PABX No: 7627
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Dr. Mehedi Ahmed Ansary
Specialization: Geotechnical Engineering
[No info available]
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (focus on Earthquake Engineering), The University of Tokyo, Japan, 1993-1996
- Master of Science in Civil Engineering (focus on Geotechnical Engineering), BUET, Bangladesh, 1991-1993
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh, 1986-1991
Research Interest
- [No info available]
Research Awards
- Received a Certificate of Contribution from SAFER cities project of The Consortium of Organizations for Strong-Motion Observation Systems and The World Seismic Safety Initiative (COSMOS-WSSI), USA in recognition to the installation of SMA instruments in Bangladesh, April, 2006.
- Received JSPS postdoctoral fellowship during October 2002-March 2003 from Japanese Ministry of Education through University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh to undertake research in the University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Received a Certificate of Contribution from Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), USA in recognition to the development of a web-based World Housing Encyclopedia, January, 2004.
- Received UNESCO-TWAS associate fellowship for three years (April 2002–March 2005) to conduct joint research with NGRI, Hyderabad, India.
- Received the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) Award for the Best Paper 2001.
- Received British Technical Training fellowship during March-May 1999 from the Govt. of UK Govt. to attend a higher educational research and training program at University of Exeter, UK.
- Received ADB-Japan scholarship during 1993-1996 to pursue higher studies in Japan.
- Received University merit scholarship during academic session of 1985-1986, 1986-1987 and 1987-1988 for outstanding academic performance.
- Received Higher Secondary Education Board scholarship for good scholastic performance in Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examination during 1984-1985.
- Received Secondary Education Board scholarship for good scholastic performance in Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination during 1982-1983 and 1983-1984.
Professional Work at National and International Levels
- [No info available]
Selected Publications
- *Sarker, J.K., Ansary, M. A., Rahman, M.S. and Safiullah, A.M.M (2010). Seismic Hazard Assessment for Mymensingh, Bangladesh, Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 60, pp.643-653.
- *Sarker, J.K., Ansary, M. A., Islam, M.R. and Safiullah, A.M.M (2010). Seismic Risk of Sylhet, Bangladesh, Environmental Economics, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 12-31.
- *Sharfuddin, M., Y.G. Zhao, H. Idota and M. A. Ansary (2010). Probabilistic evaluation of column over-design factor for frame structures considering seismic base shear distribution of BNBC, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 38 (2), 109-119.
- *Sadat, M. R., M. S. Huq, M. A. Ansary (2010). Seismic vulnerability assessment of buildings of Dhaka city, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 38 (2), 159-172.
- *Jahan, I, Ansary, MA and Islam, I. (2011). Assessing Social Vulnerability to Earthquake Hazard in Old Dhaka, Bangladesh, Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management(AJEDM).
- Kou, T, Kondo, S, Ansary, MA and Meguro, K. (2012). A Study towards the Formation of Disaster Management Planning Process with Past Disaster Lessons, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Bulletin of ERS, No. 45.
- Dhar, A. S. and Ansary, M. A. (2012). Community-based evaluation for the development of a sustainable disaster early warning system, Journal of Emergency Management, Canada (published online: 18-05-2012).
- Ansary, M. A. and Rahman, S. (2013). Site amplification investigation in Dhaka, Bangladesh, using H/V ratio of microtremor, Environmental Earth Sciences, 70, 559-574 (published online: 09-12-2012).
- Hossain, A. S. M. F., Adhikari, T. L., Ansary, M. A. and Bari, Q. H. (2015). Characteristics and Consequence of Nepal Earthquake 2015: A Review, Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, 43 (4), June 2015.
- Rahman, , Ansary, M. A. and Islam, I. (2015). GIS based mapping of vulnerability to earthquake and fire hazard in Dhaka city, Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 13, 291-300 (published online: 10-07-2015).
- Ansary, M. A. and Barua, U. (2015). Workplace Safety Compliance of RMG Industry in Bangladesh: Structural Assessment of RMG Factory Buildings, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 14, 424-437.
- Barua, U., Akhter, M. S. and Ansary, M. A. (2016). District-wise multi-hazard zoning of Bangladesh, Natural Hazards, (published online in March 10, 2016).
- Mazumder, R.K., Muhammad Saif Uddin, Rajen Dey and Ansary, M.A. (2016). Analytical Fragility Curves For Reinforced Concrete Building Using Single Point Scaled Spectrum Matched Ground Motion Analyses, Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 28(3):394-406.
- Barua, U and Ansary, MA (2017). Workplace safety in Bangladesh ready-made garment sector: 3 years after the Rana Plaza collapse, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, Volume 23, 2017 – Issue 4.
- Chakraborti, S, Hore, R, Ahmed, F and Ansary MA (2017). Soft Ground Improvement at the Rampal Coal Based Power Plant Connecting Road Project in Bangladesh, Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA 48 No. 4 December 2017.
- Sadequr Rahaman, Md. Younus Mia, Mehedi Ahmed Ansary and Niger Sultana (2017). Evaluation of the implementation of SOD for some affected upazilas of Bangladesh during the 2009 cyclone Aila, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 45 (2) (2017) 99-108
- Das, T., Barua, U., and Ansary (2018). Factors Affecting Vulnerability of Ready Made Garments Factory Buildings in Bangladesh: An Assessment under Vertical and Earthquake Loads, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science.
- Hossain, M. Z. and Ansary MA (2018). Development of a Portable Traveling Pluviator Device and its Performance to Prepare Uniform Sand Specimens, Innovative Infrastructures Solutions
- Imtiaz, A. Barua, M. Sakib and M.A. Ansary (2018). Seismic Microzonation of Cox’s Bazar Municipal Area Bangladesh, Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 49 No. 3 September 2018.
- Ansary MA and Akhter T (2018). Seismic Loss Estimation for Ward 14 of Mymensingh, Bangladesh, Journal of Geography & Natural Disasters, DOI: 10.4172/2167-0587.1000229.
- Ripon Hore, Shahriyar Al-Mamun and M. A. Ansary (2018). SPT-CPT CORRELATIONS FOR RECLAIMED AREAS OF DHAKA, Journal of Engineering Science 09(1), 2018, 35-46
- Ripon Hore, Sudipta Chakraborty, M. R. Arefin and M. A. Ansary (Accepted for Publication).Liquefaction Potential of Selected Reclaimed Areas of Dhaka City Based on CPT and SPT, Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA
- Shoaib, M. and M. A. Ansary (Accepted for Publication, 2020). MRT Construction in Dhaka, Bangladesh: Use of MSE (Mechanically Stabilized Earth) Wall, Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA
- Das, T, Barua, U. and Ansary (Accepted for Publication). A Review on Factors Affecting Cyclone Evacuation Decision and Behavioral Response, accepted for publication in Journal of Safety Science and Management (JSSM) Elsevier.