PABX No: 7532
Room No: 510
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Dr. Md. Shamsul Hoque
Specialization: Transportation Engineering
Dr. Md. Shamsul Hoque obtained his B.Sc. Engg. Degree (Civil) in 1984 from BUET, M.Sc. Engg. in Transportation Engg. from the same university in 1987 and PhD in 1994 from University of Southampton, UK. The title of his PhD thesis was “Modeling of Signalized Intersection in Developing Countries”. Now he is the Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, BUET and University Associate of Dept. of Civil Engineering, Curtin University, Australia and Sch. of Civil Engg and University of Queensland, Australia. He has written a book on ‘Highway & Railway Engineering (Part-1)’, Published by Education and Training Systems, Austria (180 pages).
He is the former Director of Accident Research Institute (ARI), Director, Bureau of Research, Testing and Consultation (BRTC) of BUET, Chairman, Governing Body, Engineering University Higher Secondary School & College and Director of Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited (DMTCL). So far he has delivered one PhD Degree and 35 Master’s Degrees, has published 179 nos. Journal & Conference papers (including one in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), USA) and also published a book on ‘Highway and Railway Engineering’ from Austria. He is the transport planner of Hatirjheel Project, Kuril Interchange, Banani Trumpet Flyover/Interchange, Master planner of Karnaphuli Container Terminal (KCT) and contributor of Strategic Transport Plan (STP), 7th Five Year Plan, Bangladesh Delta Plan-2100 Formulation Project and National Conservation Strategy (NCS) Project, by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
In road safety engineering discipline, so far Dr. Hoque has awarded four master’s degree one of which is related to road safety auditing of Dhaka-Mawa national highway (N8) and undertaken twelve research works at undergraduate levels. Published 45 nos. road safety related papers in international Journals and Conferences. He is the Principal Author and Editor of Driver’s Instructor Manual (364 pages) and Rural Road Safety Manual for LGED prepared by Accident Research Institute (ARI), BUET. Besides he has investigated 18 nos. major road accident incidents, including Uthalia, Manikgang incident where two secretaries were died, Shalehpur Bridge incident where 13 people were died, Mirrersharai tragedy where 44 minor students were died and Mishuk-Munir incident where two renowned media personalities were died. He is the former member of National Road Safety Council (NRSC). He was involved in national committee for the preparation of ‘Road Safety Curriculum’ to be included in the Primary and Secondary School Text Book.
Dr. Hoque has been extensively involved in wide varieties of civil engineering consultancy and construction projects in Bangladesh including mass transit, road, bridges, flyovers, interchanges, inland container depot (ICD) etc. As a Consultant, so far he had been involved with more than 70 projects. Mentionable are:
- Planner & Designer – Old Airport Link Road (from PM office to Agargaon)
- Transport Planner – Hatirjheel Project
- Planner – Kuril Flyover/interchange (first of its kind in Bangladesh), Banani Trumpet Interchange
- Strategic Transport Plan 2004-20024 (STP) for Dhaka
- MRT-6 and BRT-3 development ptojects
- Payra Deep Sea Port Master Plan Preparation
- Mayor Mohammad Hanif Flyover/Jatrabari-Gulistan / Mouchak-Moghbazar Flyover
- Dhaka Elevated Expressway (DEE) and Dhaka Ashulia Elevated Expressway (DAEE)
- New-Mooring Container Terminal (NCT) (Planner) & Pangaon Container Terminal (ICT) (Planner)
- 3km long with 11 Jetties Karnaphuli Container Terminal (KCT) (Master Planner)
- Chittagong Port park Inland Container Depot (ICD, designer of 62,000 sq.m joint-less continuous rigid concrete pavement (CRCP) – which is the first of its kind in Bangladesh.
- Dhaka Hazarat Shahjalal International Airport, Chittagong Shah Amanat International Airport Runway and Sylhet Osmani International Airport Runway Strengthen Project
- Uttara Model Town Development (3rd Phase) Project
- Dharala bridge (Rangpur), Kanchan bridge (Shitalakhy), Paiser Hat bridge (Barishal)
- Bangladesh: Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project
- Ph.D. from University of Southampton, UK, Dec, 1994
- M. Sc. Engineering (Civil), Bangladesh Univ. of Engineering & Technology (BUET), July, 1987
- B. Sc. Engineering (Civil), Bangladesh Univ. of Engineering & Technology (BUET), August, 1984
- Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC), T & T College, Dhaka, March, 1979
- Secondary School Certificate (SSC), Motijheel Govt. Boy’s High School, Dhaka, Sept, 1977
Research Interest
- Accident Investigations and Reverse Engineering
- Roadway Safety & Traffic management
- Polymer modified binder and mixes
- Recycling of bituminous pavements
- Geometric design of highway
- Roadway capacity of mixed traffic operations
- Block pavement, Rigid pavement and Heavy duty pavement (ICD, Runway) design
- Planning of Grade separated Infrastructures Flyover, Interchange
- Traffic Signaling for Mixed Traffic Conditions
- Transport modeling, Traffic simulation
- Application of
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Traffic simulation
- Intelligent Transport System (ITS) and Telecommunication in Transport System Management
- Genetic Algorithm (GA), Neural Network (NN) and FUZZY in Transport Modeling
Research Awards
- Study on recycling of existing pavement materials for reusing in new construction in Bangladesh Context (Contract No. SID/RESEARCH/02/2017-18 dated 06.06.2018 of Package No. 02/SID/2017-18, Issued on 18.03.2018), Action Research funded by Research and Testing Division (Soil Investigation Division), Bangladesh Road Research Laboratory (BRRL), 24 Months duration, Contract Price: 36,16,609/=
- Study on well-suited wet weather maintenance technique regarding climatic condition of Bangladesh (Contract No. MTMD/RESEARCH/02/2017-18 dated 06.06.2018 of Package No. 02/MTMD/2017-18, Issued on 18.03.2018), Action Research funded by Research and Testing Division (Material Testing & Maintenance Division), Bangladesh Road Research Laboratory (BRRL), 24 Months duration, Contract Price: 72,96,860/=
- High Volume Transport (HVT) Applied Research programme under Transport-Technology Research Innovation for International Development (T-TRIID), collaborative research program on Road Safety in association with the University of Southampton (STARS), Grant £30,000, funded by IMC Worldwide Limited (IMC), UK, This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723375, 6 months duration, October 2018.
- Five Nations (Bangladesh, China, Kenya, Viet Nam and the UK Group on Global Road Safety at the University of Southampton (STARS) collaborative research program on Road Safety, British Pound 275,000 funded by NIHR (National Institute for Health Research), UK, 36 months duration , August 2017.
- Principal Investigator, Risk Factors Associated with Bus-Truck Head on Collisions: Fatal Accident Severity on National Highways in Bangladesh, BDT 30 lacs (3 million), funded by BANBEIS, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, 36 months duration, May 2017.
- Team Member, Investigation of Climate Resilient Slope Protection of Embankments, funded by IFAD, UN, USD 50,000, Exec. Agency: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, 48 months duration, Jun 2014.
- Team Member, Introduction of Quality Test Protocols for Road & Market Rehabilitation, funded by IFAD, UN, USD 50,000, Exec. Agency: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, 48 months duration, Jun 2014.
- Team Member, Investigation of Prospects for Sustainable Waste Management of Markets, funded by IFAD, UN, USD 50,000, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, 48 months duration, Jun 2014.
- Principal Investigator, A Study on Child Pedestrians Accident: Behavioral Approaches of School Children on Road in Bangladesh, BDT 3,87,000/= Financed by Committee for Advanced Studies & Research (CASR), BUET, 12 months duration, Jan 2014.
- Sub-project Manager (SPM), Development of a Microscopic Traffic Simulator with Mixed Traffic Simulation Capability for Evaluation of Alternative Transport Options for Dhaka City, USD 0.2 million Academic Innovation Fund awarded by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh in association with World Bank (WB) under Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP), Jan 2011 – Dec 2014.
- Research Associated, Study of the Urban Metabolism of Megacities Network, Coordinated by University of Toronto, Funded by Enel Foundation from Italy ( and Supported by UNEP’s resource efficient cities program and urban specialists of World Bank, August 2013.
- Infrastructure Specialist, South Asia Urban Knowledge Hub (K-Hub), Regional – Capacity Development Technical Assistance (R-CDTA), with International Training Network Center (ITN-BUET), Project Number: 46465, which is an initiative of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), USD 243,205 Financed by ADB & Cofinanced by the Sanitation Financing Partnership Trust Fund under the Water Financing Partnership Facility, December 2013.
- Commonwealth Scholarship (1990 – 1993), awarded by Association of Commonwealth Universities, UK for undertaking research in Transportation Engineering leading to PhD Degree.
Professional Work at National and International Levels
A summary of the involvement in some of the important consultancy projects are as follows:
Public Private Partnership (PPP) & G to G Related PROJECTS
- Member, Technical Committee, Construction of Dual gauge railway track parallel to the existing Joydevpur-Mymensing-Jamalpur meter gauge line by China Railway International Group Co. Ltd under G to G frame work, Bangladesh Railway (BB), August 2017.
- Presenter of “Dhaka-Ashulia Elevated Expressway Project” for PPP Global Investor’s Forum: Bangladesh 2012, organized by PPP Cell of Prime Minister’s Office, Winter Garden, Rupashi Bangla Hotel, 7-8 December 2012.
- Expert Member, 2nd Padma Multipurpose Bridge PPP Project, Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA), February 2012.
- Advisor, Review of RFP Document on Appointment of Park Developer for Kaliakoir Hi-Tech Park PPP Project, Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority, funded by World Bank (WB), September 2011.
- Convener, Bid Evaluation Sub-Committee, Selection of Independent Engineers (IE), Dhaka Elevated Expressway (DEE), PPP Project Bangladesh Bridge Authority, October 2011.
- Transport Advisor, Golapshah Mazar – Babu Bazar Flyover PPP Project, Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA), Ministry of Communications, Bridges Division, Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh, July 2011.
- Team Leader, Pre-feasibility and Environmental Screening Studies of Dhaka Ashulia Elevated Expressway PPP Project (DAEEP), Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA), Ministry of Communications, Bridges Division, Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh, April 2011.
- Expert Member, Dhaka Elevated Expressway PPP (DEEP) Project, Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA), October 2010.
- Traffic Engineering Expert, Jatrabari-Gulistan (Md. Mayor Hanif) Flyover PPP Project, Dhaka City Corporation (DCC), February 2006.
Master Plan Related
- Transport Specialist, World Bank (WB) Scoping Mission; Study on Urban Transport Planning and Implementation Framework of Dhaka for the study on Dhaka Master Plan and Institutions Assessment, October , 2016.
