Dr. Sk. Md. Mashrur

Email: sm_mashrur@ce.buet.ac.bd
PABX No: 7224
Room No: 644
Personal web page

Dr. Sk. Md. Mashrur

Assistant Professor

Specialization: Transportation Engineering

Dr. Sk. Md. Mashrur has been a full-time faculty member at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) since 2016. He completed his PhD in Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto, Canada, in July 2023. From 2019 to 2023, he also worked there as a course instructor, research assistant, and teaching assistant. He also worked as a research scholar at McMaster University, Canada. His expertise lies in researching and educating about transportation, focusing on sustainable travel solutions through behavioral studies, travel demand analysis, and large-scale transport simulation modeling.

He is an expert in leading projects to develop effective strategic urban transportation planning, considering emerging mobility tools and unprecedented scenarios. The key focuses are managing and designing survey projects, conceptualizing choice experiments, preprocessing surveys and big data, and developing advanced transportation demand modeling techniques (e.g., econometric models, machine learning) to capture diverse passenger behavioral attitudes to ensure a resilient transportation system, particularly in public transit. Additionally, his work involves developing fully operational agent-based travel demand models for large-scale congested urban transportation networks. In addition, he extensively worked on micro-simulation modeling to tackle transportation challenges in Bangladesh with complex traffic conditions.

While conducting research, he also collaborated with transit agencies, regional data management groups, researchers, and professionals from various disciplines. His research results have been reflected in the publication of twelve papers in leading refereed journals such as Transport Research Part A, Transport Research Part D, Transport Research Part F, and Transport Policy. He is also an active reviewer of Transport Policy, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Transport Research Part A, Transport Research Record, Cogent Business & Management, and Geo-spatial Information Science.

His works have received recognition through several prestigious awards, including the Ontario Graduate Scholarship and NSERC Post-doctoral Fellowship. He currently envisions working at the intersection of big data, transportation planning analytics, and travel behavioral studies in the context of emerging mobility alternatives, particularly EV and CAV technologies. Thus, he actively contributes to developing a ubiquitous, equitable, efficient, safer, and greener transportation system by providing innovative solutions to the rising challenges while collaborating with his peers and other university scholars.

Throughout his eight-year teaching career at UofT and BUET, he has taught 13 diverse undergraduate and graduate courses in civil engineering. Such exposure trained him to guide students from different backgrounds, underscoring the significance of his contribution to a system prioritizing equity, diversity, and inclusion and fostering healthy work and learning environments for everyone.

Furthermore, he accrued nearly three years of professional experience as a junior consultant at the Bureau of Research, Testing, and Consultation of BUET. He conducted traffic impact assessments for multiple large-scale government-funded projects. In addition, he offered professional services, including preparing project proposals with detailed plans, designs, staffing requirements, work schedules, and budget forecasting. He also provided reports with in-depth analysis and recommendations for project success.


  • Ph.D. in Civil Engineering. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, July 2023
    Thesis Title: Multifaceted Investigations on Transit Demand Resilience: A Roadmap for Developing Sustainable Urban Transit Policies
    Supervisor: Prof. Khandker Nurul Habib
  • M.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Transportation). Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 2018
    Thesis Title: Modeling Bus Priority with Intermittent Bus Lane for Local Traffic Conditions
    Supervisor: Prof. Md. Hadiuzzaman
  • B.Sc. in Civil Engineering. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 2016
    Thesis Title: Forced Behavior of Non-Motorized Vehicles on Road Network Performances: A Micro-Simulation Approach
    Supervisor: Prof. Md. Shamsul Hoque

Research Interest

  • Public transit analytics
  • Emerging mobility tools (i.e., Electric, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles)
  • Intelligent transport system
  • Travel behavioral analysis (i.e., Econometric modeling)
  • Traffic simulation (i.e., Agent-based microsimulation)
  • Machine learning and statistical analysis

