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Dr. Md. Mafizur Rahman
Specialization: Environmental Engineering
B. Sc. in Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, 1992
MSc. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, 1994
Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan in 1997
Research Interest
- Groundwater Pollution and Recharge
- Environmental and Water Resources Engineering with GIS application
- Urban Air Pollution and the Impact of Climate Change
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Climate Change Impacts on Food Security
- Climate Change and Water Environment
- Alternate Water Resources in Urban and Rural Areas of Developing Countries
Selected Publications
- Journals
- Abir Saha, Salahuddin Setu, Swadhin Das, Md Imran Hossain, AHM Khalequr Rahman, Md Mafizur Rahman (2024); Decision support system for community managed rainwater harvesting: A case study in the salinity-prone coastal region of Bangladesh, Heliyon, Vol 19, Issue 9, Publisher: Elsevier,, Publication date 15th May 2024
- Md. Habibul Huq, Md. Mafizur Rahman, G.M. Jahid Hasan (2024); Social perception on rainwater harvesting and wastewater reuse: Opportunities and challenges of a fast-growing township in Dhaka; ScienceDirect,, March 2024
- Heng,S. Hok,P. Rahman M.R. (2020); Flow Regime Alteration under Regional Climate Models in Stung Chinit River Basin, Cambodia, Techno-Science Research Journal 8 (2020) 25-33, Dec, 2020.
- Alam Md. Nur‑E,Mia, Md. Abu Sayid, Ahmad Farid, Rahman Md. Mafizur (2020); An overview of chromium removal techniques from tannery effluent, Springer, Applied Water Science (2020) 10:205,, August, 2020
- Huq Md. Habibul, Rahman Md. Mafizur (2020); Land-Use and Land-Cover Change of Dhaka Eastern Region and Its Impact on Surface Run-off, MIST International Journal of Science and Technology, MIJST, Vol. 08, June 2020.
- Md. Abu Sayid Mia, Md. Nur-E-Alam, Saiful Huque and Md. Mafizur Rahman (2017); Biogas Production in the Anaerobic Digestion of Tannery Solid Waste Iranian Journal of Energy and Environment 8(3): 210-215, 2017.
- Md. Nur-E-Alam, Md. Abu Sayid Mia, Farid Ahmad, and Md. Mafizur Rahman(2017); Adsorption of Chromium (Cr) from Tannery Wastewater using Low-cost Spent Tea Leaves Adsorbent. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (Submitted)
- Md. Nur-E-Alam, Md. Abu Sayid Mia and Md. Mafizur Rahman (2017); COD Removal of Tannery wastewater using Spent Tea Waste. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, , Volume: 04 Issue: 11 | Nov -2017, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, Pg 1940-1945
- Md. Abu Sayid Mia, Md. Nur-E-Alam, Farid Ahmad, Md. Zahangir Alam and Md. Mafizur Rahman (2017); Treatment of Tannery wastewater by Electrocoagulation Technology, Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research 2017; 6(4); 129-134
- Alam M.N, Sayid M.M.A., Lutfor R M., Rahman M.M. (2017) Impacts of Tanning Process on Surface Water Quality of Hazaribagh Tanning Area Dhaka, Bangladesh, JECET; June 2017- August 2017; Sec. A; Vol.6. No.3, 176-186, Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology,
- Gowthaman, S., Mafizur R., and Sivakumar, S.S. (2017) “Performance Evaluation of Waste Water Treatment Plant: an analysis of FOG removal efficiency” , International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 1/2017; 8(1): pp 2084-2089, ISSN – 2229 – 5518.
- Nitharsan, U., Anusuthan, N., Thinojah, T., Mafizur, R., and Sivakumar, S.S. (2017) “Freshwater Cultivation by Continuous Flushing of River Water through Elephant Pass Lagoon to Vadamarachchi Lagoon in Northern Sri Lanka” , International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 2/2017; 8(2): pp 705-710, ISSN – 2229 – 5518.
- Rahman M.M, Akhter F., Salek F.; (2016) Sustainable issues in SWM system in rapidly developing Coastal Tourism area of Bangladesh (ICSBE 2016) 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, 16th -18th December 2016. Regency Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Rahman M.M, Akter N. Akhter F. (2016) Viability Of Alternative Water Supply Technologies For Drinking Purposes At A Severely Arsenic And Salinity Affected Area (Wscc-2016), Water Security And Climate Change: Challenges And Opportunities in ASIA 29 November-01 December 2016 Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand Published by Springer.
- M. Dakua, M. M. Rahman (2016)Removal of Pollutants from Domestic Grey Water for Recycling and Reuse in Urban Areas through Sub-surface Flow Constructed Wetland, Particle Separation -2016, Advances in Particle Science and Separation: meeting tomorrow’s challenges, IWA Specialist group Conference, June 22-24, 2016, Oslo, Norway.
- Rahman M. M., Akter F., Mahmood M. (2016) Adaptability of approaches of wastewater management in cold climates to other areas: Case of Bangladesh – Urban and Industrial Context, EWA – WMCC 2016, Water and wastewater management – challenges in cold climate, European Water Association Conference, June 25-27, 2016, Spitsbergen, Norway.
- Rahman M.M. (2016) Adaptation for Industries with Regard to Water And Environmental Safety, Presentation, Seminar on Building capacity about Climate Change Adaptation at IWM on 29th March 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Rahman M.M. (2016) Technology Integration for ensuring safe water, Presentation, World Water Day 22nd March 2016 at the National Press Club, VIP lounge in seminar Organized by Bangladesh Water Society.
- Dakua. M., Akhter F., Reza S.S.M., Rahman M.M. (2016) Integration of Solar Panels with UV disinfection system for safe water supply in coastal area of Bangladesh, 8th International perspective on Water Resources & the Environment (IPWE2016), 4th-6th January, 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (To be published in Environment & water Resource Institute (EWRI), ASCE.
- Rahman.M.M (2016) Safe Water Supply Initiatives in Hard to Reach Areas – Technology & Society, Presentation, Workshop on Water & Environment (11thJanuary, 2016); Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Funded by NORHED Program of NORAD, Norway.
- Rahman.M.M.,.Debnath P (2015) Urban land use changes and Urban Heat Island effect on Dhaka City, International Conference on Climate Change and Water Security (ICCWS 2015), Military Institute of Science and Technology, December 27, 2015
- Rafiq R., Alam M.S., Rahman M.M., Islam I (2014) Conserving Wetlands: Valuation of Indirect Use Benefits of a Wetland of Dhaka, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2014
- (URL:
- A.M. Redwan, S. Ghosh, M.M. Rahman (2014) Effectiveness of UV-Technique for Water Disinfection in Dhaka City, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, January-2014, ISSN 2229-5518 IJSER © 2014,OnlineVersion(
- Ahmed S., Rahman M. M., Shams S., Pasha M. (2014) Assessment of Temporal and Spatial Variation of Pan Evaporation with Related Climatological Factors in Bangladesh, 5th International Conference on Environmental Science and Development-ICESD 2014 (Accepted Paper ID: L1005) (To be published in APCBEE Procedia (Journal under Elsevier, ISSN: 2212-6708))
- Alam M. Z., Chowdhury A., Masum A. A. , Rahman M. (2013) Water Requirement for Crops in Barind Area- before and after Implementation of BIADP, Bangladesh, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering Civil And Structural Engineering, Volume 13 Issue 7 Version 1.0 Year 2013, Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal, Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA), Online ISSN: 2249-4596 & Print ISSN: 0975-5861.
- Rafiq R., Alam M.S., Rahman M. M., Islam I. (2013) Conserving Wetlands: Valuation of Indirect Use Benefits of a Wetland of Dhaka, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development (IJESD, ISSN:2010-0264).
- Mamun A.A., Mahmood A., Rahman M.M., (2013) Identification and Monitoring the Change of Land Use Pattern Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case Study of Dhaka City IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 6, Issue 2 (Mar. – Apr. 2013), PP 20-28,
- Akter K.S., Rahman M.M (2012) Spatio-Temporal Quantification and Characterization of Drought Patterns in Bangladesh, Journal of Water and Environment Technology (JWET), Japan Society on Water Environment (JSWE), Vol. x, No.x, pp.xx-xx, 200x, ONLINE ISSN: 1348-2165 (Accepted)
- Biswas S.K., Rahman M.M., Rahman M.Y.A., Rahman M.M. (2012) Applicability of domestic Grey water Reuse for Alleviation of Water Crisis in Dhaka City, Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, Journal of IWA, Acceptance Reference: JWRD-D-11-00077R1.
- Gaku M., Kitawaki H., Rahman M.M. (2011) Study on Selection Methodology For Economically Feasible Alternative Water Supply in Rural Area in Bangladesh, Page 213-218, Journal of Rural Planning, Special Issue Fukuoka, Volume 30, November 2011, ISSN:0912-9731, The Association of Rural Planning.
- Rahman M.M., Biswas S.K. (2011) Feasible Solution of Protection and Adaptation Strategy for Coastal Zone of Bangladesh, Pakistan Journal of Meteorology, Vol. 8, Issue 15, Page 9 – 19, July, 2011, Pakistan Meteorological Department, (
- Rahman M.M. (2011) Study on Conservation of Water Through use of Water Efficient Appliances in Dhaka City, ITN Research Series 10, International Training Network, BUET.
- Chowdhury R.S., Karim M.M., Rahman M.M. (2011) Ground Water Head declination and it’s Impact on Society and Groundwater Quality of Rajshahi Division, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, DUJACE, Vol. 2(1), Page 31-38, ISSN: 2218-7413, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka.
- Ayaz S. B. and Rahman M. M. (2011) Assessment of Roadway Noise Level and Potential Mitigation Measures, DUET Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Pp. 43-48, June 2011.
- Islam, Akm, Bala, S., Hussain, M., Hossain, M., Rahman, M.M. (2011) “Performance of the Coastal Structures during Cyclone SIDR”, Natural Hazards Review, Vol. 12, No. 3, August 1, 2011. ©ASCE, ISSN 1527-6988/2011/3-0–0 (Submitted 1 October 2008; accepted 22 June 2010; posted ahead of print 10 July 2010, WebLink:
- Rahman M.M., Hasan M., Afrin R. (2011) Noise Pollution Modeling of Dhaka City Using GIS, Journal of Global Environment Engineering, Japanese Society of Civil Engineering (JGEE) , Page 19-24, Volume 16, February, 2011.
- P. Lia, Rahman M.M., I. Saiful (2011) Generation of Two Sets of IDF Curves for Dhaka City and make a Comparison to Observe the Effect of Climate Change, ASCE, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (Under Second Review, Submission Ref: MS HEENG-610)
- Tonmoy F.N., Rahman. M.M., Kitawaki H. (2011) GIS Mapping Of Correlation Between Arsenic And Iron Concentration Of Groundwater Of Bangladesh, Asian Journal Of Water, Environment And Pollution, IOS Press, Nieuwe Hemweg 6b, 1013 BG Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Volume 8, Number 2 / 2011, Page: 61-70, ISSN 972-9860 (Print), 1875-8568 (Online), URL:
- Islam M.H., Rahman M.M., Fahmidah U.A. (2010) Assessment of water quality and impact of effluents from fertilizer factories to the Lakhya River, International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 2(8), pp. 208-221, December 2010, Available online at, ISSN-2141-6613 ©2010 Academic Journals
- Rahman M.M., Rahman M.M. (2010) Database preparation for improved healthcare waste management in Dhaka city with GIS, Journal of Civil Engineering, Institute of Engineers Bangladesh, Pg 201-208,Vol 38, December, 2010, URL:
- Saavedra, O. Koike, T., Rahman, M.M. (2010): Towards Global River Discharge using a Distributed Hydrological Model. Investigación & Métodos, Vol. 9, Journal of the Bolivian Private University, pp 95-102.