- Transport Management Consultant, World Bank (WB) Mission; Chittagong Urban Transport Master Plan TA Mission, June, 2016.
- Master Planner and Designer, Construction of Modern Karnaphuli Container Terminal (KCT) comprising of 220 acres land and 13 nos. Jetty, Chittagong Port Authority (CPA), November 2011.
- Member, Master Plan Committee, BUET Teachers’ Housing Cooperative Society (Probishi) comprising of 40 bigha land, 2013.
Mass Transit Related
- Transport Advisor, World Bank (WB) Exploratory Mission; Dhaka Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Line-3 Project, USD $250, April 23-27 2017.
- Infrastructural Specialist, Project Design Mission 2018, Char Development and Settlement Project IV Additional Financing (CDSP IV AF), Funded by Government of Netherlands & IFAD, UN, USD $25 million, Implemented by Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) of the Ministry of Water Resources, Bangladesh, 07 to 26 July 2018.
- Infrastructural Specialist, Supervision Mission-2018 for Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project (CCRIP), funded by IFAD, UN, USD $150 million, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, April 28 – May 11 2018.
- Infrastructural Specialist, Supervision Mission-2018 for Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement Project (HILIP) and Climate Adaptation and Livelihood Protection (CALIP) sub-project, funded by IFAD, UN, USD $118, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, 03-15 March 2018.
- Infrastructural Specialist, Appraisal Mission-2017 for Climate Resilient Community Development (CRCD) – PROVATi3 Project, funded by IFAD, UN, USD $92 14-27 July, 2017.
- Infrastructural Specialist, Mid Term Review Mission-2017 for Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement Project (HILIP) & Climate Adaptation and Livelihood Protection (CALIP): funded by IFAD, UN, USD $118 million, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, May 6-19 2017.
- Infrastructural Specialist, Design Mission-2017 for Climate Resilient Community Development (CRCD) Project: funded by IFAD, UN, USD $92 29 March, 2017.
- Infrastructural Specialist, Supervision Mission-2016 for Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement Project (HILIP) & Climate Adaptation and Livelihood Protection (CALIP): funded by IFAD, UN, USD $118 million, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, December 1-13 2016.
- Infrastructural Engineer, Supervision Mission-2016 for Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project (CCRIP), funded by IFAD, UN, USD $150 million, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, 20-31 July 2016.
- Infrastructural Specialist, Mid Term Review Mission-2016 for Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement Project (HILIP) & Climate Adaptation and Livelihood Protection (CALIP): funded by IFAD, UN, USD $118 million, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, May 12-27 2016.
- Short Term Consultant (2-Aug-15 to 30-July-16) for Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) Project & Chittagong Urban Transport Master Plan, UPI# 486532, P.O. Number 7885519, GTIDR Unit, World Bank (WB) Group.
- Infrastructural Specialist, Supervision Mission-2015 for Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement Project (HILIP) & Climate Adaptation and Livelihood Protection (CALIP): funded by IFAD, UN, USD $118 million, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, Nov 16-27 2015.
- Infrastructural Specialist, Supervision Mission-2015 for Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement Project (HILIP) & Climate Adaptation and Livelihood Protection (CALIP): funded by IFAD, UN, USD $118 million, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, May 12-21 2015.
- Infrastructural Engineer, Supervision Mission-2015 for Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project (CCRIP), funded by IFAD, UN, USD $150 million, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, April 27 to May 9
- Infrastructural Engineer, Project Design Mission-2013 for Climate Adaptation and Livelihood Protection (CALIP): Scaling up and Innovating Adaptation Activities in the Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement Project, funded by IFAD, UN, USD $15 million, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, January-February 2013.
- Rural Infrastructural Engineer, Final Detailed Design Mission-2012 for Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project (CCRIP), funded by IFAD, UN, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (KfW), USD $150 million, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, September 2012.
- Rural Infrastructural Engineer, Detailed Design Mission-2012 for Sustainable Market Infrastructure and Livelihood Enhance Project (SMILE), funded by IFAD, UN (BD-xxx), USD $76 million, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, May 2012.
- Transport Expert, Supervision Mission-2011 for Community Based Resource Management Project (SCBRMP), funded by IFAD, UN (BD-567), USD $34.3 million, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh, Sep 2011.
- Consultant, Development Project and Concept Paper for reducing the traffic Congestion at Mirpur-Asad Gate-Rassel Square-Science Lab Corridor (Bangabandhu Memorial Corridor), Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Ministry of Communication, June 2010.
- Consultant, Congestion Relieving Measures at Gulshan-1 & Gulshan-2 Corridor, Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Ministry of Communication, September 2010.
- Consultant, Congestion Relieving Measures for Mirpur-Asad Gate-Science Lab Corridor, Roads and Highways (RHD), Aug 2010.
- Team Leader, Technical Viability Study of Submersible Block Pavement Road, Sunamganj Community Based Resource Management Project (SCBRMP), funded by IFAD, UN, USD $26.28 million, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), July 2009.
- Team Leader, Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) of Airport Road-Rokeya Sharani Link Road Construction Project, Dhaka City Corporation (DCC), May 2008.
- Senior Transportation Planning Specialist, Hatirjheel Development & Peripheral Roadway and Walkway Project, RAJUK, October 2007.
- Transport Expert, Widening (4-laning) of Dhaka-Chittagong Highway, Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Ministry of Communication, June 2007.
- Consultant, Least Cost Option for Progati Sarani-Debogram Link Road Project, Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Initiated by Planning Commission, March 2006.
- Transport Expert, Gas Pipeline’s Factor of Safety for Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Access Road Project, Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Ministry of Communication, March 2002.
- Traffic Engineer, Redesign of Sonargoan and Star Gate Roundabouts, RAJUK (Dhaka City Development Authority), March, 2001.
- Highway Engineer, Cox’s Bazar-Teknaf Marine Drive Road Project, 17 ECB (Engineering Core of Bangladesh), Bangladesh Army, Dhaka Cantonment, January 2000.
- Team Leader, Inventory and Physical Survey for the Development of 100 Lanes and By-lanes of Dhaka City, RAJUK (Dhaka City Development Authority), April 1998.
- Consultant, Investigation of Low Cost Mix Design for the Construction of Roads in Northern Region, under Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Program (RRMP 2) Project, Ministry of Communication, funded by Netherlands Government, June 1996.
- Expert, Investigation of Meghna Bridge Approach Road, Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Ministry of Communication, January 1989.
- Consultant, Investigation of Tarash Upzilla (Pabna) Flood Protection and Road Embankment Project, Grameen Bank Rural Development Project, September 1987.
Bridge related PROJECTS
- Transport Expert, Repair and Rehabilitation of the Meghna and Meghna-Gumuti Bridges, Roads & Highways Department (RHD), Ministry of Communication, June 2012.
- Team Leader, Consultancy Services for Ex-Post Evaluation Survey on Paksey Bridge Construction Project in Bangladesh, Initiated by Global Group 21 Japan, Incorporated (GG21) and Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), July 2007.
- Transportation Engineer, Consultancy Services for the Study and Detail Design of Paisar Hat Bridge on the River Paisa (250 m), Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Ministry of Communication, January 2000.
- Highway and Material Specialist, Consultancy Services for Site Investigation, Selection of Bridge Location, Checking of Tentative Design/Redesign of Debogram Bridge over Shitalakhya River (416 m), Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Ministry of Communication, May 1999.
- Expert, Inspection of Weigh-Bridge Sub-system, Installed for enforcing over-weight trucks at Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge (JMB), On behalf of JMB Authority, Ministry of Communication, February 1999.
- Consultant, Pavement Mix Design for Approach Road of Second Buriganga Bridge Construction Project, Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Ministry of Communication, December 1997.
- Expert, Feasibility Study Group, Modification of Hardinge Railway Bridge to Provide One-lane for Roadway Vehicles, Bangladesh Railway, June 1997.
- Expert, Evaluation of Rock Samples, Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge (JMB) Construction Project, May 1995.
- Quality Assurance Expert, Inspection and Calibration of Different Loading Devices Engaged for Construction of Shambhugang Bridge Project, Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Ministry of Communication, June 1989.
Elevated Expressway / Flyover / Overpass/Tunnel / Interchange Related PROJECTS
- Transport Planning and Flyover Geometry Specialist, Design Checking of Segmental Box Girder Superstructure Spans of Moghbazar-Mouchak Flyover at W05 (MMFP) in Dhaka, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), June 2014.
- Transport and Flyover Specialist, Design Checking of Segmental Box Girder Superstructure Spans of Moghbazar-Mouchak Flyover at W04 and W06 (MMFP) in Dhaka, Executing Agency – Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), July 2013.
- Convener, Bid Evaluation Sub-Committee, Selection of Independent Engineers (IE), Dhaka Elevated Expressway (DEE), PPP Project Bangladesh Bridge Authority, October 2011.
- Transport Advisor, Golapshah Mazar – Babu Bazar Flyover PPP Project, Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA), Ministry of Communications, Bridges Division, Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh, July 2011.
- Team Leader, Pre-feasibility and Environmental Screening Studies of Dhaka Ashulia Elevated Expressway PPP Project (DAEEP), Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA), Ministry of Communications, Bridges Division, Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh, April 2011.
- Expert Member, Dhaka Elevated Expressway PPP (DEEP) Project, Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA), Ministry of Communications, Bridges Division, Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh, October 2010.
- Team Leader & Interchange Planner, Trumpet Interchange for ZIA Colony-Mirpur Link Road Project, Undertaken by Bangladesh Army, Nov 2009.
- Consultant, Evaluation of the Public Proposal to Modify the Layout and Configuration of the Road Overpass between Bijoy Sharani and Shaheed Tajuddin Sharani, Rajdhani Unnyan Karkripakhya (RAJUK), Feb 2009.
- Team Leader & Interchange Planner, Consultancy Service for Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering related to propose Multi-directional Flyover at Kuril Intersection, for Development Design Consultants Ltd (DDC), RAJUK, May 2007.
- Traffic Engineering Expert, Technical Assistant, Training and Checking Detail Engineering Design for Jatrabari-Gulistan Flyover PPP Project, Dhaka City Corporation (DCC), February 2006.
- Consultant, Investigation Team formed by the Prime Minister’s Secretariat to investigate the Actual Shifting Cost for Relocation/Removal of the Utilities along Jatrabari-Gulistan Flyover Project, January 2006.
- Negotiator, Construction of Tunnel, under the Existing Runway Strip at Tejgaon Airport, Linking Jahangir gate and Agargaon Intersections, Dhaka City Corporation (DCC), March 2005.
