Dr. Sheikh Mokhlesur Rahman

Email: smrahman@ce.buet.ac.bd
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Dr. Sheikh Mokhlesur Rahman


Specialization: Environmental Engineering

Dr. Sheikh Mokhlesur Rahman is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering at Department of Civil Engineering, BUET. He completed his PhD in Civil Engineering in 2018 from Northeastern University, Boston, USA. His PhD research was focused on toxicity characterization and prediction from toxicogenomic data using data mining and machine learning approaches under the supervision of Professor April Gu. He completed his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from BUET in 2007 and 2010 Respectively. His research interests include data science and machine learning application environmental data analysis, life cycle assessment, environmental pollution management, sustainable development and environmental management.


  • PhD. Northeastern University, Boston, MA,Environmental Engineering,August, 2018 Thesis: Application of Data Mining and Machine Learning Approaches to Assess, Characterize, and Predict Chemical Toxicity from High‑dimensional Time‑series Toxicogenomic DataSupervisor: Prof. April Z. Gu 
  • MSc. Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh,2010, Civil and Environmental EngineeringThesis: Air quality assessment and the health effects of air pollution in Dhaka city through impact-pathway modelSupervisor: Prof. M. Ashraf Ali and Prof. Zia Wadud
  • BSc. Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh,2007, Civil Engineering.Thesis: Enhancement of Seismic Performance of Soft Ground Storey RCC Structures  Supervisor: Prof. Ishtiaque Ahmed

Research Interest

  • Data mining and machine learning application environmental data analysis
  • network science in risk assessment
  • life cycle assessment
  • environmental pollution management
  • sustainable development and environmental management

Research Awards

  • Avail research grants of 20,000 USD from Mathworks for the project titled “Developing a Time-series Toxicogenomic Data Visualization and Analysis Toolbox (ToxVAT) using MATLAB”

Professional Work at National and International Levels

  • Selection of Water Treatment Processes for Mirsarai Industrial City, IWM, Bangladesh
  • Assessment of raw water quality, identification of scaling problem, propose modification of treatment processes and preliminary design of treatment process at Meherpur Paurashava (under Third Urban Governance and lnfrastructure lmprovement Project, UGIIP-lll), DPHE, Bangladesh
  • PPP Transaction Advisory Services for Dhaka-Chattogram Access Controlled Highway under PPP Basis, RHD & PPP Authority, Banlgadesh

Selected Publications

Journal Papers

  1. Li Y, Rahman SM, Li G, Fowle W, Nielsen PH, and Gu AZ, “The Composition and Role of Polyphosphate-Metal in Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Systems”. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53 (3), 1536-1544.
  2. Rahman SM, Eckelman MJ, Onnis-Hayden A, and Gu AZ, “Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Advanced Wastewater Treatment Processes for Removal of Chemicals of Emerging Concern”. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(19): 11346-11358.
  3. Li Y, Cope HA, Rahman SM, Nielsen PH, Elfick A, and Gu AZ, “Linking Raman-Based Phenotypic Profiling and Phylogenetic Diversity to Reveal EBPR Physiological Characteristics”. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(15): 8596-8606.
  4. Lan J, Rahman SM, Gou N, Jiang T, Plewa MJ, Alshawabkeh A, and Gu AZ, “Genotoxicity Assessment of Drinking Water Disinfection By-products (DBPs) by DNA Damage and Repair Pathway Profiling Analysis”. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52 (11), pp 6565-6575.
  5. Rahman SM, Eckelman MJ, Onnis-Hayden A, and Gu AZ, “Life Cycle Assessment of Advanced Nutrient Removal Technologies for Wastewater Treatment”. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50 (6), pp 3020-3030.
  6. Lan J, Gou N, Rahman SM, Gao C, He M, and Gu AZ, “A Quantitative Toxicogenomics Assay for High-throughput and Mechanistic Genotoxicity Assessment and Screening of Environmental Pollutants”. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50 (6), pp 3202-3214.

Technical Reports

  1. Gu AZ, Rahman SM, Eckelman MJ, and Onnis-Hayden A, “Sustainability Evaluation of Nutrient Removal Technologies Using Comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment”. Water Environmental Research Foundation (WERF) and International Water Association (IWA) Publishing, Report no. NUTR5R14f, 2016.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Dong S, Feric Z, Li X, Rahman SM, Li G, Wu C, . . . Alshawabkeh A. “A Hybrid Approach to Identifying Key Factors in Environmental Health Studies.” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Seattle, WA, USA, December, 2018.
  2. Rahman SM, Eckelman MJ, Onnis-Hayden A, and Gu AZ, “Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Technologies for Removal of Contaminants of Emerging Concern.” Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC 2014), New Orleans, LA, USA, September, 2014.
  3. Rahman SM, Eckelman MJ, Onnis-Hayden A, and Gu AZ, “Sustainability in Nutrient Removal- Co-cost and Co-benefits Associated with Advanced Nutrient Removal Processes and Technologies Revealed by Comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment”, Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC 2013), Chicago, IL, USA, October, 2013.
  4. Rahman SM, Onnis-Hayden A, Eckelman MJ, and Gu AZ, “Environmental Impact Assessment of Wastewater treatment plants to remove Nitrogen and Phosphorous from municipal wastewater: An application of Life Cycle Assessment Methodology”, WEF/IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2013, British Columbia, Canada, July, 2013.
  5. Afrin T, Ashraf MA, Rahman SM, and Wadud Z, “Development of a Grid Based Emission Inventory and a Source Receptor Model for Dhaka City”, The U.S. EPA’s International Emissions Inventory Conference, Florida, USA, August, 2012.
  6. Rahman SM, Wadud Z, Ashraf, MA, and Guttikunda, S, “Developing Source Receptor Model (SRM) to estimate the grid-based particulate matter concentration in Dhaka”, 4th Annual Paper Meet and 1st Civil Engineer’s Congress, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December, 2011.
  7. Rahman SM and Ahmed, I, “Enhancement of Seismic Performance of Soft Ground Storey RCC Structures”, 3rd ASIA Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ACEE-2010), Bangkok, Thailand, December, 2010.