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Rubaiya Rumman
Assistant Professor
Specialization: Structural Engineering
Rubaiya Rumman was born in Dhaka in 1991. She is currently working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). She has completed B.Sc. in Civil Engineering in 2014 and M.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Structural) in 2018 from BUET. She worked on durability performance of CEM I and CEM II cement concrete and an innovative concrete mix design method in Bangladesh for her B.Sc. and M.Sc. thesis, respectively. She is very much motivated by research that works on sustainability of civil engineering materials. Outside of research and teaching in BUET, Rubaiya is a singer and an enlisted vocal artist of the national radio channel of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Betar.
- M. Sc. in Civil Engineering (Structural), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2018
- B. Sc. in Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2014
Research Interest
Concrete durability, Cement technology, Engineering materials, Supplementary cementing materials
Research Awards
- Prime Minister Gold Medal:For securing 1st position among the graduates of Civil Engineering Faculty in undergraduate study
- Dean’s Award:For outstanding academic performance in each academic year of undergraduate study
- BUET Academic Merit Scholarship:For outstanding academic performance in each term of undergraduate study
- F.R. Khan Scholarship:For securing 1st position in 3rd level of undergraduate study
- Dhaka Education Board Scholarship:For outstanding scholastic performance in HSC examination
- Dhaka Education Board Scholarship:For outstanding scholastic performance in SSC examination
Professional Work at National and International Levels
- Routinely involved in laboratory testing through the Bureau of Research, Testing and Consultation (BRTC), BUET. Testing services include different routine and conventional laboratory tests for concrete, bricks, sand and stone, 2015 – to date.
- Consultant of the following consultancy projects of the Department of Civil Engineering through the Bureau of Research, Testing and Consultation (BRTC), BUET.
- Consultancy works of Investigation of Effect of Water Proofing Admixture on Compressive Strength and Water Permeability of Concrete for Building Care Technology Ltd., 2016.
- Bill of Quantity Preparation, 1st Class Fire Service Station of API Industrial Park at Bausia, Gozaria, 2015.
Selected Publications
- Kamal M.R., Rumman R., Shushmi K. W. and Hasan K. A., River Bank Protective Work of Bangladesh: A Case Study on the River Padma, International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, 8(2) (2019) 171-177.
Conference Proceedings
- Kamal M. R. & Rumman R., Effect of Locally Available Fly Ash as Partial Replacement of Cement on Concrete Strength, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh, December, 2016.
- Rumman R., Bose B., Emon M. A. B., Manzur T. and Rahman M. M., An Experimental Study: Strength Prediction Model and Statistical Analysis of concrete Mix Design, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh, December, 2016.
- Jamal T., Tasnim J., Bari J. and Rumman R., A Review Paper on Graphene Modified Cement, BUET-ANWAR ISPAT 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering Summit, Bangladesh, November, 2016.
- Rumman, R., Kamal M. R., Manzur T. and Noor M. A., Comparison of CEM I and CEM II Cement in Terms of Water Permeability, 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD), Khulna, Bangladesh, February, 2016.
- Sabrin R., Manzur T., Bose B. and Rumman R., Nanotechnology: Bridging the Cracks between Ancient and Modern Concrete Technology, International Conference on Advances in Civil Infrastructure and Construction Materials, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January, 2016.
- Rumman, R., Kamal M. R., Manzur T. and Noor M. A., Durability Performance of Locally Produced OPC and PCC Cement Concretes, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh, December, 2015.