- Senior Transport Engineer, Finalization of Alignment, Detail survey and Preparation of Land Acquisition Map, Detailed Geotecnical Investigation Including Suggestion of Design Parameters for Phanthapath-Progati Sharani/Gulshan Link Elevated Roadway Project, Dhaka City Corporation (DCC), January 2005.
- Planner, 2-level Directional Interchange at Kuril, related to Construction of Dhaka-Prubachal (Satellite Town) 300 ft wide Link Road, initiated by RAJUK (Dhaka City Development Authority), November 2004.
- Planner, Diamond Interchange at Bogra Bypass Road, related to Construction of Bogra Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College and 500-Bed Hospital, Public Works Department (PWD), August 2004.
- Planner, Bangla-Motor – Rampura Hatirjheel Flyover, RAJUK (Dhaka City Development Authority), May 2004.
Aerial and Land Survey Related Projects
- Team Leader, Digital Topographic Land Survey (6000 bighas) for Bangladesh Army initiated ‘Jalshiri Abashon Project’ at Rupganj, Narayanganj, Bangladesh Army (BA) May 2014.
- Team Leader, Digital Topographic Land Survey (2300 bighas) for Bangladesh Army initiated ‘Jalshiri Abashon Project’ at Rupganj, Narayanganj, Bangladesh Army (BA) July 2013.
- Consultant, Aerial Photogrammetic Survey at Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Site, in association with SOIL and Water Ltd., FINLAND, Funded by UNDP, World Bank IFAP Compensation Package, November 1996. (Twice surveyed 22 km x 12 km area – up and down stream of JMB site by using MI-17 & Bell-21 Helicopters and processed captured data with the help of TNTmips & GIS software).
- Consultant, Supervision of Planimetric and Topographic Survey Work at Kaliakoir, Gazipur Site, Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd., January 1995.
Traffic Study and Survey Related Projects
- Consultant and Data Specialist, Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Traffic Count Survey, Conducted for Independent Toll Auditing Purposes, JMB Authority, Ministry of Communication, September 1998 – 2003.
- Consultant, Traffic Survey by using Video Camera in connection with, Redesign of Sonargoan and Star Gate Roundabouts Project, RAJUK (Dhaka City Development Authority), March, 2001.
- Consultant, Dhaka City Traffic Survey, Initiated by Pacific Consultant International (PCI) of Japan, April 2000.
Airport Related Projects
- Designer, Consultancy services for Strengthening of Existing Runway & Taxiway at Osmani International Airport (OIA), Sylhet, May 2014.
- Designer, Consultancy services for Strengthening of Existing Runway & Construction of Boarding Bridge at Shah Amanat International Airport (SAIA), Chittagong, April 2014.
- Airport Expert, Technical Assistance for Upgradation of of Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, Kurmitola, Dhaka, Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB), Funded by Danish Government, June 1013.
- Team Leader, Consultancy Service for Construction of Turning Pad at 14-End Threshold Area of Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, Kurmitola, Dhaka, Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB), June 1013.
- Project Management Specialist, Supervision of Asphalt Overlay Work of Runway at HSIA International Airport, Kurmitola, Dhaka, Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB), October 2012.
- Pavement Designer, Asphalt Overlay Work of Runway at ZIA International Airport, Kurmitola, Dhaka, Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB), December 2007.
- Consultant, Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport – Taxiway Detailed Design with Field Investigation and Survey, July 2012
- Consultant, Vetting the ZIA Airport Taxiway Pavement Design Submitted by the Danish Contractor MT Hojgaard, September 2009.
- Pavement Designer, Asphalt Overlay Work of Runway at ZIA International Airport, Kurmitola, Dhaka, Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB), December 2007.
- Pavement Engineer, Reconstruction of Apron Area at ZIA International Airport, Dhaka, Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB), June 2003.
- Consultant, Improvement of Sub-Soil and Design and Specification of Airfield Pavement for the Khan Jahan Ali Airport at Bagerhat, Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB), Jan 2003.
- Consultant, Evaluation of International Tenders for Runway Strengthening of Chittagong Airport with Bituminous Overlay, for Operation of Wide Bodied Aircraft (1st Phase), Chittagong Airport Runway Overlay Project, Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB), November 1995.
- Consultant, Prequalification of Contractors for Development of Chittagong Airport, for Operation of Wide Bodied Aircraft (1st Phase), Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB), June 1995.
Inland Container Depot (ICD) and Port Development Related Projects
- River Port Expert, Feasibility Study for Development of Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar (Kasturaghat), Chhatak, Faridpur, Noapara River Ports, Ferry Ghats and Jetties at various Locations, Bangladesh Inland Water Development Authority (BIWTA) under the Ministry of Shipping, July 2017.
- Planner and Designer, Development of Second Overflow Container Yard at Dock Workers Colony, Chittagong Port Authority (CPA), June 2014.
- Planner and Designer, Shifting and Reconstruction of Service Jetty Located near Dock Office to up-stream of Jetty No.1 within Chittagong Port restricted area, Chittagong Port Authority (CPA), March 2013.
- Planner and Designer, Construction of Modern Karnaphuli Container Terminal (KCT) comprising of 220 acres land and 13 nos. Jetty, Chittagong Port Authority (CPA), November 2011.
- Consultant, Construction of back-up facilities for the 400m stretch of Jetty at the down-stream side of the newly constructed 1000m Jetty of New-Mooring Container Terminal, Chittagong Port Authority (CPA), Ministry of Shipping, July, 2007.
- Senior Port Design Engineer, Construction of Inland Container River Terminal (ICT) at Pangaon, Bangladesh Inland Water Development Authority (BIWTA), January 2006.
- Consultants, Structural Design, Specification of Works and Tender Documents for Construction of Container Yard at Port Park Area, Port Authority (CPA), Ministry of Shipping, GOB, September 2003.
- Consultants, Structural Design, Specification of Works and Tender Documents for Construction of Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG) Tracks at the Chittagong Container Terminal (CCT), Chittagong Port Authority (CPA), Ministry of Shipping, GOB, July 2001.
- Consultant, Preparation of Job Specification and Tender Evaluation Committee for Construction of Inland Container Depot at X-Y Shed, Chittagong Port Authority (CPA), July 1997.
- Consultant, Planning and Design of Inland Container Depot (120,000 m2) at X-Y Shed, Chittagong Port Authority (CPA), June 1996.
Land-use & Transport Facilities Development Related Projects
- Transport Planning Expert, Construction of 21 Storied Commercial Building with three Basement Floors, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), Dhaka, April 2014.
- Traffic & Transport Expert, Feasibility of City Stopover Bus Terminal (CSBT) at Nimtoli Babupura Slum, Dhaka, June 2014.
- Transport Specialist, Traffic Impact Study of 14-Storied Commercial Cum Residential Building at New Baily Road, Innovative Properties Limited House # B-156, Road # 22, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka 1206, January 2013.
- Transport Specialist, Studies, Design and Top Supervision of Sewage Treatment Plant at Dasherkandi for Treating Diverted Sewage from Hatirjheel and Begunbari Khal, Dhaka WASA, Jan 2012.
- External Member, Evaluation of EOI and RFP for preparation of Detail Development Plan and Design of Lake Development and Construction of Six Bridges on Gulshan-Banani-Baridhara Lake, RAJUK (Dhaka City Development Authority), October 2004.
- Senior Transport Engineer, Techno-Economic and Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Commercial Development of Lowlands Adjacent to Sonargaon Hotel & Preparation of Preliminary Development Plan for the Low Lying Areas Between Tongi Diversion Road and Pragati Shawarani (Rampura Bridge), RAJUK (Dhaka City Development Authority), May 2004.
- Senior Traffic Engineer, Development of Uttara Residential (3rd Phase) Model Town Project, Total 2050 acres project area, RAJUK (Dhaka City Development Authority), December 2003.
Freight Survey and Transport Logistics
- Local Counter Part, Bangladesh Freight Study, in association with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), USA, Funded by Work Bank (WB), June 2017.
Parking Lot Development Related Projects
- Negotiator, Planning and Designing Parking Lot on Waste-Filled Area at Fatullah, Dhaka, Dhaka City Corporation (DCC), February 1997.
- Traffic Engineer, Design, Specification of 37-storied Multistoried Commercial Complex Building cum Car Parking at Motijheel Commercial Area (City Center), Dhaka City Corporation (DCC), August 2004.
Strategic Transport Planning Related Projects
- Modeling Expert, Consultancy Services rendered as the Local Counterpart Consultant for the development of Strategic Transport Planning (STP) for Dhaka Metropolitan Area (DMA), conducted by the Louise Barger Inc. (USA) under Dhaka Urban Transport (DUTP phase-III) Project, Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Board (DTCB), April 2004.
- Consultant, Evaluation of International Tenders for Consulting Services for Strategic Transport Planning (STP), Technical Assistant and Training and Detailed Engineering Design for Jatrabari Flyover under Dhaka Urban Transport Project, Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Board (DTCB), December 2002.
Landfill Development Related Projects
- Transportation Engineering Expert, Design of Sanitary Landfill at Matual, Dhaka, Technical and Financial Support by JICA, Dhaka City Corporation (DCC), May 2006.
Waterway/Drainage Related Projects
- Transportation Engineering Expert, Improving the Drainage System of BNS Issa Kha, Chittagong and its two Isolated Colony Areas for Reducing the Water Logging, Bangladesh Navy, Chittagong, Bangladesh), November
- Transportation Engineering Expert, Eastern Circular Waterway, Bangladesh Inland Water Development Authority (BIWTA), September 2006.
Traffic Surveillance Related Projects
- Expert, Technical Committee, Automation of Traffic Monitoring System and Evaluation of Technical Specification of CCTV System (comprising Auto Incident Detection Sub-system, Toll Audit Sub-system, Weigh Bridge Sub-system) for Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge (JMB), On behalf of JMB Authority, Ministry of Communication, May 1998.
Institutional Capacity Building Program Related Projects
- Program Coordinator and Principal Resource Persons, 5-dayTraining Program on Leadership in Urban Transport for Dhaka for Transport Professionals, Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, BUET in Association of Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority (DTCA), Funded by World Bank (WB), June 11-15, 2017.
- Resource person, 5-dayTraining Program on Urban Road Safety, Organized by Accident Rosearch Institute (ARI), BUET in Association of Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority (DTCA), Funded by World Bank (WB), Nov 21-25, 2016.
- Resource person, 2-week Evening Course on Urban Transport Planning and Project Management, Organized by Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM), 04-06 May 2014.
- Coordinator and Principal Resource Persons, 5-day long “Training Course on Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) for Transport Professionals”, Jointly organized by Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Authority (DTCA), Ministry of Communication and Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Funded by World Bank (WB), 26-29 June 2013.