Research Awards

  • NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2023 – 2025
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 2022 – 2023
  • Soberman Graduate Student Fellowships 2021 – 2022
  • Second runner-up in the 13th Annual Joint CITE Section Student Presentation Competition Winner (Graduate Student Category), 2021 – 2022
  • Fortran Traffic Systems Graduate Scholarship, 2020 – 2021
  • Alan Tonks Scholarship in Transportation Engineering, 2019 – 2020
  • University of Toronto Fellowship, 2019 – 2023
  • Best Paper Award, Conference session, BUET-ANWAR ISPAT 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering Summit, Bangladesh, 2016 – 2017
  • First prize in Poster Presentation, “Cennovation 2014”, Bangladesh,2013 – 2014
  • BUET Dean’s Award and Academic Merit Scholarship, 2011 – 2014

Professional Work at National and International Levels

  • Transport modeller, Development of 100 feet Wide Canal along both sides of the Purbachal Link Road, 2018-2019
  • Transport modeller, Feasibility Study of Chittagong Port Authority Museum and Monument Development, 2018-2019
  • Transport modeller, Feasibility Study of Road Construction from Mirpur Darus Salam to Kachukhet,2017-2018
  • Transport modeller, TIA of 12 Storied Padma Oil Company Limited Commercial Building at Paribag, Dhaka, 2016-2017
  • Member, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, 2023- Present
  • Reviewer, Transport Policy , 2023- Present
  • Reviewer, Transport Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2023- Present
  • Reviewer, Geo-spatial Information Science, 2023- Present
  • Reviewer, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2022- Present
  • Reviewer, Cogent Business & Management, 2022- Present
  • Reviewer, TRB Annual Meeting, 2020- Present
  • Reviewer, Transportation Research Record, 2023- 2024
  • Member, Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, 2022- 2024
  • Member, Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2022- 2024
  • Member, Transportation Association of Canada, 2022- 2024

Selected Publications

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers

  1. Mashrur SM, Mohamed M. Uncovering factors affecting consumers’ decisions for pre-owned electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 2025
  2. Wang K, Mashrur SM, Nurul Habib K. Developing CUSTOM framework: explore telecommuting-induced activity-travel demands with mode choice. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. 2024.
  3. Mashrur SM, Wang K, Lavoie B, Nurul Habib KN. What Can Bring Transit Ridership Back: An Econometric Study on the Potential of Usage Incentives and Operational Policies in the Greater Toronto Area. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 2023. [PhD Work]
  4. Mashrur SM, Wang K, Habib KN. Will COVID-19 be the end of the public transit? Investigating the impacts of a public health crisis on transit mode choice. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2022. [PhD Work]
  5. Mashrur SM, Lavoie B, Wang K, Loa P, Habib KN. Joint Model of Transit Usage Frequency and In-Vehicle Safety Perception During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2022. [PhD Work]
  6. Mashrur SM, Wang K, Loa P, Hossain S, Habib KN. Application of Protection Motivation Theory to Quantify the Impact of Pandemic Fear on Anticipated Post-pandemic Transit Usage. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2022. [PhD Work]
  7. Mashrur SM, Haque N, Hadiuzzaman M, Rahman F, Rahman M, Chowdhury MES. Modeling Modified Intermittent Bus Lane Integrated with Transit Signal Priority Under Mixed Traffic Condition. Transportation in Developing Economies. 2022. [MSc Work]
  8. Loa P, Mashrur SM, Habib KN. What influences the substitution of ride-sourcing for public transit and taxi services in Toronto? An exploratory structural equation model-based study. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 2021.
  9. Loa P, Hossain S, Mashrur SM, Liu Y, Wang K, Ong F, Habib KN. Exploring the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on modality profiles for non-mandatory trips in the Greater Toronto Area. Transport Policy. 2021.
  10. Wang K, Liu Y, Mashrur SM, Loa P, Habib KN. COVid-19 influenced Households’ Interrupted Travel Schedules survey: Lessons from the fall 2020 cycle. Transport Policy. 2021.
  11. Habib KN, Hawkins J, Shakib S, Loa P, Mashrur SM, Dianat A, Wang K, Hossain S, Liu Y, Habib KN. Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on urban passenger travel demand in the greater Toronto area: description of a multi-pronged and multi-staged study with initial results. Transportation Letters. 2021.
  12. Roy B, Suma SA, Hadiuzzaman M, Barua S, Mashrur SM. Optimization of Delay Time at Signalized Intersections Using Direction-Wise Dynamic PCE Value. International Journal of Transportation Engineering. 2021.
  13. Jahan MI, Mazumdar AAB, Hadiuzzaman M, Mashrur SM, Murshed MN. Analyzing Service Quality of Pedestrian Sidewalks under Mixed Traffic Condition Considering Latent Variables. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 2020; 146(2).
  14. Mashrur SM, Saha B, Hadiuzzaman M, Rahman MdM, Kamal MR. Assessment of the effect of transit priority strategies on travel time delay at signalized road networks having mixed traffic. Journal of Civil Engineering (The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh). 2019. [MSc Work]