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, Hidetoshi Kitawaki, Bo Wang (2010) Arsenic removal monitoring from groundwater in a village in Bangladesh with Guava Method, (JGEE) Journal Of Global Environment Engineering, Japanese Society Of Civil Engineering, Vol 15, pp.61-68, 2010.
- Rahman, M.M., Rahman,M.M. (2010) Database preparation for improved healthcare waste management in Dhaka city with GIS, Journal of Civil Engineering, The Institute of Civil Engineers (IEB), Bangladesh Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 38 (2) (2010) 203-210
- Shahriar, A., and Rahman, M.M. (2010) Optimal water resources management planning in Arsenic affected area using system approach. Submitted to the Journal of Water Resources Management, Springer, 2010, 17 p, (ID: WARM1478).
- Das R., Shahriar A., Rahman M.M. (2009) Modeling Dynamic Behaviour of Composting Process Using Simulation-Aided Factorial Analysis Approach, Environmental Engineering Science, ISSN: 1092-8758 (Submitted).
- Rahman, M.M., Rahman S.F. (2009) Integrated Water resource Management options for Dhaka, Sustainability Science, Springer (Under Review).
- Karim S., Malik Fida A.Khan, Md. Mafizur Rahman (2009) Impacts Of Climate Change On Agricultural Water Demand, AIUB Journal Of Science And Engineering (AJSE), ISSN: 1608-3679, Vol 8, No.1, August, 2009.
- Yoshiaki Tsuzuki, Faruque Ahmed, Md. Mafizur Rahman (2009) Some Considerations On Water Management In Urban And Peri-Urban Areas Of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, And Possibility Of Environmental Education On Water Environment, Environmental Science , Society Of Environmental Science, Japan, Vol. 22, No. 2, Pp: 91-102 (Technical Note),ISSN: 0915-0048.
- Tsuzuki, Y., Koottatep, T., Rahman, M.M (2009) Water Quality Profiles Of The Tidal Rivers And Canal In Peri-Urban Areas Of Bangkok, Thailand, And Dhaka, Bangladesh, Focusing On The Water Quality Transition In Coastal Areas, Journal Of Japan Society On Water Environment, Vol. 32, No.1, Pp.47-52. (Survey Report) (In Japanese With English Abstract)
- Yoshiaki Tsuzuki, Faruque Ahmed, Md Mafizur Rahman (2009) Water Quality Measurement with a Water Quality Measurement Kit and a Data Logger in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas of Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Possibility of Environmental Education on Water Environment, Environmental Science, Japan Society of Environmental Science, 22 (2), 91-102, 2009. ( (paper published in print,not in the website.
- Rahman M.M., Tonmoy F.N. (2009) Impact Of Ground Water Depth On Arsenic And Iron Correlation In Bangladesh: GIS Approach, International Journal Of Environment And Pollution (IJEP), ISSN 0973-6077 Volume 4, Number 4 (2009), pp. 437–458, Research India Publications.
- Tsuzuki, Y., Koottatep, T., Rahman, M.M., Ahmed, F. (2008) Water Quality In The Ambient Water And Domestic Wastewater Pollutant Discharges In The Developing Countries: Possibility Of Combined Johkasou Exports, Joukasou Kenkyu (Journal Of Domestic Wastewater Treatment Research) (Survey Report), Vol.20, No.1, Pp.1-13. (In Japanese With English Abstract) ) (
- Tsuzuki, Y., Koottatep, T., Ahmed, F., Rahman, M.M. (2008) Water Quality And Pollutant Load In The Ambient Water And Domestic Wastewater Pollutant Discharges In The Developing Countries: Survey Results In Autumn And Winter In 2006, Journal Of Global Environment Engineering (Note), Vol.13, Pp.121-133.
- Rahman, M.M., Afreen. S., Hussain M.A. (2008) Potential Of Rainwater Harvesting In Dhaka City, Asian Journal Of Water Environment And Pollution (Submitted).
- Islam, Akm, Bala, S.; Hussain, M., Hossain, M.; Rahman, M.M. (2008) Performance Of The Coastal Structures During Cyclone SIDR, Disasters: The Journal Of Disaster Studies, Policy And Management (Submitted)
- Ahmed N., Rahman M.M., Welch A.H.,Clark D.W.(2008) GIS Based Delineation Of Water Quality Of Deep Aquifer Zones For Safe Drinking Purpose; A Case Study Of Kachua Upazila, Chandpur District , Asian Journal of Geoinformatics Vol. 9 No. 2 June,2009.
- Ahmed Ishtiaque Amin Chowdhury, M. M. Rahman, (2008) Correlation Of The Co-Occurrence Of Arsenic And Iron In Groundwater Of Bangladesh, International Journal Of Applied Environmental Sciences, ISSN 0973-6077 Volume 3 Number 2 (2008) pp. 119–124, Research India Publications.
- Wang B., Kitawaki H., Rahman M.M. (2007) A Study On Arsenic Removal Monitoring From Groundwater In Bangladesh Using Guava Method, Environmental Engineering Research, Vol 44, Pp. 407-416.
- M. M. Rahman (2006) Computer Modelling Of Rainwater Harvesting System, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, International Water Association (IWA).
- Khan F.H., Rahman M.M., Islam G.M.T. (2006) Erosion And Non Point Source Pollution Modeling Of Tarapur Using Geo-Informatics, Oriental Geographer (Accepted And Ready For Publication)
- Rahman M.M., Islam R.U. (2006) Environmental Impact Assessment Of Introducing Subway In Dhaka City, Journal Of Environmental Assessment Policy And Management (JEAPM) (Sumitted, In Review)
- M. F. K. Pasha, A. Nishat, M. Rahman (2005) Chaos In The Ganges Runoff, Journal Of Civil Engineering (IEB), 33(1) (2005) Page 1-7, ISSN-1993-8128.
- Sarkar M.S.K.A, Rahman M.M. (2005) Water Supply And Sanitation Condition Of Slum Areas In Dhaka City, Asian Journal Of Water, Environment And Pollution, Publisher IOS Press Issn: 0972-9860, Issue Volume 5, Number 1 / 2008, Pages 13-15
- Oh, J-I., Yamamoto, K., Kitawaki, H., Nakao, T.,Sugawara, Rahman, M.M., Rahman, M.H.(2000) Application Of Low Pressure Nanofiltration Coupled With A Bicycle Pump For Treatment Of Arsenic-Contaminated Ground Water, Desalination, The International Journal Of The Science And Technology Of Desalting And Water Purification, 132, Pp. 307-314.
- Oh, J-I., Urase, T., Kitawaki, H., Rahman, M.M., Rahman, M.H. And Yamamoto, K.(2000) Modeling Of Arsenic Rejection Considering Affinity And Steric Hindrance Effect In Nanofiltration Membranes, Water Science And Technology , Vol 42, Nos 3-4, Pp 173-180.
- Mamtaz R., Rahman M. H., M. M. Rahman (1996) Solar Desalination Plants For Drinking Water Supply In Bangladesh, Journal Of Indian Association For Environmental Management, Vol 23, No. 2.
- Tamai, N., Rahman, M. M., Matsuzaki, H. (1996), River Bed Level Variation In Kinu River And Its Effect On Safety Margin, Annual J. Hydr. Engrg., Vol 40.
- Rahman, M. M., Tamai, N. (1996). Effect Of Bed River Profile Uncertainty On Safety Margin. Annual Conference, JSCE, Nagoya.
- Abir Saha, Salahuddin Setu, Swadhin Das, Md Imran Hossain, AHM Khalequr Rahman, Md Mafizur Rahman (2024); Decision support system for community managed rainwater harvesting: A case study in the salinity-prone coastal region of Bangladesh, Heliyon, Vol 19, Issue 9, Publisher: Elsevier,, Publication date 15th May 2024
- Books
- Rahman M.M., Biswas S.K. (2014) Water Consumption and The Use of Water Efficient Appliances in Dhaka City, Chapter 15, Page 181-190, Strategic Adaptation Towards Water Crisis, Editors: Kan’ichi Nakagami, Giasuddin Ahmed Choudhury, Jian- Hua Li, Kensuke Fukushi, The University Press Limited, First Edition, ISBN: 978-984-506-133-9
- Afreen S.,Rahman M.M., Hussain M.A.(2013) Climate change impacts on rainwater harvesting potential in Bangladesh, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2013-03-12), ISBN-13:978-3-659-21096-9, ISBN-10:365921096X, EAN:9783659210969, Web:
- Rahman M.M., Reza S.M.S., Dakua M., (2012) Promotion of Low-Cost Solar Lighting System in Rural Households of Bangladesh, Published by ITN-BUET Centre, ISBN: 978-984-33-5818-9, First Edition: June, 2012; Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Rahman M.M., Dakua M., (2012) A Case Study on Rainwater Harvesting for Drinking Water with Solar Disinfection System, Published by ITN-BUET Centre, ISBN: 978-984-33-5331-3, First Edition: June, 2012; Dhaka, Bangladesh. Books
- Rahman M.M., Biswas S.K. (2014) Water Consumption and The Use of Water Efficient Appliances in Dhaka City, Chapter 15, Page 181-190, Strategic Adaptation Towards Water Crisis, Editors: Kan’ichi Nakagami, Giasuddin Ahmed Choudhury, Jian- Hua Li, Kensuke Fukushi, The University Press Limited, First Edition, ISBN: 978-984-506-133-9
- International Conferences
- Hasan,Md Ahnaf. Noor,Nafisa Zareen. Rahman M.R. (2023); Blue-Green Stormwater Systems For City-Wide Flood Mitigation In Dhaka, 9th International Conference on Water and Flood Management, October 14-16, 2023
- Khaled, M.A., Mukarram, M.M.T., Ashraf, A., Islam, A., Rafid, A.S. and Rahman, M.M. (2020). “Sensor Based Automated Rooftop Rainwater Collection System For Residential Use and Rainwater Quality Assessment of Dhaka City.” 5th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2020), CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
- Hossain M.Sajib, Rahman Mafizur (2020) ASSESSMENT OF LAND USE/LAND COVER (LULC) CHANGES AND URBAN GROWTH DYNAMICS USING REMOTE SENSING IN DHAKA CITY, BANGLADESH, ICSBE2020-208, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE) 2020 10th – 12th December 2020, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Rahman Mafizur, Tanzim Rafina , Songi Simlia Satter (2020) ASSESSMENT OF GROUNDWATER QUALITY USING WATER QUALITY INDEX (WQI) AND GIS IN DHAKA CITY, ICSBE2020-216, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE) 2020 10th – 12th December 2020, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Rahman Md. Mafizur, Songi Simlia Satter, Tanzim Rafina (2020) IDENTIFICATION OF GROUNDWATER POTENTIAL ZONES OF DHAKA CITY USING GIS, ICSBE2020-218, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE) 2020 10th – 12th December 2020, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Rahman M.M, Biswas S.K. Akhter F. (2015) Acceptability of Rain Water Harvesting systems in Dhaka city, 5th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM-2015), Institute of Water & Flood Management, Bangladesh University of
- Engineering & Technology (Proceeding)
- Rahman M.M, Biswas S.K. Akhter F. Fukushi K. (2014) Feasibility Study of Rain Water Harvesting System as a Supplementary Source of Water in Residential and Commercial Building in Dhaka City, Proceedings of The 11th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (SEAWE11), AIT, Bangkok, Thailand, 26-29 Nov, 2014.