- Resource person, Training on Road Safety Auditing, Rural Transport Improvement Project (RTIP), Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Funded by World Bank (WB), RDEC Building, 15-16 May 2012.
- Resource Person, Training Program for Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) cadre officers (Deputy Secretary) on Development and Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh: “Efficient Transport Services to Reduce Cost and Improve Welfare”, Organized by Public Finance Foundation (PFF), Training and Capacity Building Component, DMTBF & Strengthening Financial Accountability Project, 13 Sep 2012.
- Resource Person, Training Program for Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) cadre officers (Deputy Secretary) on Development and Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh: “Efficient Transport Services to Reduce Cost and Improve Welfare”, Organized by Public Finance Foundation (PFF), Training and Capacity Building Component, DMTBF & Strengthening Financial Accountability Project, 1 Mar 2012.
- Resource Person, 7-day Long Driver’s Instructor Program, Organized by Accident Research Institute (ARI), Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), 9-15 May
- Resource Person, Training Course for Engineering Professionals of Different Governmental Organizations, Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Board (DTCB), Ministry of Communication, May 2010.
- Resource Person, Training Course for Engineering Professionals of Different Governmental Organizations (Module-2), Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Board (DTCB), Ministry of Communication, May 2005.
- Resource Person, Training Course for Engineering Professionals of Different Governmental Organizations (Module-1), Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Board (DTCB), Ministry of Communication, December 2003.
- Coordinator, Training on Laboratory Tests for RHD Field Engineers, Initiated by Institutional Development Component (IDC) under Second Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project (RRMP), Ministry of Communications, Roads and Highways Department, February 1998.
- Resource Persons, Training Program for the Enumerators of Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Traffic Count Survey, JMB Authority, Ministry of Communication, September – October 1998.
Road Safety Related Works
- Training of Trainers (ToT) for Community Based Road Safety Group (CBRS), xxx nos. in Tangaile, Dinajpur & Rangpur, under Northern Bangladesh Integrated Development Project (NBIDP), Funded by JICA, Implemented by Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Oct-Dec, 2018.
- Prepared Rural Road Safety Manual (RRSM) for the LGED, funded by World Bank, June 2014.
- Road-Traffic Safety Audit of Hatirjheel Project, July 2014.
- Road-Traffic Safety Audit of Holcim Cement (Bangladesh) Ltd. Factories, November 2012.
- Auditing of safe traffic circulation plan for 18 storied 4-star Hotel cum Commercial Complex to be developed opposite to Metropolitan Police Line at CDA Avenue in Chittagong by Meridian Hospitality Limited (A Malaysian venture), 19 October 2010.
- Auditing of traffic circulation plan for Radisson Hotel Dhaka, Airport Rd, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka, Bangladesh, August 2006.
Miscellaneous Projects
- Member, Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC), Request for Proposal (RFP) of Dhaka-Khulna N-8 Road Project, Special Works Organization (SWO)-West, Bangladesh Army, June 2016.
- Expert, Scrutiny Committee for examining pre-qualification document prepared for appointing private operator as SOT basis for Operation and Management of the New Mooring Container Terminal (NCT), Ministry of Shipping, 9th April, 2007.
- Principal Negotiator, Consultancy Service for Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering related to proposed Flyover at Kuril Intersection, with Development Design Consultants Ltd (DDC), April, 2007.
- Negotiator, Consultancy Service for Planning, Design, Preparation of Specification, BoQ, PQ Tender Document, Scrutiny and Full supervision of New-Mooring Container Terminal, Chittagong Port Authority (CPA), Ministry of Shipping, May, 2007.
- Expert, Review of Bid Documents, Evaluation of Technical and Financial Offers, Finalizing of O&M Contract Agreement, On behalf of Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority (JMBA), Ministry of Communication, September 2003.
- Consultant, Soil Exploratory Pile Load Test, Novo-theater (Planetarium) Project, Public Works Department (PWD), June 2001.
- Consultant, Bangladesh Medical and Dental College Admission Test Result Processing by using Optical Mark Reader (OMR), Directorate of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Planning, 1997 – 2000.
- Consultant, Advisory Services for Tender Document Preparation/Checking, Construction of 25 Storied Head Quarter Building, Delta Life Insurance Company Ltd., July 1999.
- Expert, Inspection, Calibration and Quality Assurance (QA) of RHD Laboratory Equipment Supplied by U.K. Government under ODA Program, Initiated by the Institutional Development Component (IDC), Ministry of Communications, Roads and Highways Department (RHD),
Selected Publications
Journal Publications (recognized and refereed journals):
- Hoque, M.S., Muniruzzaman, S.M and Ahmed, S.N., Performance Evaluation of Road Safety Measures – A Case Study of Dhaka-Aricha Highway, Transport and Communications Bulletin (TCB) for Asia and the Pacific, UNESCAP,74, United Nations, New York, 2005.
- Hoque, M.S., Khondaker, B. and Hoque, M.M., Behavioral Habits and Attitudes of Heavy Vehicle Drivers, Journal of Civil Engineering (JCE), The Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB), Vol. 35 (1), 2007, pp 17-27.
- Hoque, M.S. and Hasan, M.R., Involvement of Vehicle Factors in Road Accidents, Journal of Civil Engineering (JCE), The Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB), 35 (1), 2007, pp 29-45.
- Alam, J.B. and Hoque, M.S., Coping with Disasters: A Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework, Journal of the Institute of Engineers Bangladesh, Multidisciplinary (IEBM), 2007.
- Hoque, M.S., Debnath, A.K. and Mahmud, S.M.S., Impact of garment industries on Road safety in metropolitan Dhaka, Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Vol. 6, 2007.
- Hoque, M.S. and Imran, M.A., Modification of Webster’s delay formula under non-lane based heterogeneous road traffic condition, Journal of Civil Engineering (JCE), The Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB), Dhaka, Bangladesh Vol. 35 (2), 2007, 81-92.
- Hoque, M.S., Moniruzzaman, M.S. and Mahmud, S.M.S, Effectiveness of Black Spot Treatments along Dhaka-Aricha Highway, Journal of Civil Engineering (JCE), The Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB), Dhaka, Bangladesh Vol. 35 (2) , pp 93-104, 2007.
- Chowdhury, T.R., Nazia, R. and Hoque, M.S., An Evaluation of Off-street Parking Facilities in Dhaka Metropolitan City, Stamford Journal of Civil Engineering, ISSN NO: 1997-0714, Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2008, pp 78 –
- Nazia, R., Chowdhury, T.R. and Hoque, M.S., A Study on PCU Values for Selected Signalized Intersections in Dhaka City, Stamford Journal of Civil Engineering, ISSN NO: 1997-0714, Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2008, pp 92 –
- Zaman, H., Hoque, M.S, and Imran, M. A., Effect of Eid Festivals on Highway Traffic Flow, Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Vol. 8, 2009. (accepted)
- Mahmud S.M.S., Hoque, M.S and Shakur, Q.A., Road Safety Problems in Bangladesh: Constraints and Requirements, Transport and Communications Bulletin (TCB) for Asia and the Pacific, UNESCAP,79, on Road Safety, United Nations, New York, 2009, Pp. 47-67. ISSN: 0252-4392, ST/ESCAP/SER.E/79,
- Hoque, M.S, Islam, M.S. and Imran, M. A., Effect of Using Low Density Poly Ethylene Modifier on Engineering Properties of Bituminous Binder, Journal of Civil Engineering (JCE), The Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB), Dhaka, Bangladesh. (submitted)
- Hoque, M.S, Hoque, M.A.M. and Imran, M.S., Recycling of Bituminous Pavement Materials in Bangladesh Condition, Journal of Civil Engineering (JCE), The Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB), Dhaka, Bangladesh. (submitted)
- Hasnine, M.S. and Hoque, M.S., A Comprehensive Study on Mobility Problems of Women in Public Transport in Dhaka City, Journal of Civil & Earthquake Engineering, (JCEE), ISSN: 1996-9066, 2012.
- Siddiquee, M.S.A, Hoque, M.S and Zaman, H., Prediction of Hourly Traffic From Short Counts using Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine, The Second International Conference of Thai Society for Transportation & Traffic Studies 2011 (TSTS 2011) on SUFFICIENCY TRANSPORT Oct 14-15, 2011 and Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies (JSTS)4 No.2.
- S. Hoque, Ullah, M.H. and Nikraz, H., Investigation of Traffic Flow Characteristics of Dhaka-Sylhet Highway (N-2) of Bangladesh, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISSN 0976 – 6308, (Print), ISSN 0976 – 6316 (Online), Volume 4, Issue 4, July-August (2013), © IAEME:, pp. 55-65
- Ullah, M.H., S. Hoque, and Nikraz, H., Comparison of Traffic Growth Factors in Three Major Highways of Bangladesh: A Case Study, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Dec. 2013, Volume 1, No. 1 (Serial No. 1), USA, pp. 9-18, ISSN 2328-2142..
- Khan, S. M. and Hoque, M.S., Traffic Flow Interruptions in Dhaka City: Is Smooth Traffic Flow Possible? Journal of Presidency University, Part B Vol. 2 No.2, July 2013, pp 46-54, ISSN: 224-7610.
- Khan, S. M. and Hoque, M.S., Analysis of Vehicle Modification Practice in Bangladesh, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Dec. 2013, Volume 1, No. 1 (Serial No. 1), USA, pp. 9-18, ISSN 2328-2142.
- Hasnat M.M & Hoque, M.S., Developing Satellite Towns: A Solution to Housing Problem or Creation of New Problems, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IACSIT), Vol. 8, No. 1, January 2014.
- Hasnat M.M & Hoque, M.S., Reducing Congestion in Dhanmondi Residential Area: Introducing Cordon Pricing, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS), Vol-1, Issue-5, Oct-2014, ISSN: 2349-6495.
- Mahmud, S. S., & Hoque, M.S., Interchange facilities between different modes of transport in Dhaka city. Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 42(1),103-117, 2014.
- Mahmud, S. S., Ahmed, I., & Hoque, M. S., Road Safety Problems in Bangladesh: Achievable Target and Tangible Sustainable Actions. Jurnal Teknologi, 70(4), 2014.
- Kenedy,… M. S. Hoque at el., Energy and Material Flows of Megacities, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS, USA) Article ID: PNAS MS#2014-20346 Impact Factor 9.82), Apr 2015. The paper has received media attention andhere’s a round-up provided by the U of T media office (CANADA):
- Megacities Might Not Save the Planet After All(Wired (Online)), Date: Apr 28, 2015
- Interview on Newsday – BBC Radio (BBC Radio International) (>125 million listeners), Date: Apr 28, 2015, Airtime: 00:00
- Population set to reach 10 million in next two decades (Metro Toronto), Date: Apr 29, 2015
- What cities are the worst energy hogs? — ScienceDaily (DailyMe (Online)), Date: Apr 28, 2015
- Nueva York es la megaciudad que más energía consume del mundo(net), Apr 29, 15
- Megacities Metabolism: Is Your City Consuming a Balanced Diet?(Government Technology US (Online)); Date: Apr 28, 2015.