Peer-reviewed Conference Papers

  1. Mac A, Mashrur SM, Habib KN. Seamless Integration of Traffic and Transit Assignment with Activity-Travel Scheduling in An Agent-Based Modelling Framework. TAC Conference and Exhibition-Technology & Transformation, Transportation Association of Canada. 2024.
  2. Afia A, Sarkar S, Tabassum N, Mashrur SM. A Study on Women’s Safety in Public Transport of Dhaka City. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advances In Civil Engineering (ICACE 2020). 2020.
  3. Jahan Heme M, Anika A, Mashrur SM. Impact of ride-sharing on public transport in Dhaka city: an exploratory study. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020). 2020.
  4. Das T, Sutradhar U, Faruque GM, Hadiuzzaman M, Mashrur SM. Exploring Heterogeneity in Perception of Service Quality among Groups of Passenger Ferry Users. In: International Conference on Transportation and Development 2019: Smarter and Safer Mobility and Cities – American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 2019.
  5. Nasir T, Mashrur SM, Rahman M, Hossain R. A Case Study : Impact of Multi-Purpose Recreational Facility on Sub-Urban Road Network. In: International Conference on Engineering Research and Practice (iCERP2019). 2019.
  6. Haque N, Mashrur SM, Saha T, Khan NR, Mahmud A, Hoque MM, et al. Designing a Roundabout Having Centripetal Motion With Provision for Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities : a Case Study for 5-Legged Intersection. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2016). 2016.
  7. Mashrur SM, Hoque MS. Development of Calibrating Microscopic Simulation Model for Non-Lane based Heterogeneous Traffic Operation. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2016). 2016.