- Rahman M.M., (2014) Rainwater harvesting Potential for Bangladesh, 1st regional conference on Climate Change, Keynote Speaker, Water Security and Prospect of Rainwater in Bangladesh on 27th August 2014, organized by MIST and WaterAid
- Rahman M.M., (2014) Needs for Monitoring Systems for SGDs in Bangladesh, Presentation, Session I: Other perspectives on the SDG Indicator, monitoring and capacity development issues, Second Meeting of the WHO-HABITAT-UNEP EO-Novel Data- Data Integration Task Team College Park, Maryland, August 11-13, 2014,
- Redwan A.M., Ghosh S., Rahman M.M., Dakua M. (2014) Household Level Purification Technique Trend in Dhaka City, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, (ICCESD-2014), 14~16 February 2014, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh
- Rahman M.M., Zannat E.U. (2013) Urban inundation and health Aspects: Dhaka issue, Presentation as Invited speaker, JSPS-AASPP/GRENE Joint International Symposium on Water and Health in Urban Area, 15-16 December, 2013, Hue, Vietnam .
- Rahman M.M., Zannat E.U., Syed T.T. (2013) Urban flood and impact on health: A case study of Dhaka city, Poster, Presentation as Invited speaker, JSPS-AASPP/GRENE Joint International Symposium on Water and Health in Urban Area, 15-16 December, 2013, Hue, Vietnam.
- Mondal M.S.A., Rahman M. M., Alam A. H. M. A, (2013), “Comparative Analysis of Traditional Open Truck and Hauled Container System of Solid Waste Collection of Dhaka City Corporation” accepted for 3rd International Conference on Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries 2013, Waste Safe, Civil Engineering Department, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh ISBN: 978-984-33-7045-7, PI.77 (1-10)
- Rafiq R., Alam M.S., Rahman M. M., Islam I. (2013) Conserving Wetlands: Valuation of Indirect Use Benefits of a Wetland of Dhaka, 2013 International Conference on Environment Pollution and Prevention (ICEPP 2013), Melaka, Malaysia, October 5-6, 2013.
- Rahman M.M., Hossain E. (2013) AWCI action plans of Bangladesh, Invited National Presentation, The 6th GEOSS Asia – Pacific Symposium: Accelerating interlinkages in the Asia-Pacific region For Global Earth Observations, 26 February, 2013,Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
- Rahman M.M., Hossain E. (2013) System for Flood Warning: Agency Level Information/Data Dissemination in Bangladesh, Invited National Presentation, The 6th GEOSS Asia – Pacific Symposium: Accelerating interlinkages in the Asia-Pacific region For Global Earth Observations, 26 February, 2013,Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
- Rahman. M. M. (2013) UV technology as water disinfection business in Bangladesh: BoP approach, Invited Presentation, Center for Sustainable Development Studies, CeSDeS Visiting Researchers Workshop, January 29, 2013, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Mondal M.S.A., Rahman M. M., Alam A. H. M. A, (2012), “Evaluating Efficiency and Impacts of Newly Introduced Compactor Truck based Waste Collection System in Dhaka City”, participated and presented in 3rd International Conference on EAB 2012, Kitakyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. ISSN (Print version): 2186-4330, ISSN (Online version): 2186-4241
- Alam M. Z., Rahman M.M., ShuchanaI. K., Tamanna A. D. (2012) Water Requirements For Various Crops and Impact Of Irrigation in Barind Area – An Evaluation Based On The Methodological, 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2012 (ICACE 2012) 12 –14 December 2012CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
- Rahman M.M. (2012)Health, Risk, Global and Local Concerns, Keynote Presentation at 2nd JSPS-AASPP/GRENE-EcoHealth Joint International Symposium on Development of International Network on Health Risk Assessment in Urban Area, Jointly Organized by The University of Tokyo, Japan, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh, Hue University, Vietnam, Yamagata University, Japan, 11 December, 2012, Lake Shore Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Md. Mafizur Rahman; Ishret Kamrul Shuchana (2012) Safe Water Crisis at Manikganj Health Complex, Poster Presentation at 2nd JSPS-AASPP/GRENE-EcoHealth Joint International Symposium on Development of International Network on Health Risk Assessment in Urban Area, 11 December, 2012, Lake Shore Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- A.M. Redwan, S. Ghosh and M.M. Rahman (2012) UV Disinfection: A Remedy For Health Risk In Dhaka City, Poster Presentation at 2nd JSPS-AASPP/GRENE-EcoHealth Joint International Symposium on Development of International Network on Health Risk Assessment in Urban Area, 11 December, 2012, Lake Shore Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, S.M. Fahad Hassan Sumon, Md. Moniruzzaman, Maharam Dakua (2012) Vulnerability of Low Income Community of Dhaka City in the context of Safe Water Supply, Poster Presentation at 2nd JSPS-AASPP/GRENE-EcoHealth Joint International Symposium on Development of International Network on Health Risk Assessment in Urban Area, 11 December, 2012, Lake Shore Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, Moslema Khatun, Fatima Tuj Jahura (2012) Health Risk Assessment of Primary School Students due to Arsenic Contamination and Poor Sanitation Facility in Bangladesh, Poster Presentation at 2nd JSPS-AASPP/GRENE-EcoHealth Joint International Symposium on Development of International Network on Health Risk Assessment in Urban Area, 11 December, 2012, Lake Shore Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Md. Esraz-Ul-Zannat, Md. Mafizur Rahman (2012) Investigating Ground Water Salinity for Population Health in Coastal Bangladesh, Poster Presentation at 2nd JSPS-AASPP/GRENE-EcoHealth Joint International Symposium on Development of International Network on Health Risk Assessment in Urban Area, 11 December, 2012, Lake Shore Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Rafiq. R.,Islam I., Rahman M. (2013) Economic Valuation of Demarcated Western Flood Plain of Dhaka, Bridging the Policy-Action Divide: Challenges and Prospects for Bangladesh, University of California, Berkeley, February 22-23, 2013 (Peer Reviewed).
- Redwan, A.M.; Ghosh,S., Rahman M.M. and Dakua M. (2013) Feasibility Study of Various Disinfection Methods In Dhaka City at House Hold Level, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2013, ICERIE 2013, 11 ̶ 13 January, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh, ICERIE-CIVL-219.
- Alam M.Z., Rahman M.M., Shuchana I. K., Tamanna A. D. (2012) Water Requirements for Various Crops and Impact of Irrigation in Barind Area – An Evaluation Based on the Meteorological Parameters, 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2012 (ICACE), 12 –14 December, 2012, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
- Rahman M. M., Ahsan R., Iffat F. (2012) Analysis of CO(Carbon Monoxide) Concentration at Busy Roads in Dhaka City, 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Chittagong – 4349, Bangladesh, 12-14 December 2012, Web: (Paper ID: AEE 049) (Reviewed paper)
- Rahman M.M. (2012) Environmental Problems in Dhaka City, Invited Presentation, Environmental Problems in Mega Cities of Developing Countries, Special Session, Agenda for Sustainable cities and Development, November 30 – December 4, 2012, Hosted by Center for Sustainable Urban Regeneration, the University of Tokyo (cSUR-UT)
- Rahman M.M. (2012) Industrial Pollution in Bangladesh- Progress and Prospect, Workshop on Waste Management: Progress and Prospect, Bangladesh Perspective held on the 21 October 2012, at Ruposhi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka, Organized by the Policy Support Unit (PSU), Ministry of the Local Government, Engineering and Cooperatives, Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh.
- Rahman M.M., Bahar M.A., Rahman S., Biswas S.K. (2012) Status of Heavy Metal in the Peripheral Rivers around Dhaka City, 3rd International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh” (ICEAB), on 13~14 Oct. 2012, in Fukuoka, Japan.
- Mondal M. S.A., Rahman M.M., Alam A.H.M.A. (2012) Evaluating Efficiency and Impacts of Newly Introduced Compactor Truck based Waste Collection System in Dhaka City, 3rd International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh” (ICEAB), on 13~14 Oct. 2012, in Fukuoka, Japan.
- Rahman M.M., Dakua M. (2012) Trend Line Analysis of Temporal Distribution of Temperature in Bangladesh, 3rd International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh” (ICEAB), on 13~14 Oct. 2012, in Fukuoka, Japan.
- Rahman M.M., Dakua M. (2012) Rainwater Harvesting and Its long term storage for drinking in coastal rural areas of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Convention on Rainwater Harvesting, 15-17 June, 2012, Ruposhi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka (Peer Reviewed).
- Rahman M.M. (2012) Issues and strategies for climate change adaptation in coastal areas of Bangladesh, Adaptation Futures 2012 International Conference on Climate Adaptation, 29-31 May 2012 at University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA(Peer Reviewed).
- Rahman M.M., Reza S.M.S., Dakua M. (2012) Improving Drinking Water and Power Access in Rural Areas of Bangladesh, Invited Presentation, Workshop Community Participation in Decision Making for Sustainable Development Program, 22nd May, 2012, BRAC Centre Inn, Dhaka, Organized by NGO Forum for Public Health.
- Hoshiko T., Yamashita K., Rahman M.M. (2012) Pollution levels and diurnal trends of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 20th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution, 16 – 18 May 2012, A Coruña, Spain (Peer Reviewed).
- Rahman M.M., Kazi S.A. (2012) Climate Change Pattern in Bangladesh and Impact on Water Cycle, Poster, Fifth GEOSS AP Symposium, 2-4 April, 2012, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan.
- Bae D.H., Rahman M.M. (2012) Climate Change Working Group Activities, Presentation at Fifth GEOSS AP Symposium, WG1, AWCI, 3 April, 2012, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan.
- Rahman M.M., Islam M.A. (2012) Country Input to AWCI Phase 2 Implementation Plan: Bangladesh, Presentation at Fifth GEOSS AP Symposium, WG1, AWCI, 3 April, 2012, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan.
- Sharmeen F., Rahman M.M. (2011) Characterizing Rainfall trend in Bangladesh by Temporal Statistics Analysis, 4th Annual Paper Meet and 1st Civil Engineering Congress, Session II: Environmental Engineering , 22 December 2011, Thursday, 14:00 –16:00,Dhaka,Bangladesh. Organized by Civil Engineering Division Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Roads & Highways Department (RHD), Public Works Department (PWD), Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE), Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), Supported by (ASCE) American Society of Civil Engineers, Institution of Civil Engineers (UK), ICE Centre Bangladesh, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering.