- Megacity study shows energy and resource use for largest urban areas (Phys Org (Online)); Date: Apr 28, 2015
- CNBC News(8.6 million unique monthly visitors)
- Discovery News(4.2 million UMV)
- nl(Netherland’s most visited news website – 28M UMV)
- Grist (2.6 million unique monthly visitors) article went up:
- Mega-cities face challenges around the world;
by the SMC in Canada.
- New York: Alle 1,5 Tage ein Supertanker;
- M.R. Khandaker and M. S. Hoque, Scope of Building Information Modelling (BIM) – Bangladesh Perspective, Journal of Civil Engineering (JCE), The Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB), Vol. 43 (1), 2015, pp 09-28.
- Ullah, M.H., Nikraz, H. and S. Hoque, Study on Historical Commuter Traffic Pattern of Dhaka-Chittagong Highway (Nh-1) of Bangladesh, International Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology (IJCIET), Volume 07, Issue 2, March-April 2016, ISSN Print: 0976 – 6308 ISSN Online: 0976 – 6316.
- Ullah, M.H., Nikraz, H. and S. Hoque, Detail Assessment on the Distribution of Vehicular Traffic Pattern along National Highway No.1 (Nh-1) of Bangladesh, International Journal of Transport and Logistics (T&L), Issue 39/2016 in July 2016.
- Hasnat, M. Mehedi, S. Hoque and Islam M.R., Evaluation of Economic, Environmental and Safety Impact of At-Grade Railway Crossings on Urban City of Developing Country, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering (GJRE-E), Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016
- Rahman, R., Hossain, A and S. Hoque, Prevention of Bridge Strike on Roadways for Safe Freight Transportation, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 1, January-2017, ISSN 2229-5518.
- Das, N. Apu, M.S. Hoque and M. Hadiuzzaman, Parameters Affecting the Overall Performance of Bus Network System at Different Operating Conditions: A Structural Equation Approach, Elsevier, Science Direct, Transportation Research Procedia 25C (2017) 5063–5075.
- M. Sohel M, F.Luis , M.S. Hoque and Ahmad Tavassoli, Application of Traffic Conflict Techniques as Surrogate Safety Measures: A Sustainable Solution for Developing Countries, International Congress and Exhibition “Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Innovative Infrastructure Geotechnology”, Springer, GeoMEast 2017: Recent Developments in Railway Track and Transportation Engineering pp 88-105.
- Emdadul M.K., Jahangir M.A. and Md. S. Hoque, Effect of Salinity of Water in Lime‑Fly-Ash Treated Sand, International Journal of Geo-Engineering (2017), 8:15 DOI 10.1186/s40703-017-0052-0 (Publisher: Springer).
- Jalil M.A., and Hoque M.S., Investigation of Biogas Generation from the Waste of a Vegetable and Cattle Market of Bangladesh, International Journal of Waste Resources E-ISSN: 2252-5211, Volume 7, Issue 2, DOI: 10.4172/2252-5211.1000283.
- Mahmud, S. S., Ferreira, L., Hoque, M. S. and Tavassoli, A. (2016). Application of proximal surrogate indicators for safety evaluation: A review of recent developments and research needs, IATSS Research
- Mahmud, S. S., Ferreira, L., Hoque, M. S. and Tavassoli, A. (2017). Reviewing traffic conflict techniques for potential application to developing countries. Submitted to the Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC) (2nd Revision has been submitted). School of Engineering, Taylor’s University.
- Mahmud, S. S., Ferreira, L., Hoque, M. S. and Tavassoli, A. (2017). Micro-simulation modelling for traffic safety: A review and proposed framework to developing countries traffic environments. Journal of IATSS Research, Publishing Services by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences.
- Mahmud, S. S., Ferreira, L., Hoque, M. S. and Tavassoli, A. (2017). Application of Surrogate Safety Measures in Developing Countries: Towards A New Technique for Ensuring Sustainable Safety. Submitted to Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, ASTM, EI – SCOPUS – ESCI Indexed ASTM Journal.
- Mahmud, S. S., Ferreira, L., Hoque, M. S. and Tavassoli, A. (2018). Surrogate Measures for Traffic Safety Evaluation in Developing Countries: An Application Towards Sustainable Safety, Advances in Civil Engineering Materials of ASTM International, ACEM20170105, 7(3), ISSN 2379-1357 doi:10.1520/ ACEM20170105 available online at
- Mahmud, S. S., Ferreira, L., Hoque, M. S. and Tavassoli, A. (2018), Reviewing traffic conflict techniques for potential application to developing countries, Journal of Engineering Science & Technology(JESTEC), Volume 13, Issue 6, pp 1869 – 1890, School of Engineering, Taylor’s University.
- Mahmud, S. S., Ferreira, L., Hoque, M. and Tavassoli, A. (2018). Micro-Simulation Modelling for Traffic Safety: A Review and Potential Application to Heterogeneous Traffic Environment. Journal of IATSS Research, Publishing Services by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences.
- Mahmud SMS, Ferreira L, Hoque M S, Tavassoli A, Islam N. (2018). Analysis of road safety related data from a key section of a highway in Bangladesh, Journal of Advanced Civil Engineering Practice and Research (JACEPR), 2018;10:1-2.
- McIlroy, R.C., Plant, K.A., Hoque, M.S., Jianping, W., Kokwaro, G.O., Vũ, N.H, Stanton, N.A (2018), Who is responsible for global road safety? A cross-cultural comparison of Actor Maps, Elsevier Journal: Accident Analysis & Prevention 122 (2019) 8–18.
- R. Islam, N. Anwari and M.S. Hoque, “Performance evaluation of Jatrabari-Gulistan Flyover (Mayor Mohammad Hanif Flyover) constructed over rail-road level crossing in Dhaka”, Canadian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (CJBAS), Vol. 06(01), 01-14, August 2018.
- Anwari, M.R. Islam, and M.S. Hoque, “Traffic Impact Assessment of Mohakhali Flyover”, Canadian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (CJBAS), Vol. 06(01), 15-25, August 2018.
- Mahmud, S. S., Ferreira, L., Hoque, M. S. and Tavassoli, A. (2019). Micro-level Safety Risk Assessment Model for a Two-Lane Heterogeneous Traffic Environment in a Developing Country: A Comparative Crash Probability Modelling Approach, Elsevier Journal of Safety Research.
Conferences Proceedings (national and international conferences and seminars):
- Probha, N.A. and Hoque, M.S, A study on transport safety perspectives in Bangladesh through comparative analysis of roadway, railway and waterway accidents’, 2018 7th International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Engineering (ICTTE 2018), Beijing, China, December 21-23, 2018.
- Aminul, M.I. and Hoque, M.S, Public Transport Service a Menace in Dhaka City: Present Scenarios and the way Forward, Proceedings of International Conference on Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering, 07 – 09 February 2019, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
- Samira M.H. and Hoque, M.S, CLIMATIC VULNERABILITY OF RURAL INFRASTRUCTURES AND LIVELIHOOD, The 3rd International Conference on Climate Change 2019 (ICCC 2019), organized by The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM) Sri Lanka under “Adaptation and Mitigation in Practice: Local and Global Innovations” theme, 21st – 22nd February, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Abdullah_Al_Zahid, POWER GENERATION POTENTIAL OF PIEZOELECTRIC HARVESTERS AND ITS APPLICATION IN AUTO ESTIMATION OF TRAFFIC PARAMETERS The 5th Putrajaya International Built Environment, Technology and Engineering Conference 2018
- Hamim, Prediction of Pavement Life of Flexible Pavements Under the Traffic Loading Conditions of Bangladesh, Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) of ASCE Conference, 2019 International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference, Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza River North, Chicago, Illinois, Dates: July 21 – 24, 2019.
- Holguín-Veras, A. Ismael, L. Kalahasthi, W. Yushimito, M. Herrera-Dappe, S. Hoque, A Combined Data Collection, Modelling Approach To Estimate Freight Generation In Bangladesh, TRB 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 13-17, 2019.
- Hamim O.F. and Hoque, M.S., Applying the AcciMap methodology to investigate the tragic Mirsharai road accident in Bangladesh, 2018 International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering(ICCAEE 2018), Wellington, New Zealand on Dec 10-12,2018.
- Mahmud, S. M. S., Ferreira, L. ., Hoque, M.S. and Tavassoli, A. (2018). Overtaking behaviour on rural highways under an heterogeneous traffic environment: evidence from a developing country. the 40th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), 30 October-1 November, 2018, Darwin, Australia.
- Sultana S. and Hoque M.S, (2018), Deficiencies of Traffic Signal Control System at Airport Intersection in Dhaka City, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Development, Published by Institute of Development Studies and Sustainability (IDSS), United International University (UIU), United City, ISBN: 978-984-34-4755-5 (Selected as the best paper and is published in a book from Scholars’ Press and for University Proceedings).
- Mahmud, S. S., Ferreira, L., Hoque, M.S. and Tavassoli, A. (2017). Application of traffic conflict techniques as surrogate safety measures: A Sustainable solution for developing countries. In International Congress and Exhibition” Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Innovative Infrastructure Geotechnology” (pp. 88-105). Published by Springer, “Sustainable Civil Infrastructures”, ISSN 2366-3405, ISSN 2366-3413 (electronic), ISBN 978-3-319-61626-1, ISBN 978-3-319-61627-8 (eBook), DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-61627-8 .
- Mahmud S. M. S., Ferreira L., Hoque, M.S. and Tavassoli A., (2016). Traditional approaches to traffic safety evaluation (TSE): Application challenges and future directions. 11th Asia Pacific Transportation Development Conference and 29th ICTPA Annual Conference, May 27-29, 2016, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Published by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). “Bridging the East and West Bridging the East and West: Theories and Practices of Transportation in the Asia Pacific. (pp. 242-262), ISBN 978-0-7844-7981-0 (PDF).
- Mahmud, S. M. S., Ferreira, L., Hoque, M.S. and Tavassoli, A. (2017). Analysis of speed behaviour of drivers on a rural highway in a developing country, 39th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Auckland, New Zealand.
- Mahmud, S. M. S., Ferreira, L., Hoque, M.S. and Tavassoli, A. (2017). Prioritizing hazardous road sections using surrogate safety measures: a count data modelling application in a heterogeneous traffic environment. Accepted for presentation in the 97th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board (TRB), 97th Annual Meeting, January 7-11, 2018, Washington DC, USA.
