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Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman


Specialization: Transportation Engineering

Dr. Engr.Md. Mizanur Rahman (F-11725) is a Professor in the Civil Engineering Department at BUET. He has 27 years of teaching experience in traffic engineering, pavement design, traffic management, construction management, and transportation planning and road safety. He earned his Ph.D. in 2004 from Yokohama National University, Japan in the field of Traffic Flow Theory. Earlier, he did his BSc (1996) and MSc in Civil Engineering (2000), with specialization in Transportation Engineering from BUET. Dr. Rahman has several publications (more than 90) in International Journal and Conferences. His current research interests are in modeling of urban air and noise pollution from road traffic, energy conservation strategies for Bangladesh, suitability of ETC system in Bangladesh, sustainable urban transport system, Road safety improvement. As a member of consulting experts of the Civil Engg. Dept. of BUET participating extensively in different consultancy works in transportation engineering projects of RHD, LGED, DTCA, BBA, CAAB, RAJUK, BR Dhaka North and South City Corporation for the last 27 years and contribute to national development works


  • Ph.D. (Transportation Engineering), Yokohama National University, Japan, 2004.
  • M.Sc. (Civil & Transportation), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2000.
  • B.Sc. (Civil Engineering), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1996.

Research Interest

Accident Investigations and Reverse Engineering, Roadway Safety & Traffic management, Polymer modified binder and mixes, Recycling of bituminous pavements, High Strength Concrete Mix Design, Geometric design of highway, Structural design of Pavements, Roadway capacity of mixed traffic operations, Rigid pavement and Heavy duty pavement (ICD, Runway) design, Planning of Grade separated Infrastructures  viz. Flyover, Interchange and Tunneling,    Traffic Signaling for Mixed Traffic Conditions, Transport modeling and Traffic simulation, Application of     Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Traffic simulation, Intelligent Transport System (ITS) and Telecommunication in Transport System Management.

Research Awards

  • Best Paper Award at the iCERP-2019, January 2019
  • Monbukagakusho Scholarship for Ph. D (2001-2004)
  • Recycling of Pavement waste materials, LGED, 2022

Professional Work at National and International Levels

Consultancy Services for Detailed Design of Mukterpur Bridge Approach Road Widening Project, sponsored by the Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA), February 2019, Expert member.Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of Mukterpur Bridge Approach Road Widening Project, sponsored by the Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA), November 2017, Expert member.

Feasibility Study for Construction of Proposed Patenga Container Terminal (PCT) of Chittagong Port Authority (CPA), sponsored by Chittagong Port Authority, June 2016, Expert member.

Consultant for Purbachal Link Road (Kuril to Kanchan), sponsored by the Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK), February 2016, Expert member.

Construction of Purbachal Link Road (Kuril to Kanchan), sponsored by Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK), February 2016, Expert member.

Strengthening of Existing Runway and Construction of Boarding Bridge at Shah Amanat International Airport (SAIA) Chittagong, sponsored by Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh (CAAB), September 2015, Expert member.

LGED-ARI (BUET) Collaboration under the Second Rural Transport Improvement Project (RTIP-II), sponsored by World Bank, September 2015, Expert member.

Assessment of Road Design and Pavement Standards of LGED under Second Rural Transport Improvement Project (RTIP-II), sponsored by World Bank, July 2015, Expert member.

Digital Topographic Survey for Bangladesh Army Initiated-Jalshiri Abason Project at Rupganj, Narayanganj, sponsored by Bangladesh Army, April 2015, Expert member.

Feasibility Study of Constructing Overflow Container at Chittagong Port Workers Colony, sponsored by Chittagong Port Authority, February 2015, Expert member.

Traffic Impact Assessment of 11-storied with 04 Basement Commercial Building at Bara Moghbazar, Ramna, Dhaka, sponsored by Ispahani Free School Properties Ltd, December 2014, Expert member.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Dhaka Elevated Expressway Project, sponsored by Bangladesh Bridge Authority, November 2014, Expert member.

Asphalt Overlay Work on Runway at Zia International Airport, sponsored by Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh (CAAB), June 2008, Expert member.

Consultancy services for under pass of New Moring over flow container yard. (Team Leader)

Consulting services for provision of PPP Transaction Advisory services for construction of flyover from shantinagar to Dhaka-Mawa Road (Jhilmil). (Team Leader)

Furnishing expert opinion on technical part of Tender documents of CAAB. (Team Leader)

Request for justification of stone chips in RCC and opinion of long term effect of Malaysian stone chips. (Team Leader)

Design of Approach Road for Entry and Exit from Proposed Head Quarter Building of PGCL.  (Team Leader)

Review of Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) Report submitted by UITS. (Team Leader)

Assessment of road design and pavement standards of LGED. (Team Leader)

TIA for 11-storied with 4 basement commercial building of the free school street property ltd. (Team Leader)

Checking of structural safety of a Building of Lafarge Surma Cement Ltd. (Team Leader)

Technical and financial proposal for the internal design of road at API Industrial Park. (Team Leader)

On – Job -Training on Material Testing and Quality Control Testing, RRI, Faridpur. (Team Leader)

Chemical Checking of Baral Chemical Ltd. (Team Leader)

Revaluation of Company property (Team Leader)

TIA for 11-storied with 4 basement commercial building of the free school street property ltd. (Team Leader)

Furnishing Expert Opinion on Technical Proposals (RFP) for Development of Saidpur, Barishal & Khan Jahan Ali Airports, Expert member.

