Hadiuzzaman, M., Enam, A., and Rahman, M.M. (2018). Exploring the heterogeneity in the cyclone evacuation decision in the context of developing economy: A case study of coastal Bangladesh, Journal of Emergency Management. In-print.
- Hasnat, M.M., Islam, M.R., and Hadiuzzaman, M. (2018). Emergency Response during Disastrous Situation in Densely Populated Urban Areas: A GIS Based Approach, Geographia Technica, 13(2), 74-88.
- Khan, M.I., Hadiuzzaman, M., Das, T., Fahmida, R., and Shimu, T.H. (2018). A Structural Equation Approach in Modeling Perceived Service Quality of Passenger Ferry, Management Research & Practice, 10(1), 42-63.
- Hadiuzzaman, M., Siam, M.R.K., Haque, N., Shimu, T.H., and Rahman, F. (2018). Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for Modeling Equilibrium Speed-Density Relationship, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 14(9), 784-808.
- Siam, M.R.K., Nasrin, S., Hadiuzzaman, M., Muniruzzaman, and Haque, N. (2018). VISCAL: Heuristic Algorithm Based Application Tool to Calibrate Microscopic Simulation Parameters, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 5(1), 28–43.
- Hadiuzzaman, M., Farazi, N.P., Hossain, S., and Malik, D.M.G. (2017). An Exploratory Analysis of Observed and Latent Variables Affecting Intercity Train Service Quality in Developing Countries, Transportation. (DOI:10.1007/s11116-017-9843-6)
- Kays, H.M.I, Shimu, T.H., Hadiuzzaman, M., Muniruzzaman, S.M., and Rahman, M.M. (2017). H-CTM for Simulating Non-lane-based Heterogeneous Traffic, Transportation Letters. (DOI: 10.1080/19427867.2017.1373439)
- Hadiuzzaman, M., Haque, N., Rahman, F., Hossain, S., Siam, M.R.K., and Qiu, T.Z. (2017). Pixel Based Heterogeneous Traffic Measurement considering Shadow and Illumination Variation, Signal, Image and Video processing, 11(7), 1245–1252.
- Hadiuzzaman, M., Haque, N., Musabbir, S.R., Islam, M.A., Hossain, S., and Muntakim, A.H. (2017) Variational Formulation Incorporating Spatial Capacity Changes to Reconstruct Trajectory for Heterogeneous Traffic Condition, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44(8), 598-610.
- Hadiuzzaman, M., Das, T, M., Hasnat, M.H., Hossain, S., and Musabbir, S.R. (2017). Structural Equation Modeling of User Satisfaction based on Stated Preferences and Latent Variables for Bus Service Quality, Transportation Planning and Technology, 40(3), 257-277.
- Rahman, F., Das, T., and Hadiuzzaman, M. and Hossain, S. (2016). Perceived Service Quality of Paratransit in Developing Countries: A Structural Equation Approach, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 93, 23-38.
- Islam, R., Hadiuzzaman, M., Banik, R., Musabbir, S.R., and Hossain, S. (2016). Bus Service Quality Prediction and Attribute Ranking: A Neural Network Approach Public Transport, Public Transport, 8(2), 295–313.
- Islam, R., Musabbir, S.R., Ahmed, I., Hadiuzzaman, M., Hasnat, M., and Hossain, S. (2016). Bus Service Quality Prediction and Attribute Ranking using Probabilistic Neural Network and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Interference System, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 43, 822–829.
- Hasan, T, Siddique, A., Hadiuzzaman, M., and Musabbir, S.R. (2015). Determining the Most Suitable Pedestrian Level-of-Service Method for Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Through a Synthesis of Measurements, Transportation Research Record, 2519, 104–115.
- Hadiuzzaman, M., Fang, J., Karim, A., Luo, A., and Qiu, T.Z. (2015). Modeling Driver Compliance to VSL and Quantifying Impacts of Compliance Levels and Control Strategy on Mobility and Safety, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 141(12), 1-12.
- A., Hadiuzzaman, M., Fang, J., and Qiu, T.Z. (2015). Assessing the Mobility Benefits of Proactive Optimal Variable Speed Limit Control during Recurrent and Non-recurrent Congestion, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 42(7), 477-489.
- Cao, J., Hadiuzzaman, M., Qiu, T.Z. and Dawei, H. (2015). Real-Time Queue Estimation Model Development for Uninterrupted Freeway Flow Based on Shockwave Analysis, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 42(3), 153-163.
- Hadiuzzaman, M., Zhang, Y., Qiu, T.Z., Lu, M., and AbouRizk, S.M. (2014). Modeling the Impact of Work-zone Traffic Flows upon Concrete Construction: A High-Level Architecture Based Simulation Framework, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 41(2), 144-153.
- Wang, X., Hadiuzzaman, M., Fang, J., Qiu, T.Z., and Yan, X. (2014). Optimal Ramp Metering Control for Weaving Segments Considering Dynamic Weaving Capacity Estimation, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 140(11), 1-10.
- Fang, J., Hadiuzzaman, M., Yin, E., and Qiu, T.Z. (2014). DynaTAM: An Online Algorithm for Performing Simultaneously Optimized Proactive Traffic Control for Freeways, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 41(4), 315-322.
- Fang, J., Hadiuzzaman, M., Karim, A., Luo, A., and Qiu, T.Z. (2014). Variable Speed Limit Control Strategy with Collision Probability Assessments Based on Traffic State Prediction, Transportation Research Record, 2435, 11-18.
- Hadiuzzaman, M., Qiu, T.Z., and Lu, X.Y. (2013). Variable Speed Limit Control Design for Relieving Congestion Caused by Active Bottlenecks, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 139(4), 358-370.
- Hadiuzzaman, M. and Qiu, T.Z. (2013). Cell Transmission Model Based Variable Speed Limit Control for Freeways, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 40(1), 46-56.
- Islam, M., Hadiuzzaman, M., Fang, J., Qiu, T.Z., and El-Basyouny, K. (2013). Assessing Mobility and Safety Impacts of a Variable Speed Limit Control Strategy, Transportation Research Record, 2364, 1-11.
- Hadiuzzaman, M. and Rahman, M.M. (2009). Estimating Vehicle Stops at Over-Saturated Signalized Intersection for Mixed Traffic Conditions, ITE journal on the web, pp.76-80.
- Hadiuzzaman, M., Rahman, M.M., and Karim, M.A. (2008). Saturation Flow Model at Signalized Intersection for Non-lane Based Traffic, Canadian Journal of Transportation, 2(1), 77-90.