PABX No: 7242
Room No: 630
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Dr. Sarwar Jahan Md. Yasin
Specialization: Geotechnical Engineering
[No info available]
- Ph.D., Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 1998
- M.Sc., Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1990
- B.Sc., Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1987
Research Interest
- Geotechnical characterization of soils through element tests, model tests and field tests, constitutive modeling, soil improvement.
Research Awards
- Post Doctoral Fellowship (September 2001 – September 2003) was awarded by the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) for doing research at the university of Tokyo.
- ADB-Japan Scholarship (April 1995 – March 1998) was awarded for research in geotechnical engineering at the University of Tokyo, Japan, leading to Ph.D. degree.
Professional Work at National and International Levels
[No info available]
Selected Publications
- Yasin, S.J.M., Umetsu, K, Tatsuoka,F., Arthur,J.R.F. and Dunstan, T. (1999) “Plane strain strength and deformation of sands affected by batch variations and different apparatus types, Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, GTJODJ, Vol.22, March 1999, pp.80-100.
- Yasin, S.J.M. and Tatsuoka, F. (2000) “Stress history-dependent deformation characteristics of dense sand in plane strain, Soils & Foundations, Vol.40, No.2, pp.77-98, April 2000.
- Yasin,S.J.M. and Habibullah, M. (2003) “A simple model to simulate the deformation-time history observed in a one dimensional consolidation test on a clay soil”, Civil Engineering Journal of the Institution of Engineers of Bangladesh (IEB).
- Yasin, S.J.M. and Safiullah, M. (2003) “Effect of particle characteristics on the strength and volume change behaviour of sand”, Civil Engineering Journal of the Institution of Engineers of Bangladesh (IEB).