Consultancy Services for the Construction of a Turning Pad at Runway End-14 at HSIA, Kurmitola, Dhaka, Expert member.

Consultancy Services for the supervision of Asphalt Concrete overlap of AGL Grooving works in the Extended NOTAM period at HSIA, Expert member.

Financial and Economic Analysis for Strengthening of the Existing Runway and Construction of Boarding Bridge at Shah Amanat Int. Airport, Chittagong, Expert member.

To conduct the pre-feasibility study for Gulistan Golap Shah Mazar to Second Buriganga Bridge Elevated Expressway PPP Project, Expert member.

Ex-post evaluation survey on Paksey bridge construction project, Expert member.

Selected Publications

  1. Tanmay Das, Fahmida Rahman, Md Hadiuzzaman, Anurata Prabha Hridi and Md. Mizanur Rahman”Understanding Household’s Cyclone Evacuation Decision Making Process Through Behavioral Modeling in Developing Economies” Natural Hazards Review, :, 2017
  2. S M Muniruzzaman, Md Hadiuzzaman, Md Mizanur Rahman, M M Hasnat, M Nazmul H, Fahmida R and T Hasan “Calibration and Validation of Microscopic Simulation Model for Non-Lane Based Heterogeneous Traffic Stream of Developing Country” Journal of Built Environment, Technology and Engineering, 1, :, 2016
  3. Bijoy Saha, Mahmudur Rahman Fatmi and Md. Mizanur Rahman Pedestrian Injury Severity in Dhaka, Bangladesh: A Latent Segmentation-Based Logit Modeling Approach Transportation in Developing Economics, :, 2021
  4. Bijoy Saha, Mahmudur Rahman Fatmi and Md. Mizanur Rahman Traffic crashes in Dhaka, Bangladesh: analysing crashes involving unconventional modes, pedestrians and public transit. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 28, :, 2021
  5. Md Hadiuzzaman, Md Mizanur Rahman, Tanweer Hasan and Md Ahsanul Karim “Development of Delay Model for Non-Lane Based Traffic at Signalized Intersection” International Journal of Civil Engineering, 3, :67-82, 2014
  6. Mizanur Rahman, and Kazi Md. Shifun Newaz “Development of a GIS based Hazardous Road Location Identification System for National Highways of Bangladesh” Journal of Science and Technology, 3, :, 2013
  7. Katz, D and Rahman, M. M “Levels of Overcrowding in Bus System of Dhaka, Bangladesh” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, TRB No. 2143, :85-91, 2010
  8. Hadiuzzaman, M. and Rahman, M. M. “Capacity Analysis for Fixed-Time Signalized Intersection for Non-lane Based Traffic Condition” Advanced Materials Research, 83-86, :904-913, 2010
  9. Hadiuzzaman, M. and Rahman, M. M “Estimating Vehicle Stops at an Oversaturated Signalized Intersection for Mixed-Traffic Conditions” ITE Journal on the Web, :76-80, 2009
  10. Rahman, M.M., Okura, I. and Nakamura, F “Effects of Rickshaws and Auto-Rickshaws on the Capacity of Urban Signalized Intersections” Journal of International Association of Traffic and Safety Science, IATSS RESEARCH, 28 No.1, :, 2004
  11. Debojit Sarkar, Arnab Biswas, Md. Mizanur Rahman and M Mohsin Mehedi “Optimization of Radiation Shielding Concrete for Radiotherapy Treatment Room at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University ” Key Engineering Materials, 705, :338-344, 2016  
  12. Md Hadiuzzaman, Md Ahsanul Karim, Md. Mizanur Rahman and Tanweer Hasan “Planning Level Regression Models for Prediction of the Number of Crashes on Urban Arterial in Bangladesh” International Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2, :267-275, 2016
  13. S Rafee Musabbir, Md Hadiuzzaman, Md. Mizanur Rahman , Tanweer Hasan and Jewl Sarkar “Innovative Risk Aperture Manipulation Model for Risk Management in Mega Project Construction” Trends in Transportation Engineering and Applications (STM Journal), 2, :1-14, 2015
  14. Anik Das, Saurav Barua, Md Nasim Khan and Md. Mizanur Rahman “An Evaluation of Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Airport Pavement” International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research, 4, :352-356, 2015
  15. Mizanur Rahman, and Md Neaz Murshed “Sensitivity of Rigid Pavement Responses to Pavement Layer Thickness Due to Wheel Load: A Nonlinear Finite Element Study” Trends in Transportation Engineering and Applications (STM Journal), 1, :1-9, 2014
  16. Tanweer Hasan and Md. Mizanur Rahman “Prospect of Transport Demand Management Strategies to Manage Traffic Congestion in Dhaka” Journal of Society for Transportation Studies (JSTS), 4, :23-33, 2013
