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Sumaiya Afrose Suma
Assistant Professor
Specialization: Transportation Engineering
Sumaiya Afrose Suma graduated with a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering and a M.Sc. in Civil & Transportation Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2019 and 2022, respectively. Currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department at BUET. Sumaiya is a researcher in Transportation Engineering. Her goal is to establish herself as a respected researcher in this field. Her research primarily focuses on (a) transit modeling to examine user preferences for public transportation; (b) constructing trip-wise mode choice models for emerging societies; and (c) accessibility analysis to enhance the quality of transit services. She has published several research articles in prestigious conferences and peer-reviewed journals. Additionally, she aspires to have a good career in education. In addition to these activities, she is actively involved in laboratory and field testing through the Bureau of Research, Testing and Consultation (BRTC), BUET.
- M.Sc. (Civil & Transportation), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2022.
- B.Sc. (Civil Engineering), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2019.
- Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC), Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2014.
- Secondary School Certificate (SSC), Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2012.
Research Interest
- Transportation Planning
- Public Transit
- Traffic Simulation
- Signal Optimization
Research Awards
- Prime Minister Gold Medal (2019): For securing 1st position among the graduates from Faculty of Civil Engineering in undergraduate study (applied)
- Dean’s Award: For outstanding academic performance in each academic year of undergraduate study
- BUET Academic Merit Scholarship: For outstanding academic performance in each term of undergraduate study
- Dhaka Education Board Scholarship: For outstanding scholastic performance in HSC examination
- Dhaka Education Board Scholarship: For outstanding scholastic performance in SSC examination (Secured 32nd position in merit list)
Professional Work at National and International Levels
- Routinely involved in laboratory testing and site visits through the Bureau of Research, Testing and Consultation (BRTC), BUET since 2020. Testing services include different routine and conventional laboratory tests for concrete, aggregates, bricks, tiles etc. Site visits include calibration of compressive strength testing machine, universal testing machine, electronic balance, and testing of concrete cores etc.
- One of the trainers in “Training Program on Traffic Engineering, Traffic Signal & Intersection Development for Transport Professionals” for DTCA professionals, 16-20 November 2019.
- Member of Technical Committee, 5th Annual Paper Meet and 2nd Civil Engineering Congress, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
- Ali, M.Y., Haque, N., Suma, S.A., and Hadiuzzaman, M. (2022). “Video Sensor-Based Automatic License Plate Recognition of Static and Moving Vehicles”, International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology-IRJIET, 6(8), 25-30.
- Roy, B., Suma, S.A., Hadiuzzaman, M., Barua, S., and Mashrur, S.M. (2021). “Optimization of Delay Time at Signalized Intersections using Direction-Wise Dynamic PCE Value”, International Journal of Transportation Engineering, 8(3), 279-298.
Conference Proceedings
- Nayeem, A., Haque, N., Ali, M.Y., Suma, S.A., Rafat, S.A., and Hadiuzzaman, M. “Estimation of Correction Factor for Converting COVID-19 Induced Traffic Data into Regular Data”, Proceedings of 5th Annual Paper Meet and 2nd Civil Engineering Congress, 29-30 July 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Islam, M.A., Hanif, F., Suma, S.A., Raihan, M.A., and Hadiuzzaman, M. “Effect of COVID-19 Lockdown on Traffic and the Crash Rate of National Highway: Evidence from Bangladesh”, AIP Conference Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2022), 10-12 February 2022, Khulna, Bangladesh.
- Rahman, M. M., Hanif, F., Jahan, M. I., Suma S. A., Raihan, M. A., Hadiuzzaman, M. “Mode Choice Behavior of Working Population in a Developing Urban Society: What to Consider for Transportation Planning”, 3rd Annual Conference on Regional Science (BRSA), October 2021, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Shahid, N.B., Ahsan, S.N., Jahan, M.I., Raihan, M.A., Suma, S.A., and Hadiuzzaman, M. “Ride Sharing Bike Service in a Developing Urban Society: Safety Perspective – A Structural Equation Modeling Approach”, TRB 100th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 2020.
- Shahid, N.B., Ahsan, S.N., Suma, S.A., Jahan, M.I., Raihan, M.A., and Hadiuzzaman, M. “A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Analyze Perceived Service Quality of Ride Sharing Service in Bangladesh: A Pathao Case Study”, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Transportation Research 2020 (ICTR 2020), 07-09 November 2020, Mirpur, Bangladesh.