- Faizuna W., Rizwana R., Tanjina A., Rahman M.M. (2011) Analysis of a Community Based Partnership for Urban Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh, SARDINIA SYMPOSIUM, Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium (Abstract Submitted)
- Rahman M. Y. A., Rahman M. M., Rahman M. M., BISWAS S. K. (2011) Applicability of domestic grey water reclamation and reuse for alleviation of water crisis in Dhaka city, 10th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, October 12-14, 2011,Chiang Mai Thailand.
- Kazi S.A., Rahman M.M. (2011) Spatio-Temporal Quantification and Characterization of Drought Patterns in Bangladesh, Oral Presentation, The 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference, 2-6 October, 2011, Tokyo, Japan, (Full Paper Accepted, Paper No.: 00928)
- Kazi S.A., Rahman M.M. (2011) Assessment on Drought Potential and Damage Parameter in Bangladesh, Poster Presentation, The 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference, 2-6 October, 2011, Tokyo, Japan, (Full Paper accepted, Paper No.: 00931)
- Rahman M.M., Mahmood H.A.S.M. (2011) Noise Pollution Monitoring of Dhaka City, Invited Speaker, Inter-Noise 2011 Congress, September, 2011, Osaka, Japan
- Biswas S.K.,Rahman M.M. (2011) Generation of hydraulic conductivity data for development of groundwater flow model in Dhaka city, 34th IAHR World Congress to be held in Brisbane, Australia, 26 June to 1 July 2011 (Abstract Accepted) (Peer Reviewed).
- Islam A., Rahman M.M. (2011) AWCI Activity Report – Bangladesh, Integrated Global Water Cycle Observation (IGWCO) meeting Sanjo Kaikan, University of Tokyo, 14 – 15 March, 2011.
- Rahman M.M. (2011) Understanding climate risks and exploring adaptation strategy – agriculture and water sector, Invited Speaker Presentation, International Conference on Sustainability Science in Asia, ICSS-Asia 2011, Vietnam National University, Hanoi 2-4 March, 2011, Session 4B1, Urban-Rural Environment, Organized by IR3S – The University of Tokyo, Vietnam National University (VNU), Co-Organizers: AIT Vietnam and United Nations University (UNU).
- Tanjina A., Rizwana R., Faizuna W., Rahman M.M. (2011) Assessment of Variation of Stream Flow and Aridity Condition in the Northwestern Zone of Bangladesh,4th International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment (IPWE 2011), January 4-6, 2011, Biopolis Conference Center, Singapore (Peer Reviewed, Submission ID: IPWEA00282-00492).
- Zakia R.A., Rahman M.M. (2011) Assessment Of Climate Change Impact On The Meghna River Basin Using Geomorphology Based Hydrological Model (GBHM), 3rd International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM-2011), 4-10 January 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Paper ID20).
- Rahman M.M., Afreen S., Hussain M.A. (2011) Potential of Rainwater Harvesting in Dhaka City, 3rd International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM-2011), 4-10 January 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Abstract Accepted, Paper ID 139).
- Khan M.A., Bhuyan I.A., Rahman M.M. (2010) Assessment of Risk under the changing Climatic condition for the coastal areas of Bangladesh, Dealing with Disasters International Conference 2010 Linking Disasters and Development: the next 10 years, 23rd and 24th November, 2010, The Great Hall, Northumbria University, UK.
- Rahman M.M. (2010) Addressing Uncertainties in Disaster Management, Presentation, Risk Resilience Infrastructures: Role Of Education and Training, Organized Jointly by BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention & Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS) and CDMP during November 13-14, 2010, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Rahman M.M., Biswas S.K., Mahmood S., Mahtab S.B. (2010) Trend Analysis and Assessment of Nutrient in the Peripheral Rivers around Dhaka City, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, October 24 to 26, 2010, Phuket, Thailand (Peer Reviewed Paper)
- Tanjina A., Rizwana R., Faizuna W., Rahman M.M. (2010) Assessment of variation of stream flow and aridity condition in Bangladesh, Poster Presentation, Poster Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, October 24-26, 2010, Phuket, Thailand (Peer Reviewed Paper)
- Rahman,M.M. (2010) Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Drought Pattern in Bangladesh, Presentation, Drought Session, The 7th International Coordination Group (ICG) Meeting GEOSS Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI), Tokyo, Japan, October 5, 2010.
- Rahman M.M. (2010) Responses to water disasters in Bangladesh: expectations from geo-intelligence, Keynote Presentation, International Symposium on Integrated use of geo-spatial information for comprehensive safety and security; Asian perspective for Geo-Intelligence, September 20-21, 2010, PACIFICO Yokohama Convention center, JAPAN.
- Biswas, S.K., Mahtab, S.B., Rahman, M.M. (2010) Integrated Water Resources Management Options for Dhaka City, Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB), Sept. 4, 2010, University of Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, JAPAN (
- Rahman, M.M., Biswas, S.K. (2010) Generation of hydraulic conductivity data for development of groundwater flow model in Dhaka city, 34th IAHR Biennial Congress 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane Australia. 26 June to 1 July 2011 (Abstracted Submitted).
- Mohammad Hafizul Islam, Md. Mafizur Rahman, Fahmidah Ummul Ashraf (2010) Quality of effluent discharged from fertilizer factories, International Conference on Knowledge Globalization 2010 (ICKG-2010), 8-10 May, 2010, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Organized By: North South University, Bangladesh, Knowledge Globalization Institute, Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, Shishir Kumar B (2010) Cost Effective Adaptation strategy for the Disaster prone areas of coastal areas of Bangladesh, International Symposium on Coastal Zones and Climate Change: Assessing the Impacts and Developing Adaptation Strategies,12-13 April 2010, Monash University Gippsland, Churchhill, Victoria, Australia.
- Rahman Md. Mafizur (2010) Spatial Information and Its diversified Application-Bangladesh Context, Invited Lecture, Japan Science Council, Cabinet Office, Tokyo, Japan, 25 March 2010.
- Rahman Md. Mafizur (2010) Water related disasters in Bangladesh and Application of Spatial information, Invited Lecture, Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Tsukuba, Japan, 24 March 2010.
- Rahman Md. Mafizur (2010) Environmental Degradation of Dhaka, Invited Lecture, Alliance of Global Sustainability (AGS) Annual Meeting, Special session on Environmental problems in South Asian Cities, University of Tokyo, Japan, 18 March 2010.
- Hoshiko T., Kyoko Y., Ooka R., Rahman M. M. (2010) Monitoring of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at a Heavily Trafficked Intersection in Dhaka City, Poster Presentation, AGS Annual Meeting 2010, University of Tokyo, Japan, 16-19 March, 2010.
- Katsuki T., Ooka R., Rahman M.M., Rijal H.B., Hefny M.M., Kikumoto H. (2010) Field Measurement and CFD simulation of pollutant dispersion caused by automotive exhaust in Dhaka city, Poster Presentation, AGS Annual Meeting 2010, University of Tokyo, Japan, 16-19 March, 2010.
- Rahman M.M. (2010) Report from the 5th GEOSS/AWCI International Coordination Group Meeting, Presentation as the Co-Chair of the Climate Change Adaptation Working Group of Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI) , 4th GEOSS Asia Pacific Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, 11 March, 2010.
- Rahman M.M., Islam M.A., Biswas S.K. (2010) Climate Change and Strategies for Adaptation, Presentation, Bangladesh Country Paper, 4th GEOSS Asia Pacific Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, 11 March, 2010.
- Rahman M.M. (2010) Water stress at Dhaka and Concept of IWRM in the Context of Dhaka, Keynote Presentation, cSUR-UT International symposium on vulnerability of cities, University of Tokyo, Japan, February 5-6, 2010.
- Rahman M.M., Alam M.N., Shahria M., Md. Mizanur Rahman (2010), Effect of Non Motorized Transport on Air Pollution in Dhaka City, 15th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress, September 12-16, 2010, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Shahria A., Alam M.N., Rahman M.M. (2010) Development of Fragility Curve for the Seismic Evaluation of Concrete Buildings in Developing Countries, 2nd Specialty Conference on Disaster Mitigation, 2010 CSCE Annual General Meeting and Conference: Engineering a Sustainable World, June 9-12, 2010, Winnipeg, Canada, Paper ID: SCDM-013.
- Shahriar A., Sayeeda B. A., Shahria A., Rahman M.M., (2010) Analyzing and Mapping the Diurnal Variation of Noise Level on Working Days and Holydays in Central Dhaka City, 11th International Environmental Specialty Conference, 2010 CSCE Annual General Meeting and Conference: Engineering a Sustainable World, June 9-12, 2010, Winnipeg, Canada, Paper ID: IESC-026.
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, Kazi Shamima Akter (2010) Changing Pattern of Meteorological Dryness as Climate Change Impact in Bangladesh17th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR-APD 2010), to be held in Auckland (New Zealand), 21-24 February 2010 (Paper Accepted).
- Rahman M.M., Rahman M.M., Shahriar A., Rahman F. (2009) Environmental Issues and Hazards of Dhaka, Presentation, CSUR-UT International Symposium on Vulnerability in Cities 2009, Special Case study session, 25-27 March, 2009, University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Rahman M.H., Zaman A.B.M.B., Alam M.J.B., Rahman M.M., Ali M.A., Noor M.A., Wadud Z (2009) Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Bangladesh, ITN-BUET, Department of Civil Engineering-BUET, University College London-UK, British Council-Bangladesh, February 2009.
- Rahman M.M., Hasan M. (2009) Role of higher education in adapting to climate change BUET – Current activities and Expectations, Examples of Existing curricula and Gaps, Presentation, UNU and IR3S Consultation conference on Role of higher education in adapting to climate change for Establishing a regional network to develop a postgraduate curriculum on climate change adaptation June 10-12, 2009, United Nations University – Head quarters, Tokyo, Japan.
- Islam M.S., Rahman M.M., Pervin L. (2009) Estimation of Ground water recharge for a densely populated urban area of Bangladesh considering climate change, 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modeling jointly with the second international conference on Rainwater Harvesting and management, 7-11 September 2009, Tokyo, Japan (Abstract Accepted)
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, Sazia Afreen And Md. Asad Hussain (2009) Adaptation To Climate Change Impacts Through Rain Water Harvesting In Bangladesh, International Conference On Water And Flood Management (ICWFM 2009), BUET, Dhaka, 15-17 March 2009 (Peer Reviewed).
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, Kazi Shamima Akter (2009) Changes In Dryness Pattern And Drought Occurrence In Bangladesh, International Conference On Climate Change Impacts And Adaptation Strategies For Bangladesh, BUET,18-20 Feb, 2009, (Peer Reviewed).
- Afroze N., Rahman M.M. (2008) Application Of GIS For Health Monitoring Impact Of Arsenic On Human Health In Dhaka Division, Proceedings Of The 4th BSME-ASME International Conference On Thermal Engineering, 27-29 December, 2008, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Rahman M.M., Rahman S.F. (2008) Concepts Of Integrated Water Resources Management In Dhaka, Presentation, Bangladesh Water Security Workshop, 29-30th November, 2008, Kyoto, Japan.
- Rahman M.M., Akter K. S. (2008) Assessing Drought Scenario In Bangladesh, Proceedings of the 4th Conference Of The Asia Pacific Association Of Hydrology And Water Resources, Special Session Of The Asian Water Cycle Initiative, November 3-5, Beijing, China (Peer Reviewed).