- Mahmud S. M. S., Ferreira L., Hoque, M.S. and Tavassoli A., (2016). Data quality assessment of road traffic accidents and injuries: a case study from Bangladesh. 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP) 2016, 2-5 August 2016, Brisbane, Australia.
- Hoque, M.S., Mahmud S. M. S., Islam M. N. (2016). An in-depth analysis and investigation of road safety problems on the Jamuna multipurpose bridge (JMB) and its approach roads using special dataset. 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP) 2016, 2-5 August 2016, Brisbane, Australia.
- Mahmud S. M. S., Ferreira L., Hoque, M.S. and Tavassoli A., (2016). Road safety evaluation in Bangladesh: The need for a new approach. 1st UQBDA conference, Taking Bangladesh Forward, 27 September 2016, Brisbane, Australia.
- Mahmud S. M. S., Ferreira L., Hoque, M.S. and Tavassoli A., (2017). Road factors influencing speed behaviour in a developing country highway environment and crash risk. UQ EAIT Postgraduate Conference, 6 June 2017, paper ID 67.
- Mahmud S. M. S. and Ferreira L., Hoque, M.S. (2018). Overtaking Behavior on Rural Highways under a Heterogeneous Traffic Environment: Evidence from a Developing Country. 10th Annual EAIT Postgraduate Conference, 6 June 2018, Page 19.
- Mahmud S. M. S., Ferreira L., Hoque M. S. and Tavassoli A., (2018). Exploring Crash Prediction Model (CPM) to prioritize hazardous road sections in a heterogeneous traffic environment. 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, 3-5 October 2018, International Convention Centre, Sydney.
- Mahmud S. M. S., Ferreira L., Hoque M. S. and Tavassoli A., (2018). Overtaking Behaviour on a two-lane two-way rural highway segment in heterogeneous traffic environment. 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, 3-5 October 2018, International Convention Centre, Sydney.
- Islam M.S., Hoque M.S, Mallick S., Parshi F.N. and Rahman, AKML, Performance Evaluation of Bio-Engineering in Slope Protection for Different Soils, International Conference on Disaster Risk Mitigation (ICDRM) 2017 organized by BUET-JITPAS, Sep 23-24 2017.
- Jalil M.A., and Hoque M.S,, Study on Biogas Generation from a Market Waste of Bangladesh, ICWEE 2017 – Fifth International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment, Organized by American University of Sharjah (AUS), College of Engineering, Paper 94, p 219, February 28 – March 2, 2017.
- M. Sohel Mahmud, Luis Ferreira, Hoque M.S, Ahmad Tavassoli Hojati and Md. Nazrul Islam, Some Behavioural and Safety Aspects of Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge (JMB) and its Approaches: An analysis Using Special Dataset; 4th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE 2017), Shajalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh during 13-15 January, 2017.
- Islam M.S., Hoque M.S, Mallick S., Parshi F.N. and Rahman, AKML, Climate Resilient Slope Protection For Coastal Regions Of Bangladesh Using Bio-Engineering Techniques, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21-23 December 2016, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
- Anwari N., Hoque M.S. and Islam M.R, Effectiveness of Flyovers Constructed over Railway Line, proceedings of conference at BUET-ANWAR ISPAT, 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering SUMMIT 2016, Nov 24, 2016, ISBN: 978-984-34-1512-7, Dhaka.
- Islam M.R., Barua S., Anwari N. and Hoque M.S., Study on Service Quality Assessment of Airport Railway Station, proceedings of conference at BUET-ANWAR ISPAT, 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering SUMMIT 2016, Nov 24, 2016, ISBN: 978-984-34-1512-7, Dhaka.
- Sudipta D. and Hoque M.S., Analogical Methodology of TIA with Limited Availibility of Local Standards: Case study of an Ongoing Development Project in Dhaka City, proceedings of conference at BUET-ANWAR ISPAT, 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering SUMMIT 2016, Nov 24, 2016, ISBN: 978-984-34-1512-7, Dhaka.
- Anwari N., Hoque M.S., Ph.D., and Islam M.R., Investigating Conflicts between Rail-Road Traffic at Shaheed Ahsanullah Master Flyover, proceedings of conference at BUET-ANWAR ISPAT, 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering SUMMIT 2016, Nov 24, 2016, ISBN: 978-984-34-1512-7, Dhaka.
- Masroor S.M. and Hoque M.S., Forced Behavior of Non-Motorized Vehicles on Road Network Performances: A Micro-Simulation Approach, proceedings of conference at BUET-ANWAR ISPAT, 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering SUMMIT 2016, Nov 24, 2016, ISBN: 978-984-34-1512-7, Awarded best paper, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Hasan M.T. and Hoque M.S., Study on Traffic Congestion Parameters at Local Conditions using Kerner’s Three Phase Traffic Flow Theory, proceedings of conference at BUET-ANWAR ISPAT, 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering SUMMIT 2016, Nov 24, 2016, ISBN: 978-984-34-1512-7, Dhaka., Nov 24, 2016, ISBN: 978-984-34-1512-7, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- S. Hoque Mahmud S. M. S. and Islam M.N.. “An Investigation of Road Safety Problems on the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge (JMB) and Its Approach Roads Using Special Dataset”, International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP), Brisbane, Australia, 2-5 August 2016.
- Islam, M. S., M. S. Hoque, Research Gate, Project: Investigation of Climate Resilient Embankment Slope Protection, July 2016,
- DAS, N. APU, M.S. HOQUE and M. HADIUZZAMAN, Parameters Affecting the Overall Performance of Bus Network System at Different Operating Conditions: A Structural Equation Approach, 14th World Conference on Transport Research-WCTRS 2016, 10-15 July, Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
- S. Islam, M. S. Hoque and F. N. Parshi, Potential of Vetiver grass (Vetiveria Zizanioides) as a Bioengineering Technique for Slope Protection of Road Embankment and Bridge Approach in Bangladesh, IABSE-JSCE Conference on Advances in Bridge Engineering-III
21-22 August 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh. - Rahman and M. S. Hoque, Provision for adequate Headroom for Footbridges and Flyovers, The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD), 12-14 February 2016, Khulna, Bangladesh.
- Alam and M. S. Hoque, Vehicular Emission Inventory Analysis for a Residential and a Commercial Area of Dhaka city, The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD), 12-14 February 2016, Khulna, Bangladesh.
- M. Mashrur and M. S. Hoque, Development of Calibrating Microscopic Simulation Model for Non-lane based Heterogeneous Traffic Operation, The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD), 12-14 February 2016, Khulna, Bangladesh.
- Roy and M. S. Hoque, Cycle-rickshaw as a Sustainable Mode of Public Transport in Dhaka City, The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD), 12-14 February 2016, Khulna, Bangladesh.
- Anwari and M. S. Hoque, Impact Assessment of Rail Induced Noise in Dhaka City, The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD), 12-14 February 2016, Khulna, Bangladesh.
- Barua and M. S. Hoque, Problems and Challenges in Introducing Bicycle as a Potential Mode of Transport in Dhaka city, The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD), 12-14 February 2016, Khulna, Bangladesh.
- E. Karim1, M.J. Alam and M. S. Hoque, Effect of Salt Water In Sand, Lime and Fly Ash Mixture, First International Conference on Advances in Civil Infrastructure and Construction Materials (CICM), Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 14–15 December 2015.
- Barua and M. S. Hoque, Potentiality of Bicycle to Mitigate Traffic Congestion and Improve Environmental Condition of Dhaka City, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IICSD-2015) 11-13 December 2015 Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh.
- Anwari, M. S. Hoque and P. Das, Analysis of Side Frictions along Narayanganj to Tongi Railway Corridor, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IICSD-2015) 11-13 December 2015 Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh (Received 3rd best paper award).
- Rahman, M. S. Hoque and M. T. Rahman, Evaluation of Level of Service for Pedestrian Movement in Dhaka City, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IICSD-2015) 11-13 December 2015 Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh.
- Roy and M. S. Hoque, Socio-Economic Aspects of Cycle-Rickshaws for Integrated Transport System Planning in Bangladesh, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IICSD-2015) 11-13 December 2015 Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh.
- T. Rahman, M. S. Hoque and R. Rahman, Congestion Pricing Policy and Related Benefits for Dhaka City, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IICSD-2015) 11-13 December 2015 Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh.
- Das, M.S. Hoque and N. Anwari, Estimation of Fuel Loss during Idling of Vehicles at a Signalised Intersection of Dhaka City, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IICSD-2015) 11-13 December 2015 Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh.
- A. Rahman, S. Ahmad & M. S. Hoque, Kuril Flyover – Ingenious Design Solution of a Nagging Congestion Problem, IABSE-JSCE Conference on Advances in Bridge Engineering-III
21-22 August 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh. - Das T. and M. S. Hoque, Attributes affecting the Bus Network System of Dhaka City and their deficiencies”, 2nd Makassar International Conference on Civil Engineering (MICCE 2015), 11 – 12 August, 2015, Makassar, Indonesia.
- Das T. and M. S. Hoque, Deficiency of Bus Network System in Dhaka City, Conference On National Capacity Building Strategy For Sustainable Development And Poverty Alleviation (NCBSSDPA 2015), The American University in the Emirates, Dubai International Academic City, Dubai, UAE. May 26th to 28th, 2015.
- Mahmud S. M. S. and Hoque M. S., (2014), “Interface between Different Modes of Transport in Dhaka City”, accepted for the publication in the CODATU XVI, 2-5 February 2015, Istanbul.
- Mahmud S. M. S. and Hoque M. S., (2014), “Management of Rickshaw in Dhaka City for Ensuing Desirable Mobility and Sustainability: Issues and Options”, accepted for the publication in the CODATU XVI, 2-5 February 2015, Istanbul.
- Mahmud S. M. S. and Hoque M. S., (2014), “Management of Rickshaw in Dhaka City for Ensuing Desirable Mobility and Sustainability: Issues and Options”, Conference CODATU XV, The role of urban mobility in (re)shaping cities, 22 to 25 October 2012- Addis Ababa (Ethiopia),
- Nuzhat A. & M. S. Hoque, Implementation of Traffic Impact Assessment in Developing Countries: Case Study of Bangladesh, International Conference on Future Trends In Civil and Structural Engineering – FTCSE 2014, Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, 03 – 04 May 2014, Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN: 978-1-63248-013-2.