  17. Mizanur Rahman, and Rajib Khadem “Deficiencies of Traffic Signal System in Dhaka City” Journal of Society for Transportation Studies (JSTS), 3, :63-73, 2013
  18. Mizanur Rahman, Md. Shafikul Ahsan, Md. Hadiuzzaman “Comparative Accident Study on Some Selected National Highways of Bangladesh” International Journal of Civil Engineering (IJCE), 1, :7-14, 2012
  19. Mizanur Rahman “Development of Lane Configuration Adjustment Factors for the Capacity Analysis of Signalized Intersections.” Asian Transaction on Engineering Journal (ATE), 2, :70-74, 2012
  20. Rahman, M. M., Hadiuzzaman, M., and Sultana. T. “ Evaluation of Air Passenger Service Quality in Bangladesh” Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies (JSTS), 1, :81-95, 2010
  21. Rahman, M. M., Hadiuzzaman, M. and Karim, M. A. “Trend Analysis of Passenger and Freight Movement in the International Airports in Bangladesh” International Journal of Logistics IJLT, 3, :93-108, 2009
  22. Rahman, M.M., Hasan, T. and Nakamura, F “Development of Professional Driver Adjustment Factors for the Capacity Analysis of Signalized Intersections”, Journal of Transportation Engineering ASCE, 134, :532-536, 2008
  23. Hadiuzzaman, M. Rahman, M. M., and Karim, M. A. “Saturation Flow Model at Signalized Intersection for non-lane Based Traffic” Canadian Journal of Transportation, 2, :77-90,
  24. Rahman, M.M., and Nakamura, F. “Measuring Passenger car Equivalents for Non-motorized vehicles (Rickshaws) at Mid-block sections.” Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS),:, 2005
  25. Rahman, M.M., and Nakamura, F. “A study on Passing-Overtaking characteristics and Level of Service of Heterogeneous Traffic Flow” Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS),:, 2005   
  26. Rahman, M.M., Okura, I. and Nakamura, F. “Measuring Passenger Car Equivalents (PCE) for Large Vehicles at Signalized Intersections” Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS),:, 2003
  27. Ahsan, H. M, Rahman, M. M. and Habib, K.M.N. Socio-Economic Status and Travel Behavior of Inter-City Bus Passengers: Bangladesh Perspective Journal of Civil Engineering, the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, CE 30,:, 2002
  28. Sk Md Mashrur, Bijoy Saha, Md Mizanur Rahman, Md Hadiuzzaman Assessment on the effect of transit priority strategies on travel time delay at signalized road network having mixed traffic Journal of Civil Engineering, 47(2),:133-143, 2019
  29. Anika Nowshin Mowrin. Md Hadiuzzaman, Saurav Barua, Md Mizanur Rahman Identifying Key Factors of Commuter Train Service Quality: An Empirical Analysis for Dhaka City Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 31 :23-32, 2019
  30. Tanmay Das, Fahmida Rahman, Md Hadiuzzaman, Annesha Enam and Md. Mizanur Rahman Exploring the heterogeneity in the cyclone evacuation decision in the context of developing economy: A case study of costal Bangladesh Journal of Emergency Management, 17(4),:, 2018
  31. Imran Kays, Tahmida Hossain Shimu, Md Hadiuzzaman, Md Mizanur Rahma and Shah Md Muniruzzaman H-CTM for simulating non-lane-based heterogeneous traffic Transportation Letters The International Journal of Transportation Research, 11(1),:, 2017  
  32. S R Musabbir, Md Hadiuzzaman, Md Mizanur Rahman and Tanweer hasan Innovative Risk Aperture Manipulation Model for Risk Management in Mega Project Construction Journal of Sofrware Engineering and Application, 2(1),:1-14, 2015
  33. Bijoy Saha, Mahmudur Rahman Fatmi, Md Mizanur Rahman Modelling injury severity of victims in collisions involving public transit in Dhaka, Bangladesh International Journal of Crashworthiness,:, 2022
  34. Bijoy Saha, Mahmudur Rahman Fatmi, Md Mizanur Rahman Modeling Injury Severity of Unconventional Vehicle Occupants: Hybrid of Latent Segments and Random Parameters Logit Models Transportation Research Record,:1-13, 2022
  35. Sk. Md. Mashrur · Nazmul Haque · Md. Hadiuzzaman · Farzana Rahman · Md. Mizanur Rahman · Mohammad Ehsan Shahmi Chowdhury Modeling Modified Intermittent Bus Lane Integrated with Transit Signal Priority Under Mixed Traffic Condition Transportation in Developing Economies, Springer, (2022) 8:17, :1-18, 2022
  36. Shayeda Shoulin, B. M. Asaduzzaman, Md. Shibber Hossain, Md. Mizanur Rahman Does the Padma Bridge improve livelihood of the local community? An Application of the ordered logit model SSRN, 2024