- Shahriar Quayyum, Syeda Farhana Rahman, Md. Mafizur Rahman (2008) Water Resources And Sustainability Issues In Bangladesh, 6th International Symposium On Southeast Asian Water Environment, October 29-31, 2008, Bandung, Indonesia (Peer Reviewed).
- Rahman M.M., Sazia A. And M. A. Hussain (2008) Contribution Of Rainwater In Meeting Crop Water Requirement In Context Of Climate Change Impacts, Plenary Paper, Second International Symposium On Food And Water Sustainability In Asia 2008, October 7-9, 2008, Macau, China.
- Rahman, M.M., Afreen. S., And Hussain M.A. (2008) Climate Change Impacts On Rain Water Harvesting Potential In Bangladesh, Third Rainwater Harvesting Workshop, IWA World Water Congress And Exhibition In Austria Center, Vienna 7th September 2008 (
- Rahman M.M. (2008) Water Related Issues In Cities Of Bangladesh, Guest Speaker, Center For Spatial Information Science, University Of Tokyo, Japan, 24th July, 2008.
- Rahman M.M. (2008) Climate Change, Impacts, Ongoing Research And Adaptation Policy For Bangladesh, Presentation, Seminar On Capacity Building On Climate Change And Adaptation In Bangladesh, August 7th, 2008, SMRC, Dhaka, Bangladesh,.
- Rahman M.M. (2008) Sustainable Water Supply In Dhaka City: Present And Future, Special Lecture, Urban Engineering Department, Presentation Sponsored By JICA Fund, 15th July, 2008, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Rahman M.M. (2008) Water Supply Status In Dhaka City, Invited Speaker, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, 5th July, 2008.
- Rahman M.M. (2008) Water Supply In The Urban Areas Of Developing Countries, Presentation, Tsukuba University, Ibaraki, Japan, 24th June, 2008.
- Rahman M.M. (2008) Climate Change: Impacts And Adaptation Policy For Bangladesh, Country Presentation, 2nd Geoss Asia-Pacific Symposium On The Role Of Earth Observations In Tackling Climate Change Tokyo, Japan, 14-16 April 2008.
- Rahman M.M., Fida. M.M., Akter J (2008) Survey For Identification Of Flood Damage Functions To Assess The Impacts Of Changes In Hydro-Biogeochemical Processes In Coastal Area Of Bangladesh, Presentation, Presentation, Brainstorming Workshop Of The Apn Project Climate Perturbation And Coastal Zone Systems In Asia Pacific Region: Holistic Approaches And Tools For Vulnerability Assessment And Sustainable Management Strategy, Hanoi, Vietnam, 27-28 March, 2008.
- Rahman M.M., Fida. M.M., Akter J (2008) Gorai River Restoration Pilo Project And Its Impacts, Presentation, Brainstorming Workshop Of The APN Project – Climate Perturbation And Coastal Zone Systems In Asia Pacific Region: Holistic Approaches And Tools For Vulnerability Assessment And Sustainable Management Strategy, Hanoi, Vietnam, 27-28 March, 2008.
- S.Quayyum, M.M.Rahman , M. Mohsin (2008) Sustainable Water Supply In Dhaka City: Present And Future, Asian Science And Technology Seminar,Thailand, March 10 And 11, 2008 (Invited Speaker Of The Japan Science And Technology Agency).
- Islam,M.S., Rahman,M.M, Kabir, M.A. (2007) Application Of Remote Sensing And Gis Techniques In Water Induced Disaster Management: A Case Study Of Bangladesh, 6th International Symposium On New Technologies For Urban Safety Of Mega Cities In Asia, Held During 9-10 December, 2007, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Rahman, M.M., Shahriar, Q. (2007) Sustainable Water Supply In Dhaka City: Present And Future, Invited Paper At The 2nd International Workshop On Rainwater And Reclaimed Wastewater For Urban Sustainable Water Use (3-5 October, 2007), Kyoto, Japan
- Rahman,M.M. (2007) Computer Modeling Of Rainwater Harvesting System, Poster Presentation At 2nd International Workshop On Rainwater And Reclaimed Wastewater For Urban Sustainable Water Use (3-5 October, 2007), Kyoto, Japan.
- Rahman, M.M. (2007) Integrated Approaches And Tools For Vulnerability Assessment And Sustainable Management Strategy For Coastal Zone Of Bangladesh, Presentation At Planning Workshop Of The APN Project Titled Climate Perturbation And Coastal Zone Systems In Asia Pacific Region:Holistic Approaches And Tools For Vulnerability Assessment And Sustainable Management Strategy Held In Bangkok, Thailand During 27-28 September 2007.
- Tsuzuki, Y., Koottatep, T., Rahman, M.M. (2007) Pollutant Discharge And Pollutant Load In The Tidal Area Of The Rivers In Developing Countries: Survey Results In The Autumn And Winter In 2006 And Desirable Direction For Water Quality Improvement, Proceedings Of 15 Global Environment Symposium, Japan Society Of Civil Engineers, 2-3 Aug 2007, Kochi, Japan, 95-100.
- Shahriar, Q., Rahman,M.M. (2007) An Overview Of Arsenic Scenario And Mitigation Initiatives In Bangladesh, Panel Speech In The Water Resources Session At The 7th Science Council Of Asia (Sca) Conference Held During June 14-16, 2007, At Okinawa Convention Center, Ginowan-City, Okinawa, Japan, Organized By The Science Council Of Japan (SCJ).
- Tsuzuki, Yoshiaki; Koottatep, Thammarat, Rahman, Md Mafizur, Ahmed, Faruque (2007) Preliminary Study On Pollutant Discharge From Domestic Wastewater And Pollutant Load In The River: A Comparative Study Between Japan, Thailand And Bangladesh, International Forum On Water Environmental Governance In Asia, 14-15 March 2007, Bangkok, Thailand.
- M.M. Rahman, Mohammad Ali, Ahmed Ishtiaque Amin Chowdhury (2006) Use Of GIS For Logistics Management And Spatial Planning For Solid Waste Management: A Case Study For Dhaka City Corporation, 8th Asian Academic Network For Environmental Safety And Waste Management (AANESWM), Organized By Department Of Chemistry And Centre With Potential For Excellence In Environmental Science, Anna University, Chennai (Madras), India, December 10-13, 2006.
- M.M. Rahman, Jahra F. (2006) Scenario Of Hospital Waste Management In Dhaka City, 8th Asian Academic Network For Environmental Safety And Waste Management (AANESWM), Organized By Department Of Chemistry And Centre With Potential For Excellence In Environmental Science, Anna University, Chennai (Madras), India, December 10-13, 2006.
- Rahman M.M., Chowdhury A.I.A, Zillur R. (2006) Implementation Of Arsenic Removal Technologies In Bangladesh- Challenges For NGOs, The Third International Symposium On Southeast Asian Water Environment, December 6-8,2006, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Rahman M.M., Jahra F. (2006) Challenges For Implementation Of Rain Water Harvesting Project In Arsenic Affected Areas Of Bangladesh, International Symposium On – Community Activities For The Conservation Of Water Environment, 8 December 2006, Bangkok, Organized By The Water Environment Partnership In Asia (WEPA)
- Rahman M.M., Jahra F. (2006) Social Aspects Of Rainwater Harvesting System, International Symposium On – Community Activities For The Conservation Of Water Environment, 8 December 2006, Bangkok, Organized By The Water Environment Partnership In Asia (WEPA)
- Rahman M. M., Rahman A.H.M. K. (2006) Geoinformatics For Environmental Management Of Residential Areas In Dhaka, 5th International Symposium On New Technology For Urban Safety Of Mega Cities In Asia (USMCA 2006), 16-17 November, 2006, Phuket, Thailand
- S.Islam, Rahman M.M., Kulapramote P. (2006) Application Of Remote Sensing And GIS Techniques In Water Induced Disaster Management : A Case Study Of Bangladesh, 5th International Symposium On New Technology For Urban Safety Of Mega Cities In Asia (USMCA 2006), 16-17 November, 2006, Phuket, Thailand
- Ali M. L., Rahman M. M. (2005) Hazards (Flooding And Drainage) In The Coastal Zone Of Bangladesh, , International Symposium On Floods In Coastal Cities Under Climate Change Conditions, Asian Institute Of Technology (AIT), 23-25 June 2005, Organized By Asia-Pacific Network For Global Change Research (APN), Bangkok. Thailand.
- Hidetoshi Kitawaki, Md. Mafizur Rahman And Md. Jahangir Alam, (2005) Monitoring Of Arsenic Removal Using Guava Leave –Development Of Analytical Method Using Locally Available Material, International Workshop On Water Management Systems For Creating Healthy Environment, January 21, 2005, 2005, Pp-74-79, Tokyo.
- M. M. Rahman, M. H. Rashid, M. N. Bari (2004) Characteristics Of Solid Waste Of Dhaka City, The 19th International Conference On Solid Waste Technology And Management Philadelphia, Pa, U.S.A., March 21 – 24, 2004.
- M. M. Rahman, M. H. Rashid, M. N. Bari (2004) Existing Solid Waste Management Practice Of Dhaka City, The 19th International Conference On Solid Waste Technology And Management Philadelphia, Pa, U.S.A., March 21 – 24, 2004.
- Kitawaki H., Rahman M. M., Jahangir M. A. (2004) Monitoring Of Arsenic Removal Using Guava Leaves -Development Of Analytical Method Using Locally Available Material, International Symposium On Environmental Management (ISEM 2004), Bangladesh University Of Engineering And Technology, Dhaka, 7 – 8 January 2004.
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, Probir Das, Muhammad Mostafijur Rahman, (2003) Optimum Water Solution In Mega City Dhaka, Second International Symposium On
- New Technologies For Urban Safety Of Mega Cities In Asia, October 30-31, 2003, The University Of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, Mohammad Jahangir Alam, (2003) Mega City Dhaka: Growing With Sanitation Problems, Second International Symposium On New Technologies For Urban Safety Of Mega Cities In Asia, October 30-31, 2003, The University Of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, Md. Habibul Huq, (2003) A Study On Hospital Waste Management In Dhaka City, Second International Conference And Annual Paper Meet Of The Civil Engineering Division, IEB, 17-18 July, 2003, Dhaka, Bangladesh .
- Nehreen Majed, Md. Mafizur Rahman, (2003) Urban Environment: Noise Pollution In Dhaka City, Second International Conference And Annual Paper Meet Of The Civil Engineering Division, IEB, 17-18 July, 2003, Dhaka, Bangladesh .
- Nehreen Majed, Md. Mafizur Rahman, (2003) Observation Of Lake Water Conditions In Dhaka City, Second International Conference And Annual Paper Meet Of The Civil Engineering Division, IEB, 17-18 July, 2003, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Nehreen Majed, Md. Mafizur Rahman, (2003) Evaluation Of The Physical Conditions Of Lakes In Dhaka, Second International Conference And Annual Paper Meet Of The Civil Engineering Division, IEB, 17-18 July, 2003, Dhaka, Bangladesh .
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, Riyad-Ul-Isam, (2003) Environmental Impact Assesment Of Introducing Subway In Dhaka, Second International Conference And Annual Paper Meet Of The Civil Engineering Division, IEB, 17-18 July, 2003, Dhaka, Bangladesh .
