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Dr. Shameem Ahmed
Specialization: Structural Engineering
[No info available]
- PhD in Structural Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Australia, November 2017.
- MSc in Civil and Structural Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2010.
- BSc in Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2004.
Research Interest
- Steel and stainless steel structure, Seismic performance evaluation of steel and reinforced concrete structure, Fire performance of structure, Composite structure, Impact engineering, Foam structure
Research Awards
- [No info available]
Professional Work at National and International Levels
- [No info available]
Selected Publications
- Kader, M.A., Hazell, P.J., Ismal, M. A., Ahmed, S., Hossain, M.M., Escobedo, J.P. and Saadatfar, M., Strain-Rate Dependency and Impact Dynamics of Closed-Cell Aluminium Foams, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 4, p.141379, 2021
- Ahmed, S., Al-Deen, S. and Ashraf, M., Design rules for stainless steel welded I-columns based on experimental and numerical studies. Engineering Structures, 172, pp.850-868, 2018.
- Kader, M.A., Hazell, P.J., Brown, A.D., Tahtali, M., Ahmed, S., Escobedo, J.P. and Saadatfar, M., Novel design of closed-cell foam structures for property enhancement. Additive Manufacturing, 31, p.100976, 2020.
- Ahmed, S. and Ashraf, M., Numerical investigation on buckling resistance of stainless steel hollow members, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 136, pp.193-203, 2017.
- Kader, M.A., Islam, M., Saadatfar, M., Hazell, P.J., Brown, A.D., Ahmed, S. and Escobedo, J.P., Macro and Micro Collaps Mechanisms of Closed-Cell Aluminium Foams during Quasi-Static Compression, Materials and Design 118, pp.11-21, 2017
- Ahmed, S., Ashraf, M. and Anwar-Us-Saadat, M., Buckling Behaviour of Stainless Steel Square Hollow Sections, Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 853. Trans Tech Publications, 2017.
- Anwar-Us-Saadat, M., Ashraf, M. and Ahmed, S., Numerical Investigation of Stainless Steel Welded I-Sections Subjected to Lateral-Torsional Buckling, Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 853. Trans Tech Publications, 2017.
- Ahmed, S., Ashraf, M. and Anwar-Us-Saadat, M., The Continuous Strength Method for Slender Stainless Steel Cross-sections, Thin-Walled Structures 107, pp.362-376, 2016.
- Anwar-Us-Saadat, M., Ashraf, M. and Ahmed, S., Behaviour and design of stainless steel slender cross-sections subjected to combined loading. Thin-Walled Structures 104, pp.225-237, 2016.
Conference Proceedings:
- Bhuiyan, M. H. and Ahmed, S., Post Fire Residual Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beam, 5th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2020), March 2021, CUET, Chattogram, Bangladesh
- Nayeem, A. and Ahmed, S., Performance of stainless steel welded beam-column joint under cyclic loading, IABSE-JSCE Joint Conference on Advances in Bridge Engineering-IV, Dhaka, Bangladesh, August, 2020.
- Ahmed, S., Al-Deen, S, and Ashraf, M., Experimental Investigation on the Buckling Behaviour of Stainless Steel Welded I-Columns, 13th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite Structures, Perth, Australia, January, 2018.
- Ahmed, S., Anwar-Us-Saadat, M. and Ashraf, M., Buckling Resistance of Stainless Steel Welded I-Columns, 6th International Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Materials, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June, 2017
- Kader, M.A., Islam, M.A., Saadatfar, M., Hazell, P.J., Brown, A.D., Ahmed, S., Turner, M. and Escobedo, J.P., Pore scale collapse mechanism of closed-cell aluminium foams during quasi-static compression, 3rd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures, Lund, Sweden, June 2017, ICTMS2017-77
- Ahmed, S. and Ashraf, M., Compression capacity of slender stainless steel cross-sections, The Eighth International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Sydney, Australia, November, 2015.
- Anwar-Us-Saadat, M., Ahmed, S. and Ashraf, M., Behavior of stainless steel lipped channel sections subjected to eccentric compression, The Eighth International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Sydney, Australia, November, 2015.
- Ahmed, S., Ashraf, M. and Al-Deen, S., Empirical formulations for predicting the flexural buckling resistance of stainless steel columns, 8th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, July, 2015.
- Anwar-Us-Saadat, M., Ashraf, M., Ahmed, S. and Al-Deen, S., Numerical investigation of stainless steel cross-sections subjected to combined loading, 8th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, July, 2015.
- Ahmed, S., Amanat, K.M. and Siddiquee, M.S.A., Behavior of Buried Box Culvert along Longitudinal Direction, Bangladesh Geotechnical Conference 2010, Dhaka, November-2010.