- S. Hoque, S. M. S. Mahmud & M.N. Islam, An Investigation of Road Accidents and Injury Problems on the Jamuna Bridge and Its Approach Roads, The 7th Asian Conference on Safe Communities in BEXCO, Buan, Korea, 12-16 May-2014. P – xx
- S. Hoque & M.M.A. Talukder, Crash Severity On Bridges: Railing Broken Incidents In Bangladesh, The 7th Asian Conference on Safe Communities in BEXCO, Buan, Korea, 12-16 May-2014. P – 181.
- S. Hoque & M.M.A. Talukder, In Depth Study On Overtaking Related Road Accidents: Bangladesh Perspective, The 7th Asian Conference on Safe Communities in BEXCO, Buan, Korea, 12-16 May-2014. P – 182.
- Pervaz & M. S. Hoque, Investigating Effectiveness of Speed Calming Devices in Dhaka Metropolitan City, The 7th Asian Conference on Safe Communities in BEXCO, Buan, Korea, 12-16 May-2014. P – 161
- M. S. Mahmud & M. S. Hoque, Road Accidents and Injuries Problem in Port City Chittagong Metropolitan City, The 7th Asian Conference on Safe Communities in BEXCO, Buan, Korea, 12-16 May-2014. P – 155.
- M.A. Talukder & M. S. Hoque, Road Traffic Accident related Disabilities: The Experience of Accident Victims Disabled Slum Community People in Bangladesh, The 7th Asian Conference on Safe Communities in BEXCO, Buan, Korea, 12-16 May-2014. P – 167.
- Mahmud S. M. S. and Hoque M. S., (2014) “Institutional Weakness and Consequential Impact on Land Use and Transportation System in Dhaka Metropolitan City”, Published in the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD-2014), 14~16 February 2014, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh.
- Ullah, M.H., M. S. Hoque, and Nikraz, H., “Traffic Growth Rate and Composition of Dhaka-Chittagong Highway (N-1) of Bangladesh: The Actual Situation”, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS & NAUN CONFERENCES): URES-EMC Session: Urban Rehabilitation and Environmental Management, Rhodes Island, Greece, July 16-19, 2013, P 201.
- Rabbi, S.H.E, Hoque, M.S, Talukder, MMA and Sarkar, MAR “An Analytical Model for Single Unit Heavy Truck Rollover Accidents in Bangladesh”, 15th Annual paper Meet, 2013, Mechanical Engineering Division (MED), The institutions of Engineers (IEB) Pages: 1-9.
- Ahmed and M. S. Hoque, Parking Policy: Neglected but Important, Proceedings of the Global Engineering, Science and Technology Conference 2012, 28-29 December 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- M. S. Mahmud & M. S. Hoque, Institutional Weakness and Consequential Impact on Land use and Transportation System in Dhaka Metropolitan City, 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE 2012), Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Chittagong-4349, 12-14 December, 2012, Bangladesh.
- M. S. Mahmud & M. S. Hoque, Road Safety Problems In Bangladesh: Achievable Target and Tangible Sustainable Actions, 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE 2012), Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Chittagong-4349, 12-14 December 2012, Bangladesh.
- S. Hasnine & M. S. Hoque, Identification of Transport Oriented Problems of Women In Developing Countries, 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE 2012), Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Chittagong-4349, 12-14 December, 2012, Bangladesh.
- S.Hasnine & M.S. Hoque, Sustainability of Metro Rail in the Context Of Dhaka City, 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE 2012), Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Chittagong-4349, 12-14 December, 2012, Bangladesh.
- M. Khan & M. S. Hoque, Analysis Of Extent And Impact Of Vehicle Modification, 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering (ICACE 2012), Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Chittagong-4349, 12-14 December, 2012, Bangladesh.
- Khan, S. M. and Hoque, M.S., Vehicle Depreciation caused by Stop-and Go Situation in Dhaka City, Proceedings of First International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering (ICTTE), pp 131-139, Belgrade, Serbia, November 29-30, 2012.
- Khan, S. M. and Hoque, M.S., Analysis of Extent and Impact of Vehicle Modification, Accepted for publishing in 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh, December 12-14, 2012.
- Khan, S. M. and Hoque, M.S., Traffic Flow Interruptions in Dhaka City: Is Smooth Traffic Flow Possible?, Accepted for Publishing in International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE), SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh, January 11-13, 2012.
- Mahmud, S. M. S., Ferreira, L., Hoque, M.S and Tavassoli, A. (2017). Some behavioural and safety aspects of Jamuna multipurpose bridge (JMB) and its approaches: An analysis using a special dataset. International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE) 2017, 13 ̶ 15 January, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
- Hasnine, M.S. and Hoque, M.S., Women Accessibility in Public Transport in Developing Countries, The 17th HKSTS International Conference, 15-17 December, 2012, Hong Kong. (Accepted)
- Mahmud S. M. S. and Hoque M. S. (2012), “Transportation System Management: Assessment for Implementation of General Tools in Dhaka City”, 1st International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD-2012), 22~23 March 2012, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh, Paper ID 305, (ISBN: 978-984-33-4247-8). (Abstract), (Full Paper).
- Hoque, A.M. and Hoque, M.S., Urban Passenger Transportation in Dhaka City, Seminar organized by Bangladesh Urban Forum (BUF), Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC), 5th to 7th December 2011. Proceeding
- Hasnine, M.S. and Hoque, M.S., Evaluation and Development of Bus based Public Transport in Dhaka City, The 4th Annual paper meet (APM) and the 1st Civil Engineering Congress, organized by Civil Engineering Division Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), Session V: Transportation Engineering-II, 22-24 December 2011. Proceeding
- Mahmud, S.M.S. and M.S. Hoque, Road Safety Research in Bangladesh: Constraints and Requirement, The 4th Annual paper meet (APM) and the 1st Civil Engineering Congress, organized by Civil Engineering Division Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), Session V: Transportation Engineering-II, 22-24 December 2011. ISBN: 978-984-33-4363-5, Proceeding (Abstract), (Full Paper)
- Alam, M.S., Mahmud, S.M.S. and M.S. Hoque, Road Accident Trends in Bangladesh: A Comprehensive Study, The 4th Annual paper meet (APM) and the 1st Civil Engineering Congress, organized by Civil Engineering Division Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), Session V: Transportation Engineering-II, 22-24 December 2011. ISBN: 978-984-33-4363-5, Proceeding (Abstract), (Full Paper)
- Abir, A.K.M. and M.S. Hoque, A Study on Mobility Problem of Disabled People in Dhaka City, The 4th Annual paper meet (APM) and the 1st Civil Engineering Congress, organized by Civil Engineering Division Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), Session IV: Transportation Engineering–I, 22-24 December 2011. Proceeding
- Khan, M.S. Hoque and A.S. Huq Investigating the Prospect of Introducing Traffic Management Measures in Dhaka city, The 4th Annual paper meet (APM) and the 1st Civil Engineering Congress, organized by Civil Engineering Division Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), Session VIII: Management and Planning, 22-24 December 2011. Proceeding
- Siddiquee, M.S.A, Hoque, M.S, Rahman, M.M. and Wadud, M.Z., A Geotechnical Study of Block Paved Road at Sunamganj, Bangladesh, Proceedings of the 9th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) International Conference, Vol.8, 2011, JEJU, KOREA.
- Mahmud, S.M.S. and Hoque, M.S, Inherent Weaknesses of the Road Network Alignment in Dhaka Metropolitan City and their Consequence, 24th ARRB Conference, 13-15 October 2010, Australia.
- Sarkar, S. and Hoque, M.S, Development of Road Safety Audit Review (RSAR) Prompt List for Intersections of National Highways in Bangladesh using Severity Reduction Principle, Proceedings of the 89th TRB Annual Meeting CD-ROM, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington D.C., USA, 10-14 January 2010.
- Mahmud, S.M.S., Hoque, M.S and Shakur, Q. A., Inherent Weaknesses of Transportation System in Dhaka Metropolitan City and Challenges for Sustainable Development, 13th International Conference of the Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australia (REAAA), Songdo Convensia, Incheon, South Korea, 23-26 September 2009.
- Majumder, J., Hoque, M.S. and Alam, M.J.B, Transport Crisis in Dhaka City, Transport Problems in Dhaka City: Issues, Concerns and Policy Options, Book Published by Department of Civil Engineering, BUET and Funded by British Council, Edited by Md. Jobair Bin Alam, PhD, ISBN: 987-984-33-0668-5, September 2009.
- Hoque, M.S., Majumder, J. and Alam, M.J.B, Sustainable Transport Options for the Urban Poor: A Study on the Germent Workers in Dhaka City, Transport Problems in Dhaka City: Issues, Concerns and Policy Options, Book Published by Department of Civil Engineering, BUET and Funded by British Council, Edited by Md. Jobair Bin Alam, PhD, ISBN: 987-984-33-0668-5, September 2009.
- Hoque, M.S, Imran, M. A. and Zaman, H., Development of Expansion Factors for a National Highway Corridor of Bangladesh, the 8th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Surabaya, Indonesia, Vol. 8, 2009. (accepted)
- Rahman, M.H., Chin. H.C., Hoque, M.S & Debnath, A. K., Prospects of Automatic Vehicle Location System (AVLS) in Stolen Vehicle Recovery in the Context of Bangladesh, Proceedings of the International Conference on 2009 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IEEE IV) organized by IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems Society, June 3-5, 2009, Xi’an, China.
- Wadud, Z., Hoque, M.S., Alam, M.J.B and Shakil, Urban Development and Transportation in Dhaka, Presented in Dhaka Urban Transport Seminar on Future Direction of Dhaka Urban Transport, Organized by BUET and JICA, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka, March 11, 2009.
- Hoque, M.S. and Choudhury, K., Mass-Transit System in Dhaka City, Presented in Dhaka Urban Transport Seminar on Future Direction of Dhaka Urban Transport, Organized by BUET and JICA, Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka, March 11, 2009.
- Hasan, S. and Hoque, M.S., A Simplified Travel Demand Modelling Framework: in the Context of a Developing Country City, the CODATU XIII International Conference on Sustainable Development Challenges of Transport in Cities of the Developing World, Hô Chi Minh City (Vietnam), November 12 – 14, 2008.
- Mahmud S.M.S., Hoque, M.S. and Bashir, G.M.M., Deficiencies of Existing Mass Transit System in Metropolitan Dhaka and Improvement Options the CODATU XIII International Conference on Sustainable Development Challenges of Transport in Cities of the Developing World, Session 4A,Hô Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 12 – 14, 2008. Vietnam,
- Hasan, S. and Hoque M.S., Developing an EMME/2 Traffic Assignment Model for Dhaka City, International Conference and Workshop on Sustainable Transport in Developing Countries (STDC2008), Organized by Transportation Engineering Division Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh August 28-29, 2008.