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, U.K Saha, (2003) Barrel Type Composting An Innovative Approach For Cost Effective And Sustainable Solid Waste Management Experience From Sylhet Partnership, Second International Conference And Annual Paper Meet Of The Civil Engineering Division, IEB, 17-18 July, 2003, Dhaka, Bangladesh .
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, U.K Saha, (2003) Community Based Solid Waste Management Experience From Pilot Project Of Sylhet, Second International Conference And Annual Paper Meet Of The Civil Engineering Division, IEB, 17-18 July, 2003, Dhaka, Bangladesh .
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, U.K Saha, (2003) Community Based Solid Waste Management Experience From Sylhet Partnership, 18th International Conference On Solid Waste Technology And Management, March 23 – 26, 2003, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
- Wang Bo, Kitawaki H., Rahman M. M. (2003), The Problem Of Arsenic Contamination And Monitoring Of Arsenic Removal By Appropriate Technology In Bangladesh, Proceedings Of The 7th Spring Study Meeting The Japan Society For International Development, Pg 143 ~146, Executive Committee For The 7th Spring Study Meeting The Japan Society For International Development. Graduate School Of East Asian Studies (GSEAS) & Faculty Of Economics, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan
- Nehreen Majed, Md. Mafizur Rahman, (2002) Urban Environment Health Hazard : Dengue, International Conference On Bangladesh Environment–2002, ICBEN-2002, 19-21 December, 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Nehreen Majed, Md. Mafizur Rahman, (2002) Observation And Analysis Of Lake Water Conditions In Dhaka City, International Conference On Bangladesh Environment–2002, ICBEN-2002, 19-21 December, 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Md. Mujibur Rahman, Md. Mafizur Rahman, Md. Delwar Hossain, (2002) Assessment Of Water Quality In Flood Affected Areas Of Dhaka City, Engineering Concerns Of Flood, P: 35-48, Editors: M. Ashraf Ali, Salek M. Seraj, Sohrabuddin Ahmad, Bangladesh University Of Engineering And Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, August 2002, ISBN 984-823-002-5.
- Rahman M. M., Fahimuddin A. K. M. (2002) Forecasting Ground Water Depletion In Dhaka City : Use Of Artificial Neural Network, The 15th Engineering Mechanics Division Conference Of The American Society Of Civil Engineers At Columbia University In The City Of New York New York, NY, June 2-5, 2002.
- Kazi Parvez Fattah, M. Mafizur Rahman, Farah Laj Chowdhury, Transportation Of Arsenic In Groundwater: Particle Tracking Method, The 27th Hydrology And Water Resources Symposium, 20-23 May,2002, Melbourne, Australia.
- Rahman Md. Mafizur, Atisha Ambarin, (2002) Water Consumer Behaviour Pattern In Urban Areas Of Bangladesh, The 27th Hydrology And Water Resources Symposium, 20-23 May, 2002, Melbourne, Australia.
- M. Habibur Rahman, M. Mafizur Rahman, Chiho Watanabe, Kazuo Yamamoto, (2002) Arsenic Contamination Of Groundwater In Bangladesh And Its Remedial Measures, International Workshop On Arsenic Pollution And Health, National Institute For Environmental Studies (NIES), Tokyo, Japan, February, 2002.
- Rahman Md. Mafizur, Mullick Md. Reaz Akter, Rahman Md. Habibur,(2001) Arsenic Removal By Nanofilter Technology For The Rural Areas Of Bangladesh, 4th International Conference On Mechanical Engineering (ICME2001), 26-28 December, 2001, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- M. H. Rahman, M. M. Rahman, (2001) Environmental Issues In Bangladesh – Infrastructure, Water Resources And Agriculture, 4th International Conference On Mechanical Engineering (ICME2001), 26-28 December, 2001, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Rahman M. M., Fahimuddin A. K. M. (2001), Artificial Neural Network For Forecasting Ground Water Depletion In Dhaka, International Symposium On Lucc (Land Use And Land Cover Change) Contribution To Asian Environmental Problems, Dec.13-14, Tokyo, Japan.
- Rahman M. M.(2001) Water Quality In Flood Shelters Of Dhaka City, Brunei International Conference On Engineering And Technology, 9 – 11 October, 2001, Institut Teknologi Brunei.
- Fahimuddin A. K. M., Rahman M.M., (2001) Determination Of Air Pollution Parameters Using Artificial Neural Networks(Anns), First International Conference And Annual Paper Meet Of The Civil Engineering Division, Institute Of Engineers, Bangladesh, October 3-5, 2001, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
- Fahimuddin A. K. M., Rahman M.M, (2001) Mobility & Sustainability Of 21st Century Travel, First International Conference And Annual Paper Meet Of The Civil Engineering Division, Institute Of Engineers, Bangladesh, October 3-5, 2001, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
- Kazi Parvez Fattah And M. Mafizur Rahman, (2001) Mathematical Modeling For Mobilization Of Pollutants In Groundwater, First International Conference And Annual Paper Meet Of The Civil Engineering Division, Institute Of Engineers, Bangladesh, October 3-5, 2001, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
- Rahman M. Mafizur, Uttam Kumar Saha, (2001) Environmental Impact Assessment And Development Of Environmental Strategy For Small And Medium Industries In Bangladesh, First International Conference And Annual Paper Meet Of The Civil Engineering Division, Institute Of Engineers, Bangladesh, October 3-5, 2001, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
- Rahman Md. Mafizur, Hossain M. Delwar, Rahman M. Mujibur (2001) Assessment Of Water Quality In Affected Areas Of Dhaka City, World Water And Environmental Rresources Congress, May 20-24, 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Rahman M.M.(2001) Outcomes Of The Joint Research Project On Alternates Of Arsenic Removal Technologies, Presentation In The Annual General Meeting Of Alliance Of Global Sustainability (Ags), January, 2001, Swiss Federal Institute Of Environmental Science And Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Rahman M. M. (2000) Importance Of Reliability Based Design Of Rainwater Harvesting Systems In Bangladesh, Presentation, Techtransfer 2000: Bangladesh, 22 – 24 December, 2000, BUET, Dhaka.
- Rahman M.M., Ali M.A., Badruzzaman A.B.M., Hossain M. D., Rahman M.M. (2000) Characterization Of Solid Waste And Assessment Of Municipal Solid Waste Management In Dhaka City, Sixteenth International Conference On Solid Waste Technology And Management, December 10-13, 2000, Widener University, Chester, USA.
- Rahman M.M. (2000) Reliability Based River Planning In Natural Channels, 3rd International Hydrology And Water Resources Symposium, 20-23 November, 2000, Perth, Australia.
- Oh, J-I., Yamamoto, K., Kitawaki, H., Nakano, S., Rahman, M.M. ,Rahman, M.H.(2000) Application Of Low Pressure Nanofiltration Coupled With A Bicycle-Pumping Device To Treatment Of Arsenic Contaminated Ground Water, International Conference On Membrane In Drinking And Industrial Water Production, Paris, October 2000.
- Rahman M.M. (2000), Simple Approach For Flood Forecasting, Asce 2000 Joint Conference In Water Resources Engineering And Water Resources Planning And Management, July 30 – August 2, 2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
- Rahman M.M., Yusuf F-U-A.M. (2000) Rainwater Harvesting And Reliability Concept, Eighth Asce Joint Specialty Conference On Probability Mechanics And Structural Reliability, July 24-26, 2000, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA.
- Rahman M.M. (2000) Failure Of Channels During Flood-Reliability Approach, Fourteenth Engineering Mechanics Conference Of The Asce, May 21-24, 2000, University Of Texas At Austin, USA.
- Rahman Md. Mafizur, Khan M. M. Taimur, Rahman M. Habibur (2000) Hospital Waste And Community Safety, The 9th International Conference On Safe Communities (Safe Comm 9) February 26-28, 2000, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Rahman M. (2000) Design Issues In Rainwater Harvesting System, Keynote Speaker In The Rainwater Harvesting Meeting Organized By World Health Organization, ITN Center, Dhaka, 24 February, 2000.
- Rahman M.M. (2000) Rainwater Utilization In Bangladesh, Keynote Paper At National Seminar Chaired By Dr. Kh. Azharul Huq The Managing Director,Dhaka Wasa, 22 February, 2000, IEB Dhaka Center, Dhaka.
- Rahman M.M. (2000) Changes And Ongoing Activities Of Arsenic Contamination In The Ground Water Of Bangladesh, Presentation In The Annual General Meeting Of Alliance Of Global Sustainability (AGS), January, 2000, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT), USA.
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, Hasin Jahan (2000) Community Watsan Projects In The Philippines, International Training Network- Bangladesh, Newsletter, Issue No 12, January, 2000.
- Swartz C.H., N. Keon, A.B. Badruzzaman, M.A. Ali, D.J. Brabander, W. Yu, S. Islam, M. M. Rahman, S. Hug, W. Aeschbach-Hertig, M. Mustafa, M. Polz, L. Kuai, H.F. Hemond And C.F. Harvey, The Arsenic Crisis In Bangladesh: A Geochemical Analysis. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco. Eos 81 (Suppl.): F550-551, 2000.
- Rahman M. Mafizur (1999) Flood Protection – Detecting The Failure Point Of A Natural Channel, Ait 40th Year Anniversary-Civil & Environmental Engineering Confenrence- New Frontiers & Challenges, 8-12 November 1999, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand.
- J.I.Oh, H. Kitawaki, M.M. Rahman, M.H. Rahman, K. Yamamoto (1999), Modeling Of Arsenic Rejection Considering Affinity And Steric Hindrance Effect In Nanofilter Membranes, 7th Iawq Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Taipei, Taiwan,18-20 October 1999.
- Rahman M. Mafizur, Khan Md. Sabbir Mostafa, Pasha Md. Fayzul Kabir (1999) Long Term Flood Forecasting In The Ganges – A Simplified Approach, International Water Resources Engineering Conference 1999, ASCE, (August 8-11 1999) Seattle,Washington , Usa.
- Md. Mafizur Rahman, M Ashraf Ali, A.B.M. Badruzzaman, Dr. Md. Delwar Hossain, Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman (1999) Characterization Of Municipal Solid Waste In Dhaka City, International Training Network- Bangladesh, Newsletter, Issue No 10, July, 1999.
- Rahman M. Mafizur, Tamai N., Kawahara Y. (1999) Reliability In Natural Channels – Towards River Planning, 26th Annual Water Resources Planning And Management Conference, ASCE, June 6-9, 1999 Arizona, USA.
- Rahman M (1999) Issues Of Recent Arsenic Contamination In The Ground Water Of Bangladesh, Presentation In The Annual General Meeting Of Alliance Of Global Sustainability (Ags), January, 1999, University Of Tokyo, Japan.
- Rahman M.M. (1998) Reliablility Analysis For The Planning Of Flood Control And Environmental Conservation, Keynote Paper At National Seminar Chaired By The Honorable Minister Of Water Resources Of The Government Of The People’s Republic Of Bangladesh, 12 July, 1998, Ieb Dhaka Center, Dhaka.Rahman, M.H., Rahman, M. M.(1998) Sewage Treatment For Rural Communities, Eleventh Iwsa Aspac Regional Conference And Exhibition, Sydney.