Peer-reviewed Conference Presentations

  1. Prince ZH, Naz A, Hadiuzzaman M, Mashrur SM, Mohamed M. Car, Bus, or Metro? Evaluating Mode Shift Dynamics through the Introduction of Mass Rapid Transit in a City’s Evolving Transportation System. In: 104th   Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2025.
  2. Hu T, Mashrur SM, Shakib S, Habib KN, Chan E. Integrating Electric Scooters in Transportation Master Plan of a Midsize North American City: The Case of Oakville Masterplan, Ontario. In: 104th   Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2025.
  3. Mashrur SM, Mohamed M. Uncovering factors affecting consumers’ decisions for pre-owned electric vehicles. In: 104th   Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2025.
  4.  Ong F, Mashrur SM, Mohamed M, Habib KN. Electric Vehicle Preferences: How Do Preferences Differ for Additional versus Replacement Household Vehicles? In: 104th   Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2025.
  5. Mashrur SM, Loa P, Ong F, Habib KN. Transit Pass Ownership as a Potential Source of Heterogeneity in the Determinants of Ride-sourcing Use in Metro Vancouver. In: 17th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research. 2024.
  6. Mashrur SM, Loa P, Ong F, Habib KN. Transit Pass Ownership as a Potential Source of Heterogeneity in the Determinants of Ride-sourcing Use in Metro Vancouver. In: 103rd  Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2023.
  7. Mashrur SM, Wang K, Lavoie B, Habib KN. What can Bring Transit Ridership Back: An Econometric study on the Potential of Usage Incentives and Operational Policies in the Greater Toronto Area. In: 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2023.
  8. Mashrur SM, Wang K, Habib KN. Application of a Hybrid Choice Model to Assess the Influence of COVID-19 Risk Perceptions on Transit Route Choice in the Greater Toronto Area. In: 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2023.
  9. Wang K, Mashrur SM, Habib KN. Developing a Flexible Activity Scheduling Model to Investigate Post-Pandemic ‘Work Arrangement Choice’ Induced Daily Activity-Travel Demands. In: 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2023.
  10. Hossain S, Loa P, Wang K, Mashrur SM, Dianat A, Habib KN. A Comprehensive Data Fusion to Evaluate the Impacts of COVID-19 on Passenger Travel Demands: Application of a Core-Satellite Data Collection Paradigm. In: 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2023.
  11. Mashrur SM, Wang K, Habib KN. Investigating the impact of COVID-19 on Post-pandemic Transit Demand using a Hybrid Choice Model. In: 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research. 2022.
  12. Mashrur SM, Lavoie B, Wang K, Loa P, Habib KN. A Joint Model of Transit Usage Frequency and in-Vehicle Safety Perception During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: 101st  Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2022.
  13. Mashrur SM, Wang K, Loa P, Hossain S, Habib KMN. Protection Motivation Theory to Quantify the Impact of Pandemic Fear on Anticipated Post-pandemic Transit Usage. In: 10 st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2022
  14. Mashrur SM, Wang K, Habib KMN. Will COVID-19 be the End of the Public Transit ? Investigating the Impacts of Public Health Crisis on Transit Mode Choice. In: 100th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2021.
  15. Loa P, Mashrur SM, Habib KMN. What Would Have Been the Substitute Travel Modes of Ride-Sourcing Trips if There Were No Ride-Sourcing Services? In: 10o the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2021.
  16. Habib KN, Hawkins J, Shakib S, Loa P, Mashrur SM, Dianat A, et al. Assessing the Impacts of COVID-19 on Urban Passenger Travel Demand in the Greater Toronto Area: Description of A Multi-Pronged and Multi-Staged Study with Initial Results. In: 100 the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2021
  17. Jahan MI, Mashrur SM, Hadiuzzaman M, Das T, Anika A. Exploring Observed and Unobserved Latent Factors Affecting Commuters’ behavior on adopting Shared Ride Hailing System. In: 100 the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2021.


  1. Mashrur SM, Wang K, Loa P, Habib KN. Report on Transit Demand and Choice Adaptation Survey 2021. Travel Modeling Group, University of Toronto. 2021.
  2. Mashrur SM, Wang K, Hossain S, Loa P, Habib KN. An Assessment of the Impacts of Covid-19 Lockdown in Summer 2020 on Transit Use in the Greater Toronto Area: Results from the Cycle-1 of SPETT Satellite Survey. Travel Modeling Group, University of Toronto 2020.
  3. Loa P, Hossain S, Liu Y, Mashrur SM, Habib KN. How has COVID-19 Impacted Ride-sourcing used in the Greater Toronto Area? Results from the first cycle of the SiSTM satellite survey. Travel Demand Modeling Group, University of Toronto. 2020.
  4. Zakaria M, Hoque MM, Rahman M, Mashrur SM. Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) of Padma Oil Company Limited Commercial Building (12 Storied) at Paribag, Dhaka. 2017