- Islam, M.K. and and Hoque M.S., ICT Enabled Admission System – A means to Reduce Travel Demand, International Conference and Workshop on Sustainable Transport in Developing Countries (STDC2008), Organized by Transportation Engineering Division Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh Aug. 28-29, 2008.
- Imran M.S. and Hoque M.S., An Interactive Software to Design Traffic Signals under Non-lane based Heterogeneous Road Traffic Condition, International Conference and Workshop on Sustainable Transport in Developing Countries (STDC2008), Organized by Transportation Engineering Division Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh Aug. 28-29, 2008.
- Alam M.N., Hoque M.S., Imran M.S. and Waresh M.A, Before-After Study on the Effect of Selected Pedestrian Underpasses of Dhaka City on Traffic Flow Characteristics, International Conference and Workshop on Sustainable Transport in Developing Countries (STDC2008), Organized by Transportation Engineering Division Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh Aug. 28-29, 2008.
- Hoque M.S. and Rahman M.H., Intelligent Transport Systems and its Prospects in The Context of Dhaka City, 10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT), Athens, Greece, May 27-31
- Hoque M.S., Imran M.A. and Zaman H., Analysis of Directional Distribution Patterns of Traffic on The Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Corridor, 10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT), Athens, Greece, May 27-31
- Hoque M.S., Imran M.A. and Sarkar S., An Object Oriented Microscopic Traffic Simulation Model for Developing Countries, 10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT), Athens, Greece, May 27-31
- Imran M.A., Hoque M.S., Waresh M.A. and Alam M.N., Pedestrian Facilities and Pedestrian Behaviour: The Situation in Dhaka City, 10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT), Athens, Greece, May 27-31
- Mahmud, S.M.S. and Hoque, M.S., Deficiencies of Existing Road Network in Dhaka Metropolitan City, 10th Summer Institute on Regional Development and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Hosted by, Bangladesh Regional Science Association (BRSA), Supported by United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO), Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka, 15-16 May 2008, P.N. – 52. p-86 (Abstract), Paper 6b4, (CD proceedings).
- Hoque M.S. and Rahman M.H., Prospects of Communication-Based Quasi-Transport Facilities in the Traffic Demand Management of Dhaka City, the 3rd EuropeanEle-Drive Transportation Conference EET-2008 -Geneva, March 11-13, 2008.
- Huq, A.S., Alam, J.B. and Hoque, M.S., Analyzing and Modeling of Particulate Emission for Selected Urban Areas of Dhaka City, 13th International Student Seminar on Transport Research Symposium, ISSOT 2007, Chiba, Japan, Nov 20 – 22, 2007.
- Hasan, S. and Hoque, M.S., Developing a Trip Generation Model for Dhaka City, 11th World Conference for Transport Research, Berkley, USA, June 24-28, 2007.
- Sarkar, S., Hoque, M.S. and Tay, R., Modeling Of Lane Changing Decisions Of Drivers For Heterogeneous Traffic Operation Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Interface System (ANFIS), 42nd Annual Conference, Canadian Transportation Research Forum (CTRF), Winnipeg Canada, June 3-6, 2007.
- Hoque, M.S. and Hossain, M.A.A., A Study On The Rheological Properties Of Polymer Modified Bituminous Binder, the 7th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Dalian World Expo Center, DALIAN, CHINA, Vol. 6, 2007 (
- Imran, M.A. and Hoque, M.S., Traffic Signal Design For Non-Lane Based Heterogeneous Road Traffic Condition, the 7th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Dalian World Expo Center, DALIAN, CHINA, Vol. 6, 2007 (
- Siddiquee, M.S.A., Hoque, M.S and Zaman, H.., Modeling Of Daily Traffic Volume From Hourly Traffic Data Using Artificial Neural Network, the 7th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Dalian World Expo Center, DALIAN, CHINA, Vol. 6, 2007 (
- Alam, J.B., Hoque, M.S. and Goulias, K.G., Prioritizing Investment within Transportation Sector: A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), 2007 Transportation Planning and Air Quality Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, 9 – 11 July 2007.
- Hoque, M.M., Hoque, M.S., Mahmud, S.M.S., Ashrafuzzaman, M., Rahman, K.M.M. and Rahman, M.W., Major Fatal Road Accidents in Bangladesh: Characteristics, Causes and Remedial Measures, Proceedings of the International Conference on Road Safety in Developing Countries, Organized by Accident Research Center (ARC), BUET, Dhaka, 22-24 August 2006.
- Mahmud, S.M.S., Hossain M.M., Hoque, M.S. and Hoque, M.M., Pedestrian Safety Problems, Existing Facilities and Required Strategies in the Context of Dhaka Metropolitan City, Proceedings of the International Conference on Road Safety in Developing Countries, Organized by Accident Research Center (ARC), BUET, Dhaka, 22-24 August 2006, pp 68-77, P. N. – 13. (Abstract), (Full Paper)
- Hoque M.S., Debnath A. K., Mahmud S. M. S. (2006), “Safety Problem of Garments Industry Workers in Dhaka City”, International Conference on “Road Safety in Developing Countries”, 22-24 august, 2006, Accident Research Centre (ARC), BUET, pp-489-498, P.N.-77. (Abstract), (Full Paper)
- Hoque, M.S., Debnath, A.K. and Mahmud, S.M.S., Road Safety of Garment Industry Workers in Dhaka City, Proceedings of the International Conference on Road Safety in Developing Countries, Organized by Accident Research Center (ARC), BUET, Dhaka, 22-24 August 2006, pp-489-498, P.N.-77.
- Hoque, M.M., Hoque, M.S., Mahmud, S.M.S. and Rahman, M.F., A Preliminary Comparison of Road Safety Situation in Selected Countries, Proceedings of the International Conference on Road Safety in Developing Countries, Organized by Accident Research Center (ARC), BUET, Dhaka, 22-24 August 2006, pp 459-468, P.N.-73. (Abstract), (Full Paper)
- Hoque, M.M., Hoque, M.S., Alam, M.M. and Awal, Z.I., ARC’s Heavy Vehicles Drivers’ Training and Awareness Program in Bangladesh, Proceedings of the International Conference on Road Safety in Developing Countries, Organized by Accident Research Center (ARC), BUET, Dhaka, 22-24 August 2006.
- Hoque, M.M., Asharafuzzaman, M., Sarker, S., Ahmed, S.N, Hoque, M.S., Mahmud, S.M.S. and Rahman, M.W., Road Accidents during Festivals and Vacations in Bangladesh, Proceedings of the International Conference on Road Safety in Developing Countries, Organized by Accident Research Center (ARC), BUET, Dhaka, 22-24 August 2006.
- Hoque, A.S.M.L., Parvez, M.T. and Hoque, M.S., Pedestrian and Vulnerable Road User Safety: A Case Study about Bakshibazar-Dhaka Board Road around BUET, Proceedings of the International Conference on Road Safety in Developing Countries, Organized by Accident Research Center (ARC), BUET, Dhaka, 22-24 August 2006.
- Alam MN, Alam, J.B., Hoque, M.S., Accessibility Measurement: Framework and Comparison of Approaches in the Context of Bangladesh, Fourth Annual Paper Meet & International Conference on Civil Engineering, The Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB), Dhaka, Bangladesh. December 2006 ResearchGate 12/2006.
- Hoque, M.M., Khondaker, B. and Hoque, M.S., Heavy Vehicle Drivers Training Program in Bangladesh, Proceedings of the second International Conference on Driver (DB&T), Edinburgh, UK, 15-17 November 2005.
- Khondaker, B., Hoque, M.S. and Hoque, M.M., Behavioral Habits and Attitudes of Heavy Vehicle Drivers Towards Road Safety, Proceedings in the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference (CMRSC) XV, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, June 5-8, 2005.
- Hoque, M.S. and Hasan, T., Effect of Pedestrian Underpasses on Traffic Flow Characteristics, Proceedings of the 84th TRB Annual Meeting CD-ROM, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington D.C., USA, 2005.
- Khondaker, B., Hoque, M.S. and Hoque, M.M., Profiles of Heavy Vehicle Drivers and Their Behavioral Habits and Attitudes Towards Road Safety, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Paper Meet and International Conference on Civil Engineering, The Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2005.
- Uddin, S.R., Hoque, M.M. and Hoque, M.S., Drivers of Heavy Vehicles’ in Road Safety of Bangladesh, Proceedings of the 9th International Student Seminar on Transport Research (ISSOT), Bangkok, Thailand, 2003.
- Uddin, S.R. and Hoque, M.S., Highway Safety in Bangladesh: Bus Drivers’ Perspective, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 2003.
- Uddin, S.R. and Hoque, M.S., Study of Heavy Vehicles’ Driver Behavior in Road Accidents of Bangladesh, Proceedings of the 26th Australian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), New Zealand, 2003.
- Dhar, A.S., Noor, M.A., Hossain, T.R., Seraj, S.M., Hoque, M.S. and Khan, A.J., Safety Assessment of Gas Pipelines Under The Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Access Road Rehabilitation, Proceedings of the ASCE International Conference on Pipeline Engineering and Construction, USA, July 2003.
- Alam, J.B. and Hoque, M.S., Strategic Directives for Accident Research Centre: Research Activity and Production Plan, Proceedings of the National Workshop on Road Safety Management in Bangladesh, Accident Research Centre (ARC), BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 16-17 April 2003,
- Rahman, M.H., Islam, W., Rahman M.A., Rahul, Y., Kabir, S.M.L. and Hoque, M.S., Design & Development of a Computer-based Multi-plan Traffic Light Control System, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE), Bangladesh Chapter, Dhaka, 5-6 January 2001.
- Karim, M.M., Islam, M. and Hoque, M.S., Current Status, Comprehensive Management Tool, and State-of-Art Solutions for Air Quality in Bangladesh, Proceedings of the International Conference on Bangladesh Environment, Organized by BAPA, POROSH, Bangladesh Environmental Network (BEN), BUET, Coalition of Environmental NGOs (CEN), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 14-15 January 2000.
- Karim, M.M., Matsui, H., Ohno, T. and Hoque, M.S., Current State of Traffic Pollution in Bangladesh and Metropolitan Dhaka, Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of Air & Waste Management Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 8-13 June 1997.
- Hoque, M.S. and McDonald, M., MIXSIM: A Microscopic Simulation Model of Signalised Intersections In Developing Countries, 9th European Simulation Multi Conference, The Society for Computer Simulation (SCS), Prague, Czech Republic, June 1995.
- Hoque, M.S., Traffic Flow Parameters under Mixed Traffic Conditions, Universities Transport Study Group (UTSG) Conference, Cranfield University, UK, January 1995.