- Rahman, M.M., Tamai,N., Kawahara,Y (1998) Reliability In Natural Channels – Dominant Factor, Xith Congress Of Apd-Iahr,Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
- Rahman, M.M., Tamai,N., Kawahara,Y (1998) Flood Control Management – Towards An Environment Friendly Approach, International Symposium On Information Technology Tools For Natural Diasaster Risk Management, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Rahman, M. M., Tamai, N. (1997) Load Resistance Approach For Risk Analysis In Natural Rivers, Annual Conference, JSCE, Tokyo.
- Rahman, M. M., Tamai, N., And Kawahara, Y. (1996) Analytical Approach On The Stochastic Variation Of Water Depth By Variation Of Hydraulic Components, Int. Conference On Water Resour. And Env. Res.: Towards The 21st Century, Kyoto.
- Rahman, M. M., Tamai, N., And Kawahara, Y. (1996) Effect Of Bed Profile On Reliability Of Flood Levee Design, Proc. Seventh Iahr Int. Symp., Mackey, Australia, Ed. By Tickle, K., Goulter, I. C., Xu, C., Wasimi, S. A., And Bouchart, F., 527-533.
- Hasan,Md Ahnaf. Noor,Nafisa Zareen. Rahman M.R. (2023); Blue-Green Stormwater Systems For City-Wide Flood Mitigation In Dhaka, 9th International Conference on Water and Flood Management, October 14-16, 2023
Professional Work at National and International Levels
- Coordinator of BUET for the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and Tsukuba University (Japan) Academic Exchange Program, Phase 2, October 1, 2013 – September 30, 2018.
- Country Resource Person from Bangladesh in the Asia Pacific Regional Initiative on Energy, Environment and Ecological (3E) Nexus for Sustainable Development: Building a Common Understanding, Held in Maldives during 24-25 February, 2014.
- Coordinator of BUET for the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and Tsukuba University (Japan) Academic Exchange Program, Phase 2, October 1, 2013 – September 30, 2018.
- Country Resource Person from Bangladesh in the Asia Pacific Regional Initiative on Energy, Environment and Ecological (3E) Nexus for Sustainable Development: Building a Common Understanding, Held in Maldives during 24-25 February, 2014.
- Invited Researcher and Speaker at the 3rd International Symposium on Green Network of Excellence for Environmental Excellence, Held at the Hue University, Hue Vietnam, 15-16 December 2013, Organized jointly by Hue University, Tokyo University, Ehime University, Yamagata University, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN-Japan).
- Principal Researcher of Center for Energy, Environment Study and Research (CEESR), MIST since August 2013
- Supervisor and Examiner at Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) for the M.Phil Part II (session-2010). Examiner of thesis of Major Gen. Abul Hossain, Appointed in July 2013.
- Invited expert and speaker, The 6th GEOSS Asia – Pacific Symposium: Accelerating interlinkages in the Asia-Pacific region For Global Earth Observations, 25-27 February, 2013,Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
- International Member of Geotechnical Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change-induced Geo-disasters in Asia-Pacific Regions Committee, Under the Asian Technical Committee (ATC-1) in International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) since January 2013.
- Invited Presentation, Center for Sustainable Development Studies, CeSDeS Visiting Researchers Workshop, January 29, 2013, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Presentation, Evaluation of Performance of Reverse Osmosis as Water Treatment Option in Urban House Holds, 28 January, 2013, Organo Company, Tokyo, Japan.
- Renewal of Memorandum of Understanding between BUET and University of Tsukuba in 2012 for five years as the Corresponding Researcher and Focal Point at BUET.
- Invited as speaker to Toyo University for attending International Workshop being Invited by the President of Toyo University, Japan
- Member, Policy and Monitoring Support Committee, National Forum for Water Supply and Sanitation (NFWSS), Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Since 12th July, 2012.
- Member, Research and Development Thematic Group (Grup-10), National Forum for Water Supply and Sanitation (NFWSS), Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Since 22nd October, 2012.
- Panelist in the Session: “Urban Form, Mobility and Lifestyle“ held during 11:00- 13:00, December 2 , 2012, Agenda for Sustainable cities and Development, November 30 – December 4, 2012, Hosted by Center for Sustainable Urban Regeneration, the University of Tokyo (cSUR-UT)
- Invited Speaker and Expert, International workshop on ‘Agenda for Sustainable Asian Cities and Regions’, Organized by the Centre for Sustainable Urban Regeneration of the University of Tokyo, November 30 – December 3, 2012, Tokyo, Japan, Funded by the GCoE (Global Centre of Excellence, University of Tokyo), Japan.
- Invited and Funded by Asia Pacific Network (APN) as an Expert to Workshop on “A Regional Perspective for Future Earth – Research for Global Sustainability”, 21 – 23 November 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Certified Specialist of Climate Change Downscaling, Trained in the Training Program on Climate Change Downscaling Approaches and Applications, 09-20 November 2012, Conducted by United Nations University, Tokyo.
- Organizer and Speaker at the Workshop on Waste Management: Progress and Prospect, Bangladesh Perspective held on the 21 October 2012, at Ruposhi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka, Organized by the Policy Support Unit (PSU), Ministry of the Local
- Government, Engineering and Cooperatives, Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh.
- Invited and Funded as Expert by APN (Asia Pacific Network) to the 9th AWCI ICG Meeting Tokyo, Japan, 29 –30 September 2012 Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation organized by Asia Pacific Water Forum (APWF), 1 – 2 October 2012, Hongo, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Member Post Graduate Syllabus Committee of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Shajalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) since July 2012.
- Invited Expert and Co-Chair of Climate Change Adaptation Group, AWCI International Coordination Group (ICG) Meeting and the Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation organized by APWF, 29th September – 2nd October 2012, University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, Tokyo, Japan.
- Member, Organizing Committee, First Environmental Olympiad in Bangladesh, held on the 30th June, 2012 at North South University, Dhaka Bangladesh.
- Member Project Steering Committee of the “Pollution Control Measures of Gulshan Baridhara Lake by Diverting the outlets” under the Local Government Division, Ministry of Local Government Rural Development and Cooperatives, Government of Bangladesh
- Integrated planning and Implementation Committee for River pollution Control, Ministry of Water Transport, Government of Bangladesh
- Declaration: Dhaka Declaration in the Bangladesh Convention on Rainwater Harvesting, 16 June, 2012, Ruposhi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka.
- Organizer of the Bangladesh Convention on Rainwater Harvesting, 16 June, 2012, Ruposhi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka.
- Invited Presenter at Adaptation Futures 2012 International Conference on Climate Adaptation, 29-31 May 2012 at University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
- Presenter at the Annual Conference of the University Network for Climate and Ecosystems Change and Adaptation Research (UN-CECAR), on 22-23 May 2012 in Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
- Participant as member of the International Coordination Committee at the 6th International Planning Workshop on 24-25 May 2012 in Bangkok
- Invited Presenter at Workshop on Community Participation in Decision Making for Sustainable Development Program, 22nd May, 2012, BRAC Centre Inn, Dhaka, Organized by NGO Forum for Public Health
- National Representative at the Fifth GEOSS AP Symposium, 2-4 April, 2012, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan.
- Member of the National Task Force for Coordination for United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD),Rio+20, Ministry of Finance, Economic Relations Division, GoB, March, 2012,.
- Attending World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) organized 5th Regional Roundtable on “Combating Challenges of Climate Changes, Islamic Micro Finance and Regional Cooperation in Higher Education” at Dhaka, 20th March, 2012, Radisson Blue Hotel,
- Member Technical Committee of the ongoing “Fresh Water Supply and Social Care for the Women and Children in the Vulnerable areas caused by Climate Change ” Project under the department of Public Health Engineering (Ground Water Circle).
- Country Representative at the 5th GEOSS AP Symposium and the associated 9th AWCI ICG Meeting held at Tokyo, Japan, 2 – 4 April 2012.
- Member of Board of Postgraduate Studies of the University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, since January, 2012.
- Member Working Group Committee of the Draft Final of the Sewerage Master Plan of Dhaka City appointed by Dhaka WASA, 2012
- Invited Speaker at the Third International Conference on Sustainability Science in Asia (ICSS-Asia 2012) at Bali, Indonesia, January 11-13, 2012.
- Invited Speaker at the Overseas Chapter of Institute of Engineers -Singapore on the 7th January, 2012 on Bangladesh Environmental Perspective and Climate Change, National University of Singapore.
- Keynote Speaker at the National Seminar on Role of Local Government Institutions in WatSan in the Context of Climate Change in Bangladesh, Keynote Presentation on Climate Change and Its Impacts, National Institute of Local Government (NILG), 29, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, 22 November, 2011.
- Panel Discussant on Towards Sustainable Disaster Risk Management, 5th UN- CECAR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 2011Venue: U Thant International Conference Hall, United Nations University Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan,15th November, 2011.
- Invited Faculty at the Conference and 5th International Workshop of the University Network for Climate and Ecosystems Change and Adaptation Research (UN- CECAR) on Disaster Risk Management and Sustainability, Japan 15-17 November 2011, Funded by UNU.
- International Panel Member: Participated as International Expert in the 8th Meeting of the GEOSS Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI) International Coordination
- Group (ICG) and the 1st Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation (CCAA) Workshop at Seoul, Korea, 6-8th October, 2011
- Attending Conference: 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition- Toward Sustainable Water Supply and Recycling Systems, Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan, 2-6 October, 2011, Funded by the University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Member- Board of Directors- BANSDOC (Bangladesh National Scientific and Technical Documentation Center, Ministry of Science and Information and Information Technology, Since 8th September, 2011.
- Invited Speaker at the Inter-Noise 2011-Sound Environment as a Global Issue, Osaka International Convention Center, Osaka Japan, 4-7 September 2011.
- Invited Researcher at the Tsukuba University, Tsukub , Japan on invitation of the special fund of the President of the University of Tsukuba, 2-11, September, 2011.
- Member Evaluation for short listing NGOs/Consulting Firms through a competitive bidding for appointment of External Monitoring Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Action Plan Under Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project, Bangladesh Bridge Authority, Bridge Division, Ministry of Communications, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh(July 2011).
- Donor Funded Implementation Project: Bangladesh Principal Investigator for the Technical Assistance for Early Warning Systems Study (TA4562-BAN, $250,000) Funded by ADB. Project Partners being BUET, University of Tokyo, JAXA, BWDB and Ministry of Defense, GoB.
- Consultancy Project: UNICEF-BUET Project (BRTC) on “Integrated Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Planning (WASH) for the Local Government Institutions”- Consultancy project funded by UNICEF (Since May 2011 for 18 months – 0.5 Million USD)
- Member of Project Steering Committee (PSC) of the ’37 District Town Water Supply Project under the Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE), Appointment: 2nd May 2011.
- External Expert for the Development of Dhaka Water Supply Sewerage System Master Plan for the following 20 years, Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA), April, 2011.
- Member – Board of Directors of Bangladesh National Scientific and Technical Documentation Center (BANSDOC) under the Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh since 15th March, 2011
- Research Based Implementation Project: BUET Project Coordinator of the BUET- Peredeniya Project on ‘Waste Water Reclamation and Reuse Tropical Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment – removal of nitrogenous pollutants”, Funded by UNESCO-IHE, Participating Organizations: University of Peradeniya and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka (Fund Size: 50000 USD)
- Invited Expert: Invited at National Environmental Expert in the National Seminar on “Impact of Climate Change on the Irrigation based Agriculture Sector and Unplanned Ground Water Extraction” organized by Bangladesh Agriculture Research Council (BARC) on the 6th July 2011 and presided by the Minister of Agriculture Motia Chowdhury, MP.
- Member Selection Committee for selection of Environmental Monitoring and Health Safety Expert for Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project, Bangladesh Bridge Authority, Bridge Division, Ministry of Communications, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh( June, 2011).
- Director International Training Network Centre for Waste Management (ITN-BUET Centre) since 18th May 2011. The Centre is funded by donors and managed by BUET.
- Attended the Integrated Global Water Cycle Observation (IGWCO) meeting from
- 14 – 15 March 2011 at the Sanjo Kaikan facilities on the Hongo campus, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Attended the Global Terrestrial Network – Hydrology (GTN-H, http://gtn- meeting as Technical at the Sanjo Kaikan facilities on the Hongo campus on 12 – 13 March 2011, The University of Tokyo, Japan. It also included a joint GTN-H and AWCI session on 13 March. All AWCI International Coordination Group members and CCAA leaders attended this event.
- Advanced Training Courses: Attended Training Course on Methods for downscaling global climate model output for applications on a basin scale arranged at Tokyo during 11 – 12 March 2011. The course was arranged for specially the leaders of the AWCI CCAA at the University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, Japan.
- Expert Member of the Management Committee (MC) of the Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund (BCCRF) under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (Appointed in February, 2011).
- Invited Speaker of the Environment session at ‘The Second International Conference on Sustainability Science in Asia’ (ICSS-Asia2011) held during 2-4 March 2011 at Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Invited presenter and discussant at International Symposium Promoting Synergies among Adaptation Networks in the Asia-Pacific Region, 17 January, 2011, Ibaraki University, Mito Campus, Ibaraki, Japan
- Invited Expert to participate at the 4th UN-CECAR Workshop on International Collaboration held during 15-16 November 2010 at Kandy, Sri Lanka as Member of the International Coordination Committee of the UNIVERSITY NETWORK FOR CLIMATE AND ECOSYSTEMS CHANGE AND ADAPTATION RESEARCH (UN-CECAR) Organized by the United Nations University
- Invited Speaker on “Addressing Uncertainties in Disaster Management”, Presentation, Risk Resilience Infrastructures: Role Of Education and Training, Organized Jointly by BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention & Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS) and CDMP during November 13-14, 2010, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Co-Chair of Climate Change Group and Member International Coordination Group , 7th meeting of the GEOSS Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI) International Coordination Group (ICG), Tokyo, Japan on 5th – 6th October 2010.
- Key note Speaker, Open international symposium in Geo-spatial Expo, International Symposium on Integrated use of geo-spatial information for comprehensive safety and security: Asian perspective for Geo-Intelligence, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, Sep. 20-21, 2010.
- Member, International Organizing Committee, International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh, ICEAB 2010, University of Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, JAPAN, September 4, 2010
- (
- Member of the Drought Working Group of Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI)
- Member of the Scientific Supporting team of the Drought Working Group of Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI)
- APN’s pool of global change research experts, Since May 2010.
- Organizer, Member- Steering Committee, International Symposium on Coastal Zones and Climate Change: Assessing the Impacts and Developing Adaptation
- Strategies, 12-13 April, 2010, Monash University Gippsland, Churchill, Victoria, Australia
- Reviewer of Papers, International Symposium on Coastal Zones and Climate Change: Assessing the Impacts and Developing Adaptation Strategies, 12-13 April, 2010, Monash University Gippsland, Churchill, Victoria, Australia
- Invited Lecturer, Invited by Japan Science Council at Cabinet Office, Tokyo, Japan, 25 March 2010.
- Invited Lecturer at Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Tsukuba, Japan, 24 March 2010.
- Invited Lecturer and Panelist for Discussion at the Alliance of Global Sustainability (AGS) Annual Meeting, Special session on Environmental problems in South Asian Cities held at University of Tokyo, Japan, 18 March 2010.
- Chair, Need Assessment Session, International Conference and Workshop on the Role of Higher Education in Adapting to Climate and Ecosystems Change: Asia Yogyakarta, Indonesia, March 8-10, 2010, Organized by United Nations University and University Gadjah Mada (UGM) (Representative of BUET for UN-CECAR)
- Chief Organizer and Coordinator of the Workshop on “Effective Early Disaster Warning Dissemination system for Bangladesh”, Held at the Ministry of Defence, Agargaon, Dhaka, 31st January, 2010, Participated by the Representatives from the Japanese Cabinet office, The University of Tokyo, JAXA, JICA, ADB-Japan, ADB- Bangladesh, Ministry of Defence of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Water Development Board, Flood Forecasting and Warning Center, Disaster Management Bureau of Bangladesh, Grameen Phone Bangladesh Limited (Local Agent of Telenor), Survey of Bangladesh, SPARRSO, Bangladesh Meteorological Department and members from other Government Organizations.
- Member, Panel of Judges for the Students’ Paper competition, IAHR-APD, 21-24 February, 2010, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Panelist, Session on: Remedy and dealing with the vulnerability, cSUR-UT International symposium on vulnerability of cities, University of Tokyo, Japan, February 5-6, 2010.
- Water stress at Dhaka and Concept of IWRM in the Context of Dhaka, Keynote Presentation, cSUR-UT International symposium on vulnerability of cities, University of Tokyo, Japan, February 5-6, 2010.
- International Consultant for National Household Water Security surveys: Methodology of Participatory Assessment (MPA), Promoting Effective Water Management Policies and Practices -Phase 5, ADB, December, 2009.
- Participated in the 5th meeting of the GEOSS Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI) International Coordination Group (ICG) held at the University of Tokyo campus in Tokyo, Japan on 15 -17 December 2009.
- Chair, Climate Change Adaptation session, Session IV, 5th meeting of the GEOSS Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI) International Coordination Group (ICG) held at the University of Tokyo campus in Tokyo, Japan on 15 -17 December 2009
- Attended satellite data training course on Soil Moisture monitoring from Remote Sensing data and workshop on 17 -18 December 2009 held at the University of Tokyo campus in Tokyo, Japan.
- Invited as External Expert and speaker for the International symposium “Level of Long-Term Stabilization of Global Warming and Climate Change Risks” to be held at the University of Tokyo, Japan, during 16-18 November, 2009, Organized by Ibaraki University, National Institute for Environment Studies (NIES), Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), and Ministry of the Environment, Japan.
- Invited Chair of the session entitled: “Water management business” held from 15:30 to 17:30 on October 29, 2009 of Seventh International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Bangkok, Thailand from October 28 to 30, 2009
- Visiting Professor at the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan during 6-19 October, 2009 under the GCOE BUET-UT collaborative project.
- Invited Researcher and speaker for “Workshop on Drought Monitoring by Remote Sensing Products in Asia”, hosted by Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, during 1-2 October 2009.
- Regional Member of Advisory Board for Special Workshop of 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM2009), September 7-11, 2009, Tokyo, Japan,
- Expert and Speaker of the International workshop on “Role of Higher Education in adapting to climate and ecosystems change.” held from 23 to 24 August, 2009, in Halong Viet Nam, organized by jointly with United Nations University, the University of Tokyo Integrated Research Systems for Sustainability Science (IR3S),
- and National Viet Nam University to bring together around 40 university-based experts from Southeast Asia, Australia and Japan to consult on the establishment of a graduate-level programme in adapting to climate and ecosystem change.
- Invited speaker at the UNU and IR3S Consultation conference on Role of higher education in adapting to climate change for Establishing a regional network to develop a postgraduate curriculum on climate change adaptation June 10-12, 2009, UNU- Head quarters, Tokyo, Japan, Invited and Funded by the Organizers.
- Expert and Resource Person of the Inter-country workshop on Joint Monitoring Program for water supply and Sanitation, World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, 27-29 April, 2009, Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Official Collaborator from BUET for the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Global Center of Excellence of the University of Tokyo Japan and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) (Signed on the 20th March, 2009).
- Session Co-Chair of International Conference on Climate Change impacts and adaptation strategies for Bangladesh, 18-20 February, 2009, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Session Chair of the Climate Water Cycle Disasters Session of the 3rd GEOSS Asia – Pacific Symposium held at Kyoto, Japan, afternoon session, WG5: Toward Actual Collaboration among Climate, water cycle and Disaster, 5 Feb, 2009.
- Invited Researcher and participant at the 3rd GEOSS Asia –Pacific Symposium held at Kyoto, Japan, 4-6 February, 2009, Kyoto Research Park, Japan.
- Invited speaker for the 4th International Coordination Group Meeting of the GEOSS Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI), Kyoto Japan, 6-7 February, 2009, Kyoto Research Park, Japan
- Session Chair of the Climate change and Adaptation Group in the 4th International Coordination Group Meeting of the GEOSS Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI), Kyoto Japan, 6-7 February, 2009, Kyoto Research Park, Japan
- Selected the Chair of the Climate change and Adaptation group of the International Coordination Group of the GEOSS Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI),Beijing, China, 4th Conference of the Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW), 3 to 5 November 2008
- Invited speaker and key researcher of the project Titled Bangladesh Water Security Workshop 2008 held in Kyoto, Japan, 28 -30 November, 2008
- Invited Speaker and Session chair for the Sixth South East Asian Water Environment, Bandung, Indonesia, 29-31 October, 2008
- Invited speaker and Session Chair of the International Symposium on Food and Water Sustainability in Asia 2008, 7-8 October 2008, organized by University of Macau and TIGS, University of Tokyo and held in Macau, China
- Principal Bangladeshi researcher and Participant of the Planning Workshop of the APN project on Climate Perturbation and Coastal Zone Systems in Asia pacific Region:Holistic Approaches and Tools for Vulnerability Assessment and Sustainable Management Strategy, Hanoi, Vietnam, 16-17June 2008.
- Invited Researcher and Speaker for the First GEOSS/AWCI/APN Scoping Workshop, 16-17 April, 2008, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, in Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan.
- Invited Researcher and Speaker for the Second GEOSS Asia –Pacific Symposium, 16 April 2008, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, in Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan
- Invited speaker of the Asian Science and Technology Seminar (ASTS), 10-11, March, 2008, Bangkok, Thailand (Sponsor: JST, Japan)
- Invited speaker and member of the Bangladesh delegation at the Third GEOSS Asian Water Cycle Symposium, 2-4 December 2007, Ooita International House of the Japan Student Services Organization, Beppu, Ooita, Japan.
- Keynote speaker at the 2nd International Workshop on Rainwater and Reclaimed Wastewater for Urban Sustainable Water Use, 3-5 October, 2007, Kyoto, Japan (Sponsored by the CREST fund)
- Bangladesh Co-Principal Investigator of the project Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Environment and Integrated Water Resource Management: the Cases from Mega Cities in Asia- funded by JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kaken-hi B) from the academic year of 2008.
- Principal Investigator of the project A Practical Research on the Development and Extension of Arsenic Removal Equipments from Groundwater in Rural Bangladesh, JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kaken-hi B), 2008-2012, Toyo University – BUET – The University of Tokyo joint Project.
Invited Lectures
Research Awards